Site of T-cell activation
draining lymph node
antigen taken up in tissue (skin for Langerhans cells) —> enter the lymphatic system
mature DC enters lymph node from infected tissue & transfers antigen to resident DC —> B7-positive DC stimulates naive T-cells
blood DC go to spleen
mucosa DC to mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
changes in mature DC
acquisition of cytokine receptors to travel to lymph node
stop antigen uptake ( no MHC recycling)
increase B7
trapping of activated T-cells
in the lymph nodes
after initial activation for some days & then emigration of antigen-specific T-cells from the draining lymph node
migration of naive T-cell to lymph node mediated by S1P (sphingosine-1-phosphate) binding to S1PR1 on naive T-cells
in lymph node recognition of DC /self-antigen: MHC) leads to activation signal —> increase in CD69 expression inhibits S1PR1 (one of the earliest changes)
leads to trapping during initial activation
CD69 transiently expressed —>disappears after some days allowing the emigration of T-cells
CD69 is a target for auto-immune diseases to change migration activity
adhesion molecules
need tight interaction between T-cell & APC
LFA-1 interacts with ICAM-1 0r ICAM-2 on APC
CD2 interacts with CD58
signals for T-cell activation
signal 1 Activation —> given by TCR for initial activation (with coreceptor CD4/CD8)
Signal 2 Survival —> costimulation CD28/B7 (CD80 or CD86) from same APC
Signal 3 Differentiation —> by cytokines produced by the APC
signal 1+2 sufficient for proliferation
signal 1 alone leads to activation-induced cell death
immunological synapse
contact zone T-cell & DC
SMAC = supramolecular adhesion complex (central cSMAC & peripheral pSMAC)
cSMAC: TCR, CD4, CD28, peptide:MHC, CD8 (all signaling molecules)
enhanced adhesion
T-cell initially binds APC through low-affinity LFA1:ICAM-1 interaction
subsequent binding of TCR signals LFA-1
conformational changes in LFA-1 increases affinity & prolongs cell-cell contact
—>inside/outside signaling
autocrine proliferation
induced by IL-2/IL-2R
naive T-cell: IL-2R with γß chain (moderate activity)
activated T-cell: IL-2R with γß & α (CD25) chain —> high affinity
early induction of CD69 & α chain of IL-2R to allow high interaction
—>activation of 1 clone not enough to fight pathogens
massive T-cell proliferation due to the production of GF IL-2
DC licensing by CD4
APC stimulates effector CD4 T-cel to induce expression of CD40L & IL-2
—>cross-talk professional APC & CD4+ T-cell
partially mature T-cell terminates maturation of DC by interaction CD40 & CD40L
fully activated APC increases expression of co-stimulatory factors B7 & 4-1BBL
(costimulatory receptor/ligand pair not always in Ig-superfamily —>here TNF superfamily)
other molecules participate in signal 2
—>most CD8 T-cell responses require CD4 T-cells
also production of IL-2 driving CD8 T-cell proliferation
Signal 2
not limited to CD28/B7 interaction (CD28 superfamily part of Ig-superfamily)
CD28 constitutive at cell surface & in competition with inhibitory receptor CTLA-4 (same ligand)
receptor costimulatory or inhibitory (ITIM domain)
inhibitory receptors expressed after activation —> competition —> immune response needs to be shut off after some time to avoid unlimited T-cell proliferation
—> T-cell alive but less able to mediate effector functions
CTLA-4 & PD-1 key targets for tumor-immunotherapy (persistent tumor) —> can cure solid tumors (immune checkpoint blockade)
inhibitory ligands expressed by some tumor cells to escape immune system
T-cell costimulation from the TNF superfamily
TNF superfamily numbered or initial names
trimers at the cell surface, some processed to be secreted
costimulatory pairs:
4-1BLL - 4-1BB
OX40L - OX40
other important TNF-receptors: TRAIL-receptor & Fas (proapoptotic death domain), CD40
other changes by T-cell activation
L-selectin (adhesion molecule) for extravasation of blood cells to SLO on inactivated but not active (should go to infected tissue)
increase of adhesion molecules on T-cell for tight binding to APC: VLA4, LFA-1, CD2, CD44
no changes in expression of TCR & coreceptor CD4
CD45 changes from CD45RA (rested) to CD45RO (active) —>RO associates with TCR & CD4 (splicing variant)
break in T-cell activation (ITIM motif in cytoplasmic tail)
stops proliferation
higher affinity of CTLA-4 for B7 than CD28 —>delivery of inhibitory signals
CD8 T-cell killing
CTL recognizes & binds virus-infected cell —>programs target for death (DNA fragmentation) —>migrates to new target & target cell dies of apoptosis
—> serial killer
protected from its killing machinery (perforin forms pores & granzyme starts apoptotic pathway)
—>expression of GZ inhibitor serpin —> allows killing of many target cells by 1 T-cell
directional granule exocytosis
granzyme & perforin in granules & released into immunological synapse
polarized secretion towards target cell
Granzyme-induced apoptosis
targets mitochondria & nucleus
engagement of TCR by peptide: MHC complex causes directed release of perforin & granzyme complexed with serglycin
serglycin maintains their inactive form, due to pH changes released from serglycin —> active outside the cell
