Growth stresses
Tension in the outer part
Compression in the inner part
When cutting dead tree —> gwoth stresses relieve
Theories of origin of growth stresses
Generated during the differentiation process of cells in the cell wall formation process
Cellulose tension hypothesis: Bilden von Cellulose --> einzelne Ketten --> wenn Ketten assembliert werden zu fibrillen --> Teilkristallinie teile --> führen zu verkürzung --> übt Zugkraft aus
Lignin swelling hypothesis: Swelling in the cell wall due to insertion of lignin —> pushing the cellulose fibers apart
Unified hypothesis: Combine the 2 others
Longitudinal growth stresses
Each cell generated by cambium has the same level of streses
Stress in older cells is removed a bit by newer cells
tension in outer part (1/3) tension, inner part compression
Traverse growth stresses
No stresses in radial direction
Radial: interaction of longitudinal and tangential stresses
Tangential: Compression in the peripherie
Function of Growth Stresses
Longitudinal tensile stress in the periphery is essention to protect the side of the stem, which is under compression during wind loads
A small radial compression stress on the cambium is essential for regular wood formation
Tangential compression at the periphery —> wound closure by the cambium
Reaction wood tissue
SW: Compression wood
HW: Tension wood additional G-layer (MFA 0)
Challenge: create a system which is stiff an deformable at the same time
Last changed10 months ago