What is the background of bacterial identification and what are the principles of direct and indirect methods?
Accurate identification of microbes is essential for research and industry (e.g. clinical microbiology to food production)
Identification is a part of taxonomy
Indirect methods (conventional methods) -> isolation and culture of microorganisms and the determination of their various phenotypic characteristics
Direct methods (culture-independent) -> used to identify specific microbes in a mixed population as well as identify non- culturable microbes
List a variety of methods including general advantages and disadvantages of phenotypic vs. genomic methods
Phylogenetic classification
Microscopy methods
Biochemical techniques
Molecular Methods
labor and time intensive
often ambigous (esspecially on the strain level)
Describe culturing of bacteria and the basic principles of how different media can be used for bacterial identification
Most medically important bacteria can be grown on agar plates
Give rise to colonies
Each colony is assumed to derive from a single bacterium
Colony morphology gives information about the bacterium
Media has to contain the right type of nutrients for the respective species
correct (atmosphoric) conditions are needed
Selective medium
allows selective organisms to grow and inhibits the growth of others
CCEY, tellurite agar, MacConkey agar
Differential medium
can differentiate closly related organisms
uses special dyes or chmicals to charaterize organisms
blood agar, chromogenic media
Provide an overview of the Gram stain and reactions of Gram positive vs. Gram negative bacteria (including cell shape)
Distinguishes between Gram positive and Gram negative groups by coloring these cells red or violet dependent on the thickness of the peptidoglycanwall
Can be used directly on some clinical material
Good for early detection
1. Make a smear of cells on a microscope slide
2. Allow the smear to dry, then heat fix it
3. Flood the smear with crystal violet
4. Add Gram’s iodine
5. Add decolorizer (alcohol or acetone)
6. Add counterstain (e.g. safranin)
7. Wash off reagents with water 8. Viewed smear under oil immersion lens of light microscope
Describe the limitations of the Gram stain as an identification method
difficult if bacterium has a complicated morpholoy
another nethod is always needed to comfim identity
poor sensitivity
Provide details on the Ziehl–Neelsen stain
Used to identify acid-fast microbes
1. Make a smear of smear on a microscope slide
3. Pour carbol fuschin over smear
4. Heat gently until fumes appear; do not overheat
5. Leave to stand for 5 minutes
6. Pour over 20 % sulfuric acid, wait for 1 minute and keep repeating step until the slide appears light pink in colour, then wash with water
7. Pour over methylene blue, wait for 2 minutes, wash with water
8. Air dry slide and examine under oil immersion lens of light microscope
List several physiological and metabolic characteristics used in bacterial identification
Lactose +/-
Fast/Slow fermenter
strict anaerob
Describe some of the main biochemical tests used – catalase, coagulase and oxidase, and examples of positive bacteria
quick, cheap and simple
tests presence of ctalase
Present in aerobes and some facultative bacteria (Staphylococcus)
after positive gram ans catalase test -> pathongenic Staphylococcus
acts by a thrombinase-like action
A coagulase-positive strain of Staphylococcus will clot plasma
only for gram-
detects presence of cytochrome oxidase
oxidase + Neisseria, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Helicobacter, Campylobacter
Provide details on how API tests are used for bacterial identification, including automated systems
Allows fast identification
Standardised, miniaturized phenotypic tests for a range of micro-organisms
Range of kits for different organisms
Has been the “gold standard” especially in clinical microbiology
Understand the general background of molecular tests for bacterial identification
A variety of tests can be used including restricted-based digestion methods
Simultaneous detection and identification of pathogen
Molecular tests can be done from viable and non-viable cells
Becoming more widely used to detect/identify bacteria or to type them
Some knowledge of the target genome is required
Describe how 16S rRNA can be used for bacterial identification
1500 nt long, long enough for informative comparative and phylogenetic analyses
Has conserved and variable regions
Comparative analyses (BLAST, EzTaxon)
What are the principles of RT-PCR
higher sensitivity and accuracy copared to normal PCR
ability to monitor DNA amplification in real-time through fluorescence intensity → negating need for any post-PCR detection techniques
can be quantitative or semi - quantitative
Provide details on restriction-based identification methods (RAPD-PCR, RFLP and PFGE) and their limitations
Uses universal random primers as alternatives to gene specific molecular marker identification
Useful when analysing a large number of samples of diverse species and without any prior genetic information
suffers from poor reproducibility between laboratories because of inconsistent PCR amplification conditions
PCR-based method employs restriction enzymes, which can recognise and cut amplified DNA (PCR product) into DNA fragments of different lengths
different fragments are separated to generate a unique pattern of bands for each bacterial strain
slow with poor reproducibility
Method of separating large fragments of DNA
Useful for characterising and typing bacteria for epidemiological studies
used to be the current “gold standard” fingerprinting method
How does ribotyping work andwhat are the associated automated systems?
Describe whole genome sequencing for bacterial identification, and the different platforms that can be used (and basic principles behind each)
Analysis of the entire bacterial genome
Provides insights into bacterial typing and evolutionary lineages
Sange sequnecing, illumina, PacBio, NanoPore
Library Preparation
Library Sequencing
Sequencing Analysis
Provide information on the concept of immunology (serology) tests and Ag-Ab reactions for bacterial identification including details on agglutination tests
multiple immunological tests to identify different types of bacteria
rely on antigen binding to antibody
Antigen (Ag)
Antivody (Ab)
classes IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE
combine with specific antigen
Ag-Ab reactions can be used for bacterial identification
Antigen reacts with its corresponding antibody → visible clumping of bacterial cells
easily visible precipitate
used for initial confirmation (salmonella, vibrio cholerae)
List the different types of ELISAs and describe principles behind the Sandwich and Competitive ELISAs
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
technique to detect an antigen or antibody
Types: Direct, Indirect, Sandwich, Competitive, Multiplex
Antibody -> Antigen -> Antibody -> Substrate
Absorbance relates to concentration
Antigen -> specific Ab + sample + enzyme-conjungated secondary Ab + substrate
used for quantification
Understand the general background of LFIAs
Lateral flow immunoassays
rapid, easy, durable stability, low cost, no additional equipment
aka immunochromatographic assay
two types
double antibody sandwich assays
competitive assays
Describe how MS methods can be used for bacterial identification
Mass Spectrometry
Advantages: speed, reduced costs, simplicity, applicability for a wide range of bacteria
Several ionization and separation techniques can be coupled with MS
Provide further details on MS methods including FTIR and MALDITOF-MS
Chemical and label-free procedure
fast, versatile, non-invasive, easy to perform
only small amount of sample required
Possible to obtain, in a single measurement lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids
ionization of microbial cells with short laser pulses and then accelerating the particles in a vacuum system using an electric field
a specific molecular fingerprint in the form of a spectra profile is obtained
fingerprint can be compared to a database
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