Business Process (Definition)
a collection of activities that take one or more kinds of input and create an output that is of value to the customer
Process Elements
Consists of:
Decision Points
Process Checklist
Is it a process at all?
Can the process be controlled?
Ist the process important enough to manage?
Is the scope of the process not too big?
Is the scope of the process not too small?
Relationships between Processes
Process Architecture Levels
Process Landscape (incl. Value Chain)
Business Process (e.g. BPMN)
Sub-Process and Task (e.g. BPMN)
APQC Process Classification Framework (description)
Comprehensive, hierarchical framework that categorizes business processes to create a standardized language and structure for defining work processes comprehensively and without redundancies.
Categories: represent major business functions
Process Groups: Logical Collections like “Operating Processes”
Processes and Sub-Processes: Detailed description of specific activities
Define Process Landscape 7 Steps
Clarify Terminology
Identify E2E Process
For each E2EP identify sequential processes
For each BP identify major management & support processes
Decompose & Specialse BP
Compile Process Profile
Check completeness and Consistency
Process Selection Critera
Health: In how much trouble are processes
Strategic Importance: Greatest impact on strategic goals
Feasibility: Where it is reasonable to achieve benefits
Process Performance Measures
Process Performance Objectives
formulate on a high level in form of a desirable state (waiting time under 30min)
identify relevant performance measures for each objective
Define one or more measures
Define a more refined objective based on this performance measure such as X in over 99% of the time
Total Quality Management + relation to BPM
continous improvement & quality ensurance of products / services
Puts emphases on products / services
<> BPM focus on improving processes
Methodology aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in BP
focus: reducing waste and maximizing value for the customer
eliminating non-value-added activities
GOAL: create more value with fewer resources
Six Sigma
Data-driven methodology that aims to improve the quality of BP
by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimising variability
uses statistical methods
GOAL: better BP efficiency, reduce errors, improve customer satisfaction
Process Owner
Person responsible for overseeing and maintaining a specific BP (go-to person)
ensure that the process runs smoothly, meets its goals, and delivers value efficiently
Responsible for:
Solving issues
Communicate with Stakeholders
BPM Lifecycle (Stages)
Process Identification
Process Discovery
Process Analysis
Process Redesign
Process Implementation
Process Monitoring
Balanced Scorecard + Perspectives
Strategic planning and management too to provide a comprehensive framework that translates an organisation's vision and strategy into a coherent set of performance measures.
Financial Perspective: How do we look to shareholder?
Customer Perspective: How do customers see us?
Internal Perspective: What must we excel at?
Learning & Growing Perspective: Can we continue to improve and create value?
Enterprise Architecture
Conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization. The goal of EA is to **determine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objectives**.
TOGAF Elements
Organisational perspective
Product Perspective
BP Perspective
Data Perspective
Application Perspective
Technical Infrastructure
Process Categories
Management Process (Develop Strategie, Implement strategie)
Core Processes (Produce Products, Deliver Products)
Support Processes (Manage Personnel, Manage Information)
Business Process Model
Abstraction from real world phenomena
Models are developed in a subject, for an audience, with a purpose
BPM Purposes
Business Purpose
Quality Certificartion
Information System Purposes
ERP Selection
Software Development
BPM Abstraction Levels^
Meta Model
Level 1-3
Model Execution Properties
Data Mappings
Code Snippers
Participant Assignment Rules
Tasks, Events
Other BPMS specification
BPMS Categories
Pure BPMN: From the ground supprt BPMN natively
Adapted BPMN: use BPMN skin but rely on internal representation
Non BPMN: Own proprietary language
BPM Perspectives
Control Flow
Organisation Structure
Data Structures
IT Landscape
Process Discovery Tasks
Define the setting
Gather information (understand the process)
Conduct Modeling
Assure Model Quality
Process Discovery Challenges
Fragmented Process Knowledge
Domain experts think on instance level
Knowledge of Process Modelling is uncommon
Process Discovery Methods
Evidence Based
Document Analysis
Automated process Discovery / Process Mining
Interview Based
Workshop based
Process Modeling - Stepwise method
Identify the process boundaries
What are triggers?
What are outcomes?
What perspective is assumed?
What artefacts are required as input/output
Identify activities and events
Identify resources and their handovers
Identify Control Flow
Identify additional elements (data objects, events, exception handling)
Process Modeling Guidelines
Vocabulary: Banning / restricting use of OR gateway
Structure: limiting size of model to max 30 nodes
Semantics: using data objects to only. capture information flow
Appearance: Enforcning labeling/layout style
Labeling Guidelines
Activities as imperative verb+noun
Events as noun + past-particle verb
Conditions on outgoing arcs with reference to object
Process Model Quality - Dimensions
Syntactic Quality
Structural correct
Behavioural Correct
Semantic Quality
Pragmatic Quality
Syntactic quality relates to the conformance of a process model to the syntactic rules of the modeling language used.
