What role does phosphorylation play in cellular signaling ?
Involved in Motility, growth, differentiation, death/survival pathways
Phosphorylation balance decides between health and disease
Aberrant Phosphorylation -> Oncoproteins -> uncontrolled growth & proliferation
How did Phosphatases & Kinases evolve and what are their differences ?
phosphatases evolved in distinct, separate families with different mechanisms -> phosphatases can be holoenzymes or single/multidomain proteins
kinases evolved from the same ancestor, use ATP for catalysis -> are most commonly multidomain proteins
differences in function & regulation
Protein Phosphatases Classification
Protein Serine/Threonine Specific phosphatases: Metal-dependent protein phosphatases (PPM), Phosphoprotein Phosphatases (PPP)-like: Catalysis metal-ion dependent, holoenzymes (only catalytic subunit, interacts with many regulatory proteins)
Bsp PPPLs: PP1, PP2A
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases (PTPs) - cytosolic & Receptor-like PTPs -> classical PTPs: dephosphorylation at tyrosine, multidomain enzymes
Dual specificity phosphatases DUSPs: some dephosphorylate p-Ser/Thr, Small
All PTPs Catalysis by active cysteine residue
Protein tyrosine phosphatase (in Ras - Raf - Mek - Erk)
Multidomain protein, PTP domain contains active site, dephosphorylates pTyr, SH2 domains recognize pTyr & bind it
Proto-oncogene & needs to be inhibited in cancer to reduce growth signaling
Active site inhibitors target the active site
Allosteric site inhibitor targets a different site but also leads to inhibition, Bsp SHP099 - keeps SHP2 in closed conformation
de-inhibit enzyme
change enzyme from inactive to an active conformation
stabilize active conformation
induce translocation of an enzyme to the site of action
no active site activators -> block active site
Bsp: PP1 de-inhibition = activation
heart muscle disease
PP1 dephosphorylates RyR -> no Ca2+ release
seal Ca2+ release equals healthy cell
Substrate specificity by holoenzyme (green)
Pathomechanism: CaMKII hyperactivity - SR Ca2+ leak -> increasing rate of heart muscle contraction, compensated hypertrophy, cardiac failure
Treatment: PDP - reduction of SR Ca2+ leak, dephosphorylation of RyR2 -> Partially restored Ca2+ homeostasis through PP1 de-inhibition
How do you determine how much the catalytic subunits contribute to substrate specificity?
1. Approach: phosphopeptide library dephosphorylation followed by mass spectrometry (PLDMS):
selectivity determination on the peptide level
synthesize random phosphopeptide library
2. Approach: phosphoproteomics in HeLa cell lysates:
selectivity determination on the protein level
N-terminus + charged (basic AA)-> preference for PP1 but not PP2a (prefers acidic AA)
Both phosphatases prefer phosphoThreonine gets dephosphorylated first
PP1c contributes to selectivity, PP2A requires holoenzymes
PP1 and PP2A show substrate specificity on the catalytic subunit and the holoenzyme level
• In Chemical Biology we use chemical tools to study biological questions
• here: activators, inhibitors, phosphopeptide libraries for proteomics
• activators and inhibitors can be leads for drug discovery to treat diseases (here mentioned: cancer, cardiomyopathy)
• phosphatases evolved in distinct, separate families with different mechanisms • kinases evolved from the same ancestor, use ATP for catalysis
• phosphatases can be holoenzymes or single/multidomain proteins
• kinases are most commonly multidomain proteins
• the differences between kinases and phosphatases make their function and regulation not directly comparable, conclusions from kinase research cannot be directly transferred to phosphatases
• PP1 and PP2A show substrate specificity on the catalytic subunit and the holoenzyme level
Last changeda year ago