Effector T-cells at the infection site = early stage
—> local infection, penetration of epithelium (wound healing induced, antimicrobial proteins & peptides, phagocytes & complement destroy invading microorganisms)
—>local infection of tissues (complement activation, DC migration to lymph nodes, phagocyte action, NK cells activated, cytokines & chemokines produced)
—>lymphatic spread (pathogens trapped & phagocytosed in lymphoid tissue, adaptive immunity initiated by migration of DC)
—>adaptive immunity (infection cleared by specific Ab, T-cell-dependent macrophage activation & cytotoxic T-cells)
After the effector phase - the memory phase
adaptive immune response only triggered over a certain level of antigen
establishment of infection —> inductive phase —> effector phase —> memory phase
the peak of the pathogen before activation of the adaptive immune response, then clearing
most antigen-specific lymphocytes die when no pathogen can be detected anymore
some maintained to constitute the memory
Immune memory
allows quicker and more efficient response to the second infection
quicker: more precursors of antigen-presenting cells than initially
more efficient: increased affinity & class switch in the first reaction
between the responses a small amount of Ab in the serum
second response main reason for booster injection after initial vaccination
Memory T-cell generation & maintenance
dependent on IL-7R
naive T-cells require signals from contact with self-peptide: self MHC complexes & cytokines IL-15 & IL-17 for survival —>positive selection of self-peptide: MHC interaction & cytokines deliver survival signal
native T-cell encounters an antigen
—>most activated T-cells become effector cells
—>some activated and/or effector cells become long-lived memory cells (maintain IL-7R)
cytokine-dependent (IL-7) & less dependent on continuous TCR stimulation (self-peptide/ MHC interaction)
Experimentation prooving T-cell memory
mice infected with LCMV generate primary CD8 response, some effector cells express high levels of IL-7R while others don’t
use TCR transgenic mice: 1 α & ß-chain —> block endogenous TCR rearrangement (only 1 T-cell clone expressed)
purify CD8 cells at peak of the response & sort according to IL-7R expression
—>only transfer IL-7Rα hi CD8 T-cells into naive mice led to robust expansion of antigen-specific CD8 cells after secondary challenge
—> Quantify antigen-specific T-cells via fluorescent antigen staining & flow cytometry
MHC + peptide coupled to fluorophore/biotin —> soluble
use tetramer for sufficient affinity (formed via avidin/biotin interaction)
1 streptavidin binds 4 biotin (streptavidin labeled)
Central vs. Effector Memory T-cells
memory pathway IL-7R+ & CD45RO (active in naive CD45RA)
central memory cells express CCR7 & remain in lymphoid tissue
effector memory cells lack CCR7 & migrate to tissues —>2 subsets of memory cells
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype
marker for different T-lymphocyte states allows the following immune response
—>changes in adhesion molecules, interaction with APC, chemokine receptors, survival signaling & effector function
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD44
adhesion molecule on activated T-cells (effector & memory)
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD45RO
in activated T-cells modulating TCR signaling (effector & memory)
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD45RA
downregulated in effector cells, upregulated in memory & naive T-cells
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD62L
L-selectin for homing to lymph nodes
not in effector T-cells & effector memory cells (reside in tissue)
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CCR7
chemokine receptor for homing in lymph node
present in native and central memory cells
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD69
early activation antigen only on effector T-cells (transient activation antigen)
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: Bcl-2
promotes cell survival in memory & naive cells, almost lost in effector cells (die after clearance)
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: IFNgamma
effector cytokine, also in memory cells in granules —> for quick response & effector cells
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: Granzyme B/FasL
effector molecules in cell killing mostly in effector, minimal in memory
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD25
part of receptor for IL-2 & transiently expressed in effector T-cell
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CD127
part of the receptor for IL-7 in memory & naive T-cells
Naive vs. Effector vs. Memory phenotype: CCR5
receptor for chemokines CCL3 & CCL4 —>tissue migration
absent in naive & central memory
CD4 T-cell requirement in CD8 T-cells
WT mice & mice lacking MHCII infected with LM bacterium expressing an ovalbumin antigen