Structural Correctness
Behavioural Correctness
Semantic quality relates to the adherence of a process model to its real-world process.
High quality if:
Valid: All model instances are correct and relevant
Complete: All possible process instances are covered
Also Behavioural Appropriateness
Pragmatic quality relates to the usability of a process model
Learning: How good does the model reveal how the process works in reality
Strctural Correctness
A model is structurally correct if it satisfies the following syntactic rules:
Element Level
activities must have at lease one incoming and on outgoing sequence flow
Start events do not have incoming arcs, <> end events
gateways have one incoming and at least two outgoing
Model Level
all nodes from a path from start to an end event (option to complete)
No dangling arcs /orphan nodes
at least one start, one end event
Qualitative Process Analysis - Elements
Value Added & Waste Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Root-Cause Analysis
—> Issue Register & Pareto Chart
Value-Added Analysis
Classify each step as
Value Adding (VA
Business Value adding - BVA
Non-value adding - NVA
Value Adding Task - Criteria
- Is the customer willing to pay for this step?
- Would the customer agree that this step is necessary to achieve their goals?
- If the step is removed, would the customer perceive that the end product or service is less valuable?
Business Value-Adding Task - Criteria
- Is this step required in order to collect revenue, to improve or grow the business?
- Would the business (potentially) suffer in the long-term if this step was removed Does it reduce risk of business losses?
- Is this step required in order to comply with regulatory requirements?
Non-Value Adding Tasks
Everything else besides VA and BVA
Handovers, context switches
Waiting times, delays
Rework or defect correction
Waste Analysis - Sources
Unnecessary Transportation
Waiting / Idleness
Stakeholder Analysis in BPM - Typical Categories
External Parties
Issue Register + Sources of Issues
Purpose: to maintain, organize and prioritise perceived weaknesses of the process
Input to a process modelling project
Collected as part of ongoing process improvement actions
Collected during process discovery (modelling)
Value-added/waste analysis
Pareto Analysis
- Useful to prioritise a collection of issues
- Bar chart where the height of the bar denotes the impact of each issue
- Bars sorted by impact
- Superposed curve of cumulative percentage impact
PICK Chart + Quadrants
Visual tool used in project management and business process improvement to categorise ideas and tasks based on their Payoff and ease of implementation.
A problem-solving method used to identify the underlying or fundamental reason for a problem or issue. It aims to find out why something went wrong, rather than just addressing its symptoms.
Why-Why Diagram
Five Levels of Why
Always find contributing factors to contributing factors
Flow Analysis + Goals
Method used to optimize the movement of things through processes.
mapping steps involved in a process,
identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or waste,
devising strategies to improve flow.
GOAL: enhance efficiency, reducing cycle times, improving quality
Calculate Flow Analysis of Cycle Time
Split Process into chunks
For Options: time of route * odds of taking it
Parallel: Max of all routes
Loops: time for chunk divided by 1-odds of making a loop
Cycle Time efficiency
Processing Time : Cycle Time = Cycle Time Efficiency
Cylce Time
Processing Time (time taken by value adding activities) +
Waiting Time ( taken by non-value adding activities)
=> Cycle Time (Time between start and completion of a process instance)
Resource Utilisation
Time spent per respirce on work process
: time available per resource for process work
= Resource utilisation
Utilisation of 60% => resource is idle 40% of time
Average Work in Process
Number of cases running (started, but not completed)
e.g. # of active & unfilled orders in an order to cash process
Littles Formula
WIP = Lamda * CT
Lambda = Arrival Rate
Cycle Time
Limits of Cycle Time
Not all Models are Structured
Fixed arrival rate capacity
Cycle time does not consider
The rate which new process instances are created
Number of available resources
Flow Analysis - Scope
Average Cost of a process instance
The numbr of times on average each activity is executed
Can be used to calculate the “unit load” of each task, resource utilisation, and theoretical capacity
Queue Analysis - Motivation
Capacity Problems are a common key driver of process redesign
Queueing and waiting time analysis is important in service systems
Large cost of waiting / lost sales due to waiting
Example: Hospital ER
Delay by Job Interference
If arrivals are regular or sufficiently spaced apart, no queuing delay occurs
Determinisitc traffic
Variable, but spaced apart traffic
Queueing results from variablity in processing rimes and/or inter-arrival intervals
Bursty Traffic
Deterministic Arrivals, variable Job sice
High utilisation makes it worse
Queue - Poisson Process
Common arrival assumption in simulation models
applicable when arrival are independent from another
M/M/1 Queue
time between arrivals (first M)/processing time (second M) follow negative exponential distri.
