What is the difference between conducting cross-sectional research and longitudinal research?
Cross-sectional research: (Querschnittsforschung)
snapchot/ screenshot in which data is collected from different people/groups at a specific point in time (Schnappschuss/Screenshot, bei dem Daten von verschiedenen Personen/Gruppen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt erhoben werden)
Longitudinal Research: (Längsschnittforschung)
research is conducted with the same people/groups over a longer periode of time. (Die Forschung wird mit denselben Personen/Gruppen über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg durchgeführt.)
Give a brief description of a method or purpose of social care work. (Geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung einer Methode oder eines Zwecks der Sozialarbeit.)
social care work is working with individuals who are in need because of different problematic situations
they also enhance the well-being of the individuals and their quality or life
Goal of social care work is to promote the social inclusion and the autonomy of the person
Whar is the purpose of critical theory within studies of society? Welchen Zweck hat die kritische Theorie in der Gesellschaftsforschung?
(What does critical theory look at in society?)
Critical Theory evaluates social structures, justice systems, and cultural norms as relating knowledge in combination with power dynamics.
Die Kritische Theorie bewertet soziale Strukturen, Rechtssysteme und kulturelle Normen als Wissen in Verbindung mit Machtdynamik.
What is the primary aim/goal of Ethnographic Research?
Was ist das Hauptziel der ethnografischen Forschung?
Theoretical Approaches: how the story is told
Disciplines: Anthropology (study of humanity)
Primary Aim/Goal: to document and analyze the culture, beliefs, behaviors, and social interactions of the group being studied
Form of Data: qualitative data
Theoretische Ansätze: Wie die Geschichte erzählt wird
Disziplinen: Anthropologie (Studium der Menschheit)
Primäres Ziel: Dokumentieren und Analysieren der Kultur, des Glaubens, der Verhaltensweisen und der sozialen Interaktionen der untersuchten Gruppe
Form der Daten: qualitative Daten
Why is the “industrial revolution” considered a problematic phrase by some modern historians?
Warum wird die "industrielle Revolution" von einigen modernen Historikern als problematischer Begriff angesehen?
centers of factories/ technology as “progressive”
Historiography and concepts of progress must be de-linked
de-values Asian trade/engagement
human value is measured by potential for labor/production and/or social capital
Zentren der Fabriken/Technologie als "fortschrittlich"
Geschichtsschreibung und Konzepte des Fortschritts müssen entkoppelt werden
Entwertung des asiatischen Handels/Engagements
der menschliche Wert wird am Arbeits-/Produktionspotenzial und/oder am sozialen Kapital gemessen
Primary, secondary and tertiary sources
Primary Sources:
clostest relationsship in time and space to the subject
often implies a documentary relationsship
Secondary Sources:
explicity about primary sources
Tertiary Sources:
collection, anthology, or index of primary or secondary sources
What is a case study? (Fallstudie)
case studies are used to analyze and understand distinct groups or individuals
case studies are mainly used in medical and social research
“to give an in-depth picture of the issue being studied and the broader enviroment
Fallstudien werden verwendet, um bestimmte Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen zu analysieren und zu verstehen.
Fallstudien werden hauptsächlich in der medizinischen und sozialen Forschung eingesetzt
"um ein detailliertes Bild des untersuchten Themas und des weiteren Umfelds zu erhalten
Five Basic Principles of Reliable Sources (Fünf Grundprinzipien zuverlässiger Quellen)
Documents are dependet on space and time
Anything can be a document, but not every document is equally valuable
value of the document depends on the respective situations
documents can be the start of an interesting research project
connection between the question and the documents should be flexible
Dokumente sind abhängig von Raum und Zeit
Alles kann ein Dokument sein, aber nicht jedes Dokument ist gleich wertvoll
der Wert des Dokuments hängt von der jeweiligen Situation ab
Dokumente können der Beginn eines interessanten Forschungsprojekts sein
die Verbindung zwischen der Fragestellung und den Dokumenten sollte flexibel sein
Structure from a journal.
