Name common principles and differences between chemical and enzyme catalysts!
Common principles:
increased reaction speed (Enzymes: > 10^6)
no influence on equilibrium
regeneration of the catalyst
enable reactions under milder conditions
substrate specificity
regulation of activity
highest efficiency possible might not be best for the cell - complex interactions
dependent on environmental conditions (aq., pH,…)
higher molecular weight
Name five different chemical mechanisms of enzymes!
transition state stabilization
citrate synthase
ground state destabilization
chorismate mutase
proximity and orientation effects
aspartate transcarbamoylase
covalent catalysis
acid-base catalysis
metal ion catalysis
carbonic anhydrase
Draw the reaction coordinate of an enzymatic reaction going from substrate to product via two intermediates! Indicate the free energy change of the reaction and the activation energy for the enzymatic reaction in comparison to the uncatalyzed reaction!
What is the “orientation effect” in enzyme catalysis and provide an estimate for how large the rate enhancement can be in principle for an enzyme by properly orienting substrates?
collision theory: to react, molecules have to collide in the correct orientation
enzymes can help with that
Bruice et al.: esterification reaction, reactants either free in solution or fixated in different angles towards each other
increase in reaction speed up to 5x10^7
some enzymes exclusively work via orientation effect
Describe an example where an enzyme physically distorts its substrate with an emphasis on bond activation and energy of the substrate!
Transketolase: transfer of 2C-units between ketoses/aldoses
Describe the principle of ground-state destabilization and transition-state stabilization and provide an example for each!
Ground-state destabilization
interaction of the ether-O with lysines
disruption of resonance
chair conformation is enforced to facilitate transfer of the group
Other examples: transketolase, oritidine-monophosphate decarboxylase
Transition-state stabilization
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