1 Server
Customer Service Desk
Limits of Basic Queue Models
Can be used to analyze waiting times
Suitable for anlyzing one single activity at a time on a single resource pool (not suitable for E2E)
Limitations can be adressed by process simulation
Process Simulation
Method for As-is Analysis and What-if Analysis
In a nutshell
Run large number of process instances
Gather performance data (cost, time, utilisation)
Calculate statistics from the collected data
Process Simulation - Approach
Model Process
Define a Simulation Scenario
Run the Simulation
Analyze the Simulation Outputs
Repeat for alternative scenarios
Elements of a Simulation Model
Processing Time of Activities
Conditional Branch Probabilities
Arrival Rate of process instances
Resource Pools
Assignment of tasks to resource pools
Pittfalls of Simulation
Data Quality
Simplifying Assumptions
Simulation Assumptions
Process is always exactly Followed
That a resource only works on one task
That if a resource becomes available and a task is enabled a resource will start
That a resource works constantly (no interruptions)
Motives of Process Redesign
Positive Motive: urge to innovate
Reactive Motive: Fighting entropy
Abernaty- Utterback Model
With increasing stage of development, product innovation decreaes but process innovation increases
Elements of Redesign
Operation View
Behaviour View
Organisation (Structure / Population)
External Enviroment
The Devils Quadrangle
improving a process along one dimension may very well weaken its performance along another
Time <> Quality
Flexibility <> Cost
The redesign Orbit
Transactional vs Transformational (X)
Creative vs Analytical (Y)
Inward vs Outward looking (circle)
Redesign Orbit - Ambition
Seek identify problems and resolve incrementally
not challenging current process structure
Aim to achieve breakthrough innovation
Puts in question fundamental assumptopms and principles
Redesgin Orbit - Nature
strong mathematical and quantitative focus
Embrace tools / technology
Rely on human creativity
Embrace group dynamics
redesign Orbit - Perspective
Consider process from interal organisation
Draw from objectives and performance & measurements
Consider process from outsiders perspective
driven by external opportunities
Transactional Methods
Heuristic Process Redesign
Transformational Methods
Design led innovation
Design Led innovation
provide understanding of emotional ties of customers with product
People not only served by form and function but also through experience its usage envokes
Pursue innovation customers do not expect but grow passionate about
Navigate, Expand, Strengthen, and Tune/Takeoff
quadrant with 4 sides
The Future vs Now
Process Vision
As is process Issues
Resources vs Guidelines
People, systems, documents
Policies, Procedures
Business Process Reengineering - Motivation
No successful organisation relies on piecemeal improvement
IS is crucial but its necessary t go beyond pure automation what is already done
break away from ingrained patterns
BPR - Properties
Objective: Overhaul Process
Analytical: it relies on a set of principles
Mostly inward looking
BPR - Principles
Information is captured fresh
Integrate information processing work
Those who are interested of output should be drivers
Put decision point where the work is performed
Product based design
Transformative, analytical and outward-looking [[Process Redesign|process redesign]] method.
PBD - Properties
Objective: Overhaul process
Analytical: relies on a formal, algorithmic way of developming new BP
Outward: because product takes the center stage
PBD - Steps
Product Specifications
Product Data Model
Transactional, analytical, inward-looking Process Redesign method.
uses fixed list of redesign heuristics to determine potential actions
Time (Parallelism, Case-based work)
Cost (Activity Elimination, Empower)
Quality (Empower Triage)
Flexibility (Flexible assignment, Centralisation)
Transactional, creative, inward-looking redesign method.
Need to ask lots of what if /why this
Not accept the first answer
Most look for the second right answer
Challenge rules of process
Needs to rely on intuition
PAIS - Domain Specific
BPMS Types
Adhoc Workflow
Production Workflow Sydstems
Caswe Management Systems
BPMS - Advantages
Workload Reduction
Flexible System Integration
Execution Transparency
Rule Enforcement
BPMS - Challenges
Technical Challenges
Applications often not developed from a process persepective
Batch processing does not work with case concept
Integration of all Layers and Applications
Complexity due to exceptions
Adjust to pace of org. changes
Fears of prorcess participants
strong management commitment needed
BPMS Change Management
Integrity of team
Commitment of mgmt
Effort demanded from employees
Risk of resistance
Matters of Caution
Avoid premature victory celebration
Programmatic change fallacy
Novel class of systems that automate user task on computers
- RPA scripts can be developed by recording repetitive user tasks that move data between several computer screens
- Robots can then work on task according to these scripts
Automation Boundaries + Task categories
Principle: Not all processes can be automated
Categories of tasks
Manual (without aid of any software)
User (with assistance of the workmlist handler)
Unordered Tasks and Automation
As a rule of thumb, a (sub-)process whose tasks are performed in an ad hoc manner, without any predictable order, is not suitable for automation via a BPMN- based BPMS
DMN + Parts
Notation to specify business rules
Decision Requirements Graph (how data is propagated between decisions)
Simple Expression Language (to define how values are extracted from variables
Decision Table
Defines which tasks have to be executed, although potentially restricted by certain conditions
Describes what has to be achieved in a process instead of how to achieve it
Can be used as a sub-process in a BPMN but also vice versa
BP Monitoring + Goal
Tracking and analyzing of activities and performance metrics associated with business processes.