Literature Review
Jane Adams (1860- 1935) “Hull House”
Das Hull House war eine bahnbrechende soziale Einrichtung im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Es wurde 1889 von der Sozialreformerin Jane Addams und ihrer Kollegin Ellen Gates Starr gegründet. Das Hull House war eines der ersten Siedlungshäuser in den Vereinigten Staaten und wurde zu einem Modell für ähnliche Einrichtungen in anderen Städten.
Das Hull House diente als Zentrum für soziale Reformen und bot eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen und Programmen für die Gemeinschaft an, insbesondere für Einwanderer und Arbeiter in den umliegenden Stadtvierteln. Zu den Angeboten gehörten Unterricht für Kinder und Erwachsene, Beratung, Freizeitaktivitäten, medizinische Versorgung, Wohnraum für Bedürftige und kulturelle Veranstaltungen.
Das Hull House war ein wichtiges Zentrum für soziale Aktivitäten, politische Diskussionen und Bildungsbemühungen. Es spielte eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Förderung von Frauenrechten, Arbeitsreformen, dem Schutz von Kindern und der Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen. Das Hull House hatte einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des sozialen Engagements und der Sozialarbeit in den Vereinigten Staaten und trug dazu bei, die Bedeutung von sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft zu betonen.
How to read a journal article.
Read Abstract
is the abstract not relevant, skip the rest.
Read Intro and Conclusion
Find the Party the are mainly relevant
Read All the Way Through
Abbildung dazu:
Define perception. (Wahrnehmung) What do you think it means to be aware of your own perception? Why does the concept of perceptopn matter in social care work?
Perception is the complex process of interpreting sensory information to understand the enviroment, which also enables a change in perspectives and an ability to empathize with others.
Is important to understand how we see the world, and how other see the world.
What is “the social question? Is there a difference between “a social question” and “the social question”?
The social question - is a historical term in the 18. Century during the industrial revolution. The question reffered the society which led to a new, unique set of problems, such as: labor conditions, population growth, urbanization, poor living conditions, lack of social safety nets, political representation of the working class.
Die soziale Frage - ist ein historischer Begriff, der im 18. Jahrhundert während der industriellen Revolution. Die Frage bezog sich auf die Gesellschaft, die zu einer neuen, einzigartigen Reihe von Problemen führte, wie: Arbeitsbedingungen, Bevölkerungswachstum, Verstädterung, schlechte Lebensbedingungen, fehlende soziale Sicherheitsnetze, politische Vertretung der Arbeiterklasse.
A social question can refer to any social problems, such as poverty, addiction, childcare, prision reform and so on.
Define social care work.
Social care work is working with individuals who are need because of different problematic situations like mental health problems, poverty, and similar things. Social care workers work directly with people in their homes. They also enhance to well-being of the individuals and their quality of life. The goal of social care work is to promote the social inclusion and the autonomy of the person.
Sozialarbeit ist die Arbeit mit Menschen, die aufgrund verschiedener problematischer Situationen wie psychischer Probleme, Armut und ähnlicher Dinge in Not sind. Sozialbetreuer arbeiten direkt mit den Menschen in ihren Wohnungen. Sie verbessern auch das Wohlbefinden der Menschen und ihre Lebensqualität. Das Ziel der Sozialarbeit ist es, die soziale Eingliederung und die Autonomie der Menschen zu fördern.
Black Death 1346 - 1353
(schwarze Pest/ schwarzer Tod)
Die Pandemie breitete sich von Zentralasien über Handelsrouten nach Europa, Nordafrika und den Nahen Osten aus. Sie verursachte massive Todesfälle, dezimierte Bevölkerungen und hatte weitreichende soziale und wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen. In einigen Regionen starb bis zu einem Drittel oder sogar die Hälfte der Bevölkerung.
