need for peripheral tolerance
mandatory because central is not complete (escapes)
low avidity T-cells
can be activated in unknown circumstances & mediate auto-immune reaction ( self-reaction escaped cells somehow activated)
main auto-immune diseases:
rheumatoid arthritis
graves’ disease
systemic lupus erythematosus
multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
in the CNS normally myelinated neurons but the formation of plaque (delineated area)
demyelinated neurons can’t fulfill their function —> handicap
MS due to self-reactive CD8+ T-cells killing oligodendrocytes that produce myelin
Layers of tolerance
Central tolerance
Peripheral energy
Regulatory T-cells
Activation-induced cell death
Peripheral anergy
signal 1 but low signal 2
no priming of T-cells to effector T-cells
cellular inactivation by weak signaling without co-stimulus
in secondary lymphoid tissue
suppression by cytokines, intercellular signals
in secondary lymphoid tissue and sites of inflammation
multiple tissues in steady state
Antigen segregation
thought that a physical barrier exists to prevent self-antigen access to the lymphoid system
but also migration of DC with antigen in steady-state (presentation of self-antigens to B-&T-cells)
can be the reason for an autoimmune reaction
OT-I CD8 T cells transgenic for a TCR specific for an OVA peptide presented by H-2kb
OVA expressed in melanocytes & injection of class I restricted TCR specific for OVA
Gut draining lymph node control: see transferred labeled CD8 T-cells
in skin DLN: proliferation due to dilution of the dye
—>without any infection migration of DC to present self-antigens
—>no activation of DC, no upregulation of costimulatory signals & B7
—> strong signal 1 without signal 2 (peripheral tolerance)
—>start to be activated by proliferation but never stage of effector T-cell
stain cells with fluorescent dye CFSE (covalent binding of cytoplasmic proteins, stable, upon cell division intensity of dye divided between both cells)
immunologically privileged peripheral tissues
more immuno-suppressive microenvironment
tissue grafts often last indefinitely & antigens placed there don’t elicit destructive immune responses
peripheral anergy/apoptosis
stimulation of naive T-cell —> proliferating T-cell —> differentiation —> active effector T-cells
kill virus-infected target cells
without signal 2: stop at the PROLIFERATION stage
never effector phase
natural regulatory T-cells
T-cell specific for self-antigen recognized in thymus becomes a natural regulatory T-cell (nTreg)
induced in the thymus with high avidity for self (Hassal corpuscle)
in periphery constantly activated by self-antigen
Conventional vs. regulatory T-cells
bith express CTLA-4, TCR, CD4, CD25 at the cell surface
TF Foxp3 specific for nTreg
activation modes of Treg
at distance secreted factors: cytokines IL-10 & TGFß inhibit other self-reactive T-cells
cell/cell contact manner: CTLA4/B7 reverse signaling —> indoleamine2,3deoxygenase (ILDO expression) tryptophane catabolism (reduced proliferation as essential AA)
not antigen-specific!
inhibit any kind of immune reaction —>naturally dampens immune reactions
conventional B-cells vs. regulatory
B1 (unconventional) & Breg express TLR, BCR/IgM, CD40, CD5 at surface
the only difference is that Breg produces IL-10 (but not easy to detect secreted factor —> no marker)
B2 (conventional) expresses TLR, BCR/IgM & CD40 (no CD5)
B-cell peripheral tolerance
the end of central tolerance in the periphery SLO (bone marrow central for B-cells)
transitional B-cells that enter the follicle receive maturation & survival signals —> differentiate into follicular B-cells or marginal zone B-cells
transitional B-cells: IgM high, IgD negative
BCR signaling (mutation in BCR) = ligand-dependent + BAFF signaling
BAFF: important factor (TNF SF) produced by FDC stimulating the development of final maturation of B-cells (signal 1 to transitional B-cells BCR dependent)
too strong signal = exclusion from the follicle & death or MZ B-cell but not conventional B2
BAFF deficient mice have no mature B-cells —> strong phenotype by mutation of 1 gene
Generation of auto-reactive B-cells during GC
somatic hypermutation generates novel B-cell specificities within germinal centers
some of these B-cells may now be able to bind self-antigens
encounter of autoreactive B-cell with self-antigen within germinal center causes apoptosis —> lack T-cell help
auto-reactive T-cells eliminated in the thymus
effectors of auto-immunity
antibodies: antagonist, agonist or pro-inflammatory
auto-reactive T-cells
Autoantibodies against signaling receptors
Graves’ disease with an agonist Ab against Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor —> pathway overactivated
Myasthenia gravis: antagonist Ab against Ach receptor
Myasthenia gravis
muscle weakness
antagonist Ab against a signaling receptor
neuromuscular function: muscle needs nerves for stimulation of contraction —> release of Ach & stimulation of AChR on the surface of muscle —> Na+ influx & contraction
when auto-Abs against AchR their binding induces internalization & degradation —> muscle unresponsive to ACh —> no Na+ influx & no muscle contraction
blood test: take the serum of the patient & inject it in animal —> disease symptoms also triggered —> immunoprecipitation of Abs for AChR —> binds mouse & human AChR
for production of Ab also auto-reactive CD4 T-cells present
Phenphigus vulgaris
antagonist Abs against adhesion molecules
first mucose than skin —> blistering of the skin
different B-cell epitopes on desmogleins are targeted by auto-Abs (early epitope in the mucosal stage of disease vs. late epitope in skin stage of disease)
