Aggregate model of tree ring growth
Tree ring growth per year = Age trend per year + Climate signal per year + Unexplained variability + site related disturbance signals + tree-related disturbance signals
Liebigs law of the minimum
Growth is limited by the scarcest resource
Cell formation process
Cell enlargement : cell division in the cambium
Cell wall thickening: water sucks into cells
Lignification: in the whole cell wall
Water is needed for enlargement
Carbon and temperature to accelerate the process
Drought Experiment 1
Trees growing in dry vs. irrigated sites
Result: Tracheids greater in dry trees than in irrigaed in scots pine
Reason: dry trees build very wide cells —> better water transport —> build more efficient cells —> latewood is a waste of resources; invest everything in a few cells
Drought Experiment 2
Having trees of the same genotype in different water conditions
well watered have bigger vessel diameters and less cells
Drought Experiment 3
3 treatments of adult trees: irrigated, drought, ambient
Extreme drought in 2011
Ring area of irrigated > ambient > droughted
During extreme drought in 2011 the growth of all 3 is going down buffered by irrigated
Hydraulic efficiency is going down for all
Hydraulic safety stays but go down for droughted
Take the risk to survive —> build bigger cells but smaller cell walls —> reducing safety
Methods for wood sampling and tree growth monitoring
Increment cores (living trees and construction wood)
Microcores (living trees)
Stem disks (relict wood)
Dendrometer (electronic or manual): measure changes in stem circumference
Stem shrinks in the morning (transpiration faster than Osmosis)
Sapflow sensors: determine the amount of water that flows through the stem
Blue rings
Indicate an ealy cold spell in the late season
Blue latewood band after staining
Lignification not completed —> interrupted by cold
Cells are deformed because of lignin stabilization is missing
Anatomical features
Sporadic growth anomalies
Biotic (insects)
Abiotic (fire)
Can be accessed by discontinuous time series
Drop in fiber cell wall thickness due to Euoris occulata larvae outbreaks
Continuously measurable wood characteristics
Tree-ring width
EW LW width
Max/min density
Cell dimensions
Chemical composition
Linking wood cell measurements to climate
Wood cell meas,within tree rings can be arranged as time series
Can be compared to climate data
if there is a strong correlation —> past climate can be reconstructed
Genetic determination of wood anatomical features
General wood anatomical type is species specific
Indicators: different Genotypes and provenances within species are differently affected by climate variability
Last changed10 months ago