Die Auswirkungen der Pest waren vielfältig. Sie führten zu einem Mangel an Arbeitskräften, was wiederum die Löhne erhöhte und den Feudalismus beeinflusste. Die Schwächung der traditionellen sozialen Strukturen führte auch zu sozialen Unruhen und politischen Veränderungen. Kulturell und psychologisch hatte die Pest ebenfalls erhebliche Auswirkungen und fand in der Kunst, Literatur und Religion Niederschlag.
Statue of Laborers 1349
Die "Statute of Laborers" (Gesetz über Arbeiter) von 1349 war ein Gesetz, das vom englischen Parlament unter König Eduard III. erlassen wurde. Es war eine Reaktion auf die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Schwarzen Pest, die Europa zwischen 1347 und 1351 heimsuchte. Die Pest hatte einen erheblichen Mangel an Arbeitskräften verursacht, da große Teile der Bevölkerung gestorben waren.
Why is the industrial revolution considered a problematic phrase by some modern historians?
centers on factories / technology as “progressive”
historiography and concepts of progress muss be de-linked
de-values asian trade/ engagement
what, exactly, is being defined by IR- labor? Production, Social capital, “worth” of people?
Experimental Research
understanding casual processes
Basic idea: use different variables to measure differences between them
quanitative data
Quantitative Research
Finding patterns and averages
making predictions
testing casual relationships
Basic Idea: Collecting and analyzing numerical data
Form of data: numerical data
Experiment = Controlling or manipulating an independent variable to measure its effect.
Survey = Distributing questionnaires
Observation = Identifying a behavior or occurence of interest and monitoring it in its natural setting.
Experiment = Kontrolle oder Manipulation einer unabhängigen Variable, um ihre Wirkung zu messen.
Umfrage = Verteilen von Fragebögen
Beobachtung = Identifizierung eines Verhaltens oder Ereignisses von Interesse und dessen Beobachtung in seiner natürlichen Umgebung.
Narrative Research
people understand and give meaning to their lives through their stories
explore and unravel stories of people´s lives and told by them
Form of data:
What is told about a story/ history/ event?
Collected in many forms
Interview commonly used a key reserarch tool
Theoretical approaches:
historical facts
how the story is told
health, social science and education
Menschen verstehen und geben ihrem Leben durch ihre Geschichten einen Sinn
Geschichten aus dem Leben der Menschen erforschen und enträtseln, die von ihnen erzählt werden
Form der Daten:
Was wird über eine Geschichte/ein Ereignis erzählt?
Gesammelt in vielen Formen
Das Interview wird häufig als zentrales Rechercheinstrument verwendet
Name three methods of quantitative research.
Three quantitative research methods are:
1. Experimental Research: This method involves the manipulation of variables to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Participants are randomly assigned to different conditions, and outcomes are measured to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
2. Survey Research: Surveys involve collecting data from a sample of individuals through questionnaires or interviews. The data collected can be analyzed quantitatively to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the sample population.
3. Correlational Research: This method examines the relationship between two or more variables without intervening or manipulating them. Correlation coefficients are used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between variables, helping researchers understand the extent to which changes in one variable are associated with changes in another.
Name three methods of qualitative research.
1. Ethnography: Ethnography involves immersing the researcher in the culture or social setting being studied to gain an in-depth understanding of the participants' behaviors, interactions, and perspectives. Researchers often spend extended periods in the field, observing and participating in daily activities, conducting interviews, and collecting various forms of qualitative data to capture the nuances of the culture under study.
2. Phenomenology: Phenomenology focuses on exploring individuals' subjective experiences and perceptions of a particular phenomenon or aspect of their lived experiences. Researchers seek to understand the essence of these experiences through in-depth interviews, reflective journaling, or other qualitative data collection methods. Phenomenological research aims to uncover the underlying meanings and structures that shape individuals' perceptions and interpretations of their reality.