after 7 days both types have expanded a similar number of OVA-specific CD8+ T-cells
after 70 days rechallenged —> only WT mice can expand OVA-specific memory cells
—> no memory/no-reexpression: memory CD8 T-cells w/o CD4 T-cells not generated/die
other experiment: memory CD8 T-cells develop in mice infected with LCMV
LCMV-specific CD8 memory T-cells are transferred into WT or mice lacking CD4 T-cells (MHCII KO)
—>memory CD8 T-cells maintained in mice with CD4 T-cells but not in mice lacking CD4 T-cells
—>dependent on CD40 for survival of memory CD8 T-cells —> needed for maintenance
Primary and secondary humoral response
IgG mainly in memory response —> has a much higher affinity
—> affinity & amount of Ab increase with repeated immunization
affinity increase of around 1 million-fold from the initial level of the specific IgG
original antigenic sin
individual (2 years) infected with influenza virus makes Ab against all epitopes present on the virus
same individual (5 years) infected with influenza variant —> makes only Ab against shared epitopes with the original virus (memory antigen-specific, no response to new epitopes)
infection with new variant —> only Ab against epitopes shared with the individual virus not against shared epitopes with the variant encountered before
—>first encountered antigens rule the memory generation & subnormal response to new epitopes
Vaccine-induced immune memory
leads to faster & more efficient response
somatic hypermutations in variable regions for increased affinity
long-lived effector cells
after smallpox vaccination Ab levels without significant decline & T-cell memory show a half-life of 8-15 years
Ab: still high after 30 years, huge memory —> long-lived plasma cells (differentiated B-cells in the bone marrow)
CD4 & CD8 T-cell memory is long-lived but gradually decays
NK memory
no complete contraction
contraction = dying of effector cells after clearance of the pathogen
the number of virus-specific NK cells don’t decline to level before infection but a memory to a much lesser extend
history smallpox vaccination
UK farmer inoculated family members with fluids from cowpox lesions during severe smallpox outbreak
—>person having contracted cowpox not infected by human smallpox assumed among farmers (1774)
Edward Jenner conducted 1st human to human trial (variolation)
injection of a small amount of dried fluids from a patient suffering from a mild disease —> success but 3% of fatal smallpox disease (afterward injection of cowpox)
nowadays the vaccine is the vaccinia virus ( also from the poxvirus family)
smallpox vaccination the most successful vaccination —>officially eradicated in 1977
Louis Pasteur
made a vaccine against rabies with an in vitro inactivated strain of the virus
types of vaccines
Inactivates viruses: killed by heat/ fixation —>don’t infect host cells, no CD8+ T-cell response, Abs & CD4+ T-cells produced
Attenuated viruses: Abs, CD4 & CD8 T-cells produced —>can infect cells
synthetic vaccines: recombinant proteins/peptides associated to an adjuvant (epitopes for T-& B-cells)
triggers immune response & interacts with the inflammasome
hydroxyl-aluminium only adjuvant used in humans
—> increases stability of the antigen (oil elucifies Ag, creates depot at the site of injection leading to slow release of Ag after injection)
—> increases immune response
—> provides signal 2 to specific T-cells (need PRR ligand)
Vaccination against influenza
antigenic variation —> annual design of a killed virus vaccine
moderately effective reducing mortality in elderly & illness in adults (40%)
ideal vaccine = live attenuated vaccine matching the season strain
solution for improvement: universal flu vaccine with broadly neutralizing Abs
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine
attenuated vaccine from a pathogenic isolate of Mycobacterium bovis passaged in the lab
variable effects: none in some countries (Malawi) to 50-80% in the UK —> MHC polymorphism
optimization required = recombinant BCG vaccines, overexpression of the immunodominant antigen of the human Mycobacterium tuberculosis
COVID 19 vaccines
Moderna & BioNTech: muscle injection of the mRNA of the spike from SARS-CoV2 encapsulated in liposomes
Astrazeneca/J&J/Spoutnik: replicative-deficient adenovirus from monkey encoding for the spike (intramuscular)
Controversies regarding vaccines
hinders herd vaccination but herd immunity needed to protect people not responding to vaccines
autism & Mumps-Measles-Rubella vaccines: hypothesized from Dr. Wakefield led to insufficient MMR immunization coverage rates in the UK, triggering measles outbreak
today paper retracted—>guilty of ethical, medical & scientific misconduct
additional studies showed that the data was fraudulent
no link demonstrated between risk of developing multiple sclerosis & vaccination
Last changeda year ago