Korrelate Verhalten im Experiment: Back, Schmukle & Egloff (2011)
A closer look at first sight: Social relations lens model analysis of personality and interpersonal attraction at zero acquaintance.
Korrelate: Verhalten im Experiment
Back et al., 2009, 2011; Borkenau & Liebler, 1995
welche Korrelate hat man gefunden
Korrelate: Alltagsverhalten
Mehl, Gosling & Pennebaker (2006): Personality in its natural habitat: Manifestations and implicit folk theories of personality in daily life
A Room with a Cue: Personality Judgements based on offices and bedroom (Gosling et. al)
The Do Re Mi’s of Everyday Life: The structure and Personality Correlates of Muscial Prefences (Gosling et al.)
Online Social Netwerk Profil Personality Expression and Impression Formation in Online Social Networks
Lebenslaufkonsequenzen Wie robust sind diese Effekte?
Soto (2019). How replicable are links between personality traits and consequential life outcomes? The Life Outcomes of Personality Replication Project
Umwelteffekte auf Persönlichkeit
Transaktionale Person-Umwelt-Effekte
Personalized Persuasion: Tailoring Persuasive Appeals to Reciepient’s Personality Traits (Hirsh, Kang, Bodenhausen)
Last changed10 months ago