What are the goals of fracture mechanics?
describe the fracture
define fracture parameters
assess reliable testing methods
establish safety criteria
How is the bond force between atoms calculated?
How can the tension to crack a bond be calculated using the surface energy?
What is the relation between surface energy, youngs modulus and equilibrium spacing? How does that influence the Orowan equation?
How can the bond force between atoms be calculated?
How can the bond stiffness be calcullated?
How can the cohesive stress equation be derivated qualitatively?
Multiplying both sides of this equation by the number of bonds per unit area (n/A) and the gage length (x0) converts K to Young’s modulus, E, and FR to the cohesive stress, sR. Solving for sR gives
lambda=fitting constant for sinus equation of energy level
What value did Kt reach after the Kirsch model?
How is Kt defined?
What value does Kt reach after the Inglis analysis?
What value did Kt reach after the Inglis model?
How is the radius of curvature defined after the inglis model?
How is the stress at a sharp crack calculated for a sharp crack in a body
What are the three modes of the notch intensity factor K?
What is a method of calculating the notch intensity factor K including the geometry?
Y=geometry factor
sigma0=far field stress
a=crack length
Which formula is used to determine K1 from fracture tests?
Last changed7 months ago