GOAL: is to ensure that these processes are operating within predefined standards and are aligned with the organization's objectives.
Types of Monitoring Dashboards
Operational Dashboards (runtime)
Tactical Dashboards (historical
For Process Owners
Emphasis on analysis and manangement
Typical Metrics: cycle time, error rates
Strategic Dashboards
Edge Filters
Event Filters (retain events that fullfill condition)
Performance Filters (retain traceds that have are in a certain duration range)
Event Pair Filers (retain traces where condition for pair of events is fullfilled
Endpoint Filters (retain traces that start or finish with an event that fullfils a given condition
Alpha Miner
Create WF based on Ordering Relations such that the ordering is obeyed by the net
Alpha Miner Limits
Limited handling of Noise
Doesnt consider Loops and concurrence
Limited handling of complex processes with many branches
Heuristic Miner
Exploits Occurance Frequencies to estimate flow probabilities
Uses ordering relations as foundation
Relations provide a model to reason about frquencies
relatively robust against noise
Heuristic Miner Approach
Construction of Frequency Table
Induction of Dependency Graph
Construction of Petri Net System
Heuristics Miner Limits
Discovered Model might be unsound
Discovered model may not be able to replay all traces observed in log
Conformance Checking
Detect discrepancies between [[Business Process Model|process model]] and observed information ([[Event Log]]). Analyses deviations.
Local: Conformance at level of trace or parts in process model
Global: Feedback on overall conformance
Unfitting vs Additional Behaviour
Unfitting: Behaviour of log is not possible with model
Additional: Behaviour possible that is not in the log
Variant Analysis
Given two traces in a log, find the differences and root causes for variation or deviance between the two logs.
BPM Maturity Modekl
Strategic Alignment
Information Technology
Principles of Good BPM
Context awareness
Joint understanding
Process Maturity
Quantitatively Managed
BPM Maturity Patterns
High for strategic and governance, low elsewhere
Driven by CEO, because of urgency
High for IT and Methods, low elsewhere
Driven by CIO, emphasis on tools/software
Medium in people, culture, low elsewhere
Orgs with rule based governance and heavy union, everybodys buy in is sought for any redesign
BPMS Architecture
Root-Cause / 6M
Measurement: Does our way of measuring / the metric give the wrong idea?
Material: Problems with the input of the process
Machine: Factors related to technical equipment
Method: Factors realting to the How of processing
Man: Factors that lie within the imperfecation of participants
Millieu: Anything surrounding the process: customers, suppliers, etc…
Document Analysis - Strength & weakness
Structured information
Independent from availability of stakeholders
Outdated material
Wrong level of abstraction
Observation - Strength & weakness
Context-rich insight into process
Potentially intrusive
Stakeholders likely to behave differently
Only few cases
Automatic Discovery - Strength & weakness
Extensive set of cases
Objective data
Potential issue with data quality and level of abstraction
Interview - Strength & weakness
Detailed inquiry into process
Requires sparse time of process stakeholders
Several iterations required before sign-off
Discovery Methods Strength Weakness Matrix
Workshop - Strength & weakness
Direct resolution of conflicting views
Requires availability of several stakeholders at the same time
G1 Use as few elements in the model as possible
G2 Minimize the routing paths per element
G3 Use one start event (per trigger) and one end event (per outcome)
G4 Model as structured as possible
G5 Avoid OR gateways where possible
G6 Use verb-object activity labels
G7 Decompose a model with more than 30 elements
resource utilisation (formula=)
Lambda / Mu
Average time in the system, W (Formula)
1 / (mu-lambda)
L = Avg number jobs in the system
Average time a job spends in Queue, Wq (formula
Lq / lambda
lambda / (mu(mu-Lambda))
Lq= Avg number of jobs in queue
Avg number jobs in System, L (WIP) (formula)
p = resource utilisation
mean service rate
Number of jobs that can be handled by one server unit per time period
Lq, Avg numbers job in queue (formula
Alle Queue Metriken und Bedeutungen
c = n servern
Mu = mean service rate, n jobs can be handled by one server unit per time unit
lambda = mean arrival rate
L = Avg number jobs in system (WIP)
Lq = Avg n jobs in queue
W = Avg length in system (cycle time)
Wq = Avg time in queue
Last changeda year ago