Give an overview over optimization problems
Optimization Problem
An optimization problem is one where all states/nodes can be a solution (to different degrees) but the target is to find the state that optimizes (min, max, ...) the solution according to an objective function. I.e., finding "best" states; there are no (explicit) goal state and also no path (costs).
Objective/Evaluation Function (Zielfunktion)
tells how good a state is, also in comparison to other states
either minimized or maximized depending on the optimization problem
Key Terminologies in Local Search
Global Optimum
A global optimum is the extremum (minimum or maximum) of the objective function for the entire input search space.
Local Optimum
A local optimum is the extremum (minimum or maximum) of the objective function for a given region of the input space, e.g., a basin in a minimization problem.
Local Search Algorithms in General
Local Search
Local search algorithms traversing only a single state rather than saving multiple paths in memory. It modifies its state iterative, trying to improve a criteria
-> In many optimization problems the sequence of actions and costs are irrelevant
-> goal is to find a state fulfilling all goal constraints not the path to reach it!
Uses a very little/constant amount of memory
Find a reasonable solution in very large state spaces (where systematical approaches fail)
No guarantees for completeness or optimality
What are design considerations for Local Search Algorithms?
Describe the Climbing Hill/ Greed Local Search!
Expand current state (all Neighbors)
Move to highest Evaluation
Repeat until reached a maximum
might not be optimal (plateaus, ridges..)
The Climbing Hill Algorithm might not find the optimum. What can be done to get closer to the gobal optimum.
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