
L2: Enron

by Yannick L.

what happens in an unethical coporate culture?

This slide is discussing factors that can lead to unethical behavior in a company's culture. Here’s what it says in simple terms:

  • Business Model: The way the company makes money might rely on accounting methods that estimate the value of things for the future (which can be very uncertain) and on taking advantage of less strict laws to do things that might not be ethical.

  • Goals Setting: The company may encourage a very competitive environment, where employees are ranked and possibly fired if they don't perform well (known as "Rank and Yank"). This "survival of the fittest" mentality (social Darwinism) and a tough, aggressive attitude (macho culture) can lead to unethical decisions because everyone is trying to win at all costs.

  • Lobbying: The company might try to influence political decisions in its favor. They may have close ties with their accounting firm (AA accounting firm) and not enough checks from outside the company (External Oversight), which can lead to overlooking unethical actions.

These behaviors can start a "Slippery Slope" where one small unethical choice leads to another, causing an "Unethical Spillover" – when bad behavior in one area leads to bad behavior in other areas. "Motivated Blindness" is when people ignore unethical behavior because it's in their interest not to notice.

The result of all this is an "Unethical Corporate Culture," where doing the wrong thing is accepted or even encouraged. This kind of culture can seriously harm the company's reputation and success in the long run.


Yannick L.


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