3. Grounded Theory: Grounded theory is an iterative and systematic approach to developing theories grounded in the data collected from empirical research. Researchers begin with open-ended data collection, such as interviews or observations, and then use constant comparison and coding techniques to analyze the data and identify patterns, categories, and themes. Through this iterative process, researchers generate theories that emerge directly from the data, rather than imposing preconceived theoretical frameworks.
Name one research methods which can be used for gathering data based on personal experience.
Autoethnography involves the researcher reflecting on their own experiences within a cultural context, often combining personal narrative with analytical insights to understand broader social or cultural phenomena. It allows researchers to explore their own lived experiences, perspectives, and identities, while also considering how these experiences are shaped by larger social and cultural forces. Autoethnography can provide valuable insights into subjective experiences and contribute to a deeper understanding of complex social phenomena.
What is the red thread of the early history of social welfare?
The read threadn of early history where informal system of support exited within families,communities and religious institutions. Institualisation of social welfare began emerge during the middle ages in europa with the development of almshouses, hospitals and charitable organizations operated by religious orders, monarchs and local communities.
Renaissance and the Enlightment periods, there was a growing recognition of the state´s role in adressing proverty, illness and other social issues. This establishment of early forms of gouverment intervention in social welfare, such as poor laws and publish hospitals.
In the 19th century the emergence of the modern welfare state. Theses devolments were influenced by various social reform movements and the push woman´s rights.
Industrial revolution brough significant social and economic changes, including urbanization, industrialization and increased proverty and inequality. They are many voluntary organizations aimt at adressing the social problem caused by raptid industrialization.
Klaus Mollenhauen
Klaus Mollenhauer is born in 1928 and died in 1998. He was a german educator and educational scientist. Befor he studied philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. His primary research interest was initated critical educational science and brought a paradigma shift. The particulary known for his work “historical-genetic pedagogy” and “biograph and education”. Mollenhauer examined the historical devolpement of pedagogical concepts and theories, with a partiular. focus on the relationship between education and society. He was the central educator of the post-war periode. He is regarded as the founder of emancipatory pedagogy - a socially critical orientation of pedagogical theory - which is commonly seen in close connection with the anti-authoritarian education of 1968.
One fun fact about Klaus Mollenhauer is he work next to his adademic carreer a a teacher in school. His experience as a teacher had a strong influence on his work and significantly influenced his pedagogical approaches.
Hans Thiersch
Hans Thiersch is born in 1935. Thiersch coined the concept of lifeworld-orientation in the social working the 1970. The concept of lifeworld orientation became particulary important in 1990 in the theories of social work. A fun fact about Hans Thiersch is he enthuastic fotographer. Thiersch visual documenting his educational ideas and concepts through photographs. The passion for photograph is reflected in this work.
Herman Nohl
Herman Nohl is born in 1879 in Frankfurt. Nohl was influential representative of reform pedagogy and humanistic pedagogy. He supported a complete education the emphasized indivuiduals development and personal growth. In addition to his education carreer, he was activ in philosophy. Nohl contributed to Nietzsche work accessibly to a wider audience and interpreted them in the context of the pedagogy and philosophy of his time.
Timetable of early history of social care work
1346- 1353: Black Death
1349: Statues of Laborers - set the precedent
1492: Columbus sailed the ocean blue
1531: Statute for the punishment of beggars and vagabons - stricter punishment but also attempting to relieve the need for poor relief
1536: The Act for the Punishment of Sturdy Vagabonds and beggars fully passed parliament: ordered local officials to obtain resources through voluntary contribution collected in churches
1572: Overseer of the poor, first step in professionalisation of welfare work
1712-1778: Jean Jacque Rousseau
1746 - 1827: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
1860-1935: Jane Addams
1884: Toynbee Hall established
1892: Hull House established
1861-1928: Mary Richmond
1917: Social Dignosis published
“Mother of modern social work”
Social Diagnosis (1917) - Mary Ellen Richmond
What is social case work (1861 - 1928) -Mary Richmond
From Charity to social work - Mary Richmond
Last changeda year ago