granzyme B delivered into the cytosol of infected cells via pores formed by perforin —> targets BID & procaspase 3 —>cleavage
truncated BID disrupts mitochondrial outer membrane —> release of cytochrome C into cytoplasm & activation of apoptosis
active caspase 3 cleaved ICAD releasing caspase —> activated DNase CAD induces DNA fragmentation (DNA ladder in gel visible)
definition cytokine
secreted proteins acting at distance with pleiotropic functions (1 cytokine has many functions)
Cytokine receptors
homodimer: receptors for erythropoietin & growth hormone (hematopoietic factor)
heterodimer with common chain: common ß-chain (receptors for IL-3,-5 & GM-CSF)
common γ-chain (receptors for Il-2,-4,-7,-9,-15,-12)
heterodimer without common chain: Ig superfamily, IL-1 family receptors & IFN receptors & IL-13
TNF-receptor family: trimeric for CD40, FAS, CD30, CD27 (ligand also trimeric)
chemokine receptor family: monomer for CCR1-10, CXCR1-5, CX3CR1
JAK/STAT signaling pathway
cytokine receptor with at least tow chains —> cytoplasmic domains bind Janus kinases JAKs
cytokine binding dimerizes the receptor & brings together cytoplasmic JAK —> activate each other (auto-phosphorylation) & phosphorylation receptor
STAT (signal transducer & activators of transcription) bind phosphorylated receptors with SH2 domain (binds phosphorylated tyrosine)
STAT gets phosphorylated & forms dimers that translocate into the nucleus & initiate gene transcription
JAK & STAT isoforms
four JAK: JAK1-4
7 STAT: specificity via SH” domain for phosphorylated JAK ( don’t interact with all JAK)
IFNγ-STAT1 specific for IFNγ signaling
also STAT heterodimers induced
STAT signal termination
suppressor of cytokine signaling SOCS (contains SH2 & competes with STAT —> degradation of the receptor)
phosphatase CD45, SHP (also in NK-cell activation) removed phosphorylation from JAK
Th polarization after secretion of IL-12 from APC
Th1 cells
secretes IFNγ
Th polarization after secretion of IL-4 from APC
secretes IL-4, IL-5 & IL-13
Th polarization after secretion of TNFß & IL-6 from APC
secretes IL-17 & IL-22
Th polarization after secretion of IL-6 from APC
secretes IL-21
Th polarization after secretion of IL-2 & TGFß from APC
secretes TGFß & IL-10
regulatory immunosupressive effect
Th17 vs. iTreg
high denisty of microbial organisms (microbiota) in intestine—> important metabolic functions but also potential threats (some opportunistic pathogens)
adaptive to restrain untoward inflammation directed against microbiota while retaining capacity to mount a host-protective immune response should barrier breach occurs
balance between Th17 & iTreg determined by production of vitamine A metabolite all-trans reinoic acid & production of the pro-inflammatory IL-6
homeostasis: antigens from microbiota presented by a specialized subset of DC producing at-RA but not IL-6
when antigens recognized in context of TLR-stimulating signals, at-RA production decreased & increase IL-6 —> Th17
Transcription factor activated by STAT leading to Th1
Transcription factor activated by STAT leading to Th2
Transcription factor activated by STAT leading to Th17
Transcription factor activated by STAT leading to Tfh
Transcription factor activated by STAT leading to Treg
effector functions & target cells of Th1
against intracellular pathogens in phagocytes
activates macrophages
effector functions & target cells of Th2
against large pathogens that cannot be internalized
eosinophil, mast cell, basophil
effector functions & target cells of Th17
against extracellular bacteria
effector functions & target cells of Tfh
differentiation of B-cells into plasma cells (isotype switching & affinity maturation)
effector functions & target cells of Treg
suppress immune response (lack of T-cell activation)
germinal center response
function of IFNγ
produced by Th1, Tfh, CTL & NK
inhibits Th2 & Th17 cell differentiation
activation of macrophages —> increase of MHCI & II (also on DC)
function of IL-2
produced by naive T cells, Th1, some CD8 T-cells
T-cell growth & differentiation
stimulates NK cell growth
function of IL-4
produced by Th2 & Tfh
activates B-cells, growth & IgE /IgG
function of IL-5
produced by Th2
increased eosinophil growth & differentiation
function IL-13
increased production of mucus (goblet cells)
function IL-17
produced by Th17
indirect stimulation of neutrophil recruitment
stimulates fibroblasts & epithelial cells to secrete chemokines
function IL-22
stimulates mucosal epithelium & skin to produce antimicrobial peptides
function TGFß
Th17 & iTreg differentiation
inhibits Th1 & Th2
function IL-10
produced by Treg & Th2
increased MHCII on B-cells
inhibits inflammatory cytokine release from macrophages
T-cell polarization in mouse strains
BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major —> with or w/o treatment of Ab blocking IL-4
untreated mice develop Th2 response & fail to cure infection —> die
mice treated with anti-IL4-AB develop Th1 response & eliminate the parasite
BALB/c prone for Th2 polarization & C57BI/6 for Th1
->Th2 response not helpful against the intracellular pathogen (requires Th1 response)
-> development of CD4 T-cell subsets can be manipulated by altering the cytokine acting during the early stages of infection
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