Abs made against Dsg-1 & Dsg-3 unzip the adhesive interactions in desmosomes —> intra- & intermolecular epitope spreading
desmoglein is an adhesion molecule in cell junctions holding together keratinocytes
interfere with the physiological adhesive interactions of desmoglein (necessary for skin integrity)
Graves’ disease
agonistic auto-Ab against a signaling receptor
thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH which acts on the thyroid inducing the release of thyroid hormones
the pituitary gland secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH which acts on the thyroid inducing the release of thyroid hormones
TH acts on the hypothalamus & pituitary to shut down the production of TSH, suppressing further TH synthesis
—> Feedback suppression
Autoimmune B-cell makes Abs against TSH-R that also stimulates thyroid hormone production
loose regulation of thyroid hormones —> constitutive release (hyperthyroidism)
TH shut down TSH production but had no effect on auto-Ab production —> excessive TH production
Mother-to-newborn transmission
patient with Graves’ disease makes anti-TSHR Abs transferred across the placenta to the fetus —> newborn with Graves’ disease
Plasmapheresis removes maternal anti-TSHR Abs & cures the disease
spread via non-classical MHC molecule, FCRN transporting IgG
transferable AIDs: myasthenia gravis, Graves’ disease,, thrombocytopenia purpura, pemphigus vulgaris, neonatal lupus rash and/or congenital heart block—>IgG mediated auto-immune disease
little lasting symptoms disappear along with maternal Ab
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Inflammatory antibodies
multiple-organs affected: skin, blood vessels, kidney
antibodies against DNT & T-independent responses: BCR + TCR signaling
B-cells with specificity for DNA bind soluble fragments of DNA sending a signal through the BCR
cross-linked BCR is internalized with bound DNA molecule
GC-rich fragments from internalized DNA bind to TLR-9 in an endosomal compartment (co-stimulatory signal)—>hypomethylated CpG sequences rich in prokaryotes & apoptotic cells
B-cells with a strong affinity for DNA are eliminated but with lower affinity escape & persist
—> Cell apoptosis is needed so that DNA is visible to the immune system
DNA associated with proteins —> both internalized by BCR —> proteins can activate TH —>T-dependent high affinity & antibody switch
DNA-specific presents peptides from DNA-associated proteins to T-cells
autoimmune CD8 T-cells attack the myelin sheath from nerves axons in humans —> paralysis
animal model: experimental autoimmune encephalitis
injection of myelin basic protein & complete Freund’s adjuvant develop EAE —> paralyzed (also a drug for permeabilization BBB)
peripheral vaccination with MHC II-restricted peptide from myelin-associated protein disease is mediated by Th17 & Th1 cells specific for myelin basic protein
transmittable via transfer of T-cells from affected animals (activated CD4+ myelin-specific T-cells)
—>similar disease but different effector cells —> animal models not always optimal (in human CD8+)
Type I diabetes
CD8 T-cells infiltrate in the pancreas, in the beginning don’t kill ß-cells (insulitis = presymptomatic stage)
islets of Langerhans: several cell types secreting hormones —> each cell expresses different tissue-specific proteins
T1D: effector T-cell recognizes peptides from a ß-cell specific protein —> destruction of insulin-producing ß-cells —> hyperglycemia
glucagon & somatostatin still produced by the α & δ cells but no insulin made
Rheumatoid arthritis
innate cells as effectors: macrophages & CD4+ T-cells
effects the joints
unknown trigger sets up initial focus of inflammation in synovial membrane attracting leukocytes
auto-reactive CD4 T-cells activates macrophages —> production of pro-inflammatory cytokines & sustained inflammation
cytokines induce production of matrix metalloproteases & RANK ligand by fibroblasts
MMPs tissues & activation of bone-destroying osteoclasts by RANK ligand —> joint destruction
in past treated with nonspecific immunosuppressive drugs, today more specific TNFα
citrullinated proteins
PAD (peptidyl arginine deaminase) converts positively charged arginine residues to neutral citrulline residues
—> loss of surface chages makes the protein more susceptible to proteolytic degradation —> recognized at non-self —> peptides with citrulline residues are presented by HLA class II to CD4 T-cells
Abs against citrullinated proteins —> epitopes recognized after post-translational modification
also rheumatoid factor = antibody against the Fc part of Ig, Abs against other Abs
PAD expressed in tissues stressed by wounds or infection
genetuc factors (susceptible genes) in combination with infection & environmental exposure
lead to immune dysregulation which can result in auto-immunity
Main genetic factor
different MHC molecules: bad ones bind better self-peptides
can be class I or class II
DQ6 HLA allele less susceptible for T1D
position 57 of the DQß chain affects susceptiblity to type 1 diabetes mellitus
Asp57 & salt bridge with arginine —> impair self-peptide presentation
Alanine 57: non-polar AA, no salt bridge—> self-peptide presentation possible
AA differences in the MHC groove after self-peptide presentation
molecular mimicry
environmental factor
RIP-OVA (Rat insulin promotor) & OVA expressing virus infection
mice produce OVA in pnacreas—> develop T1D when infected with virus recombinant for OVA
pathogen triggers immune response & if pathogenic antigen similar to a self-antigen
pathogen specific T-cells & Abs produced that may be cross-reactive with self-antigen —> MS & EBV best known examples
molecular mimicry for T-cells & B-cells between EBNA1 & myelin
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