config = released version of req
trace from originin until implementation
What are mandatory and/or additional attributes for reqs? (name expamples)
What are the needed information for a CR?
outside the invoice the invoice item cannot exist
what Models can we use for Req Systems?
Modelling Context
not part of system, but will affect it
to explain with
context diagram for external interfaces (like describe the context and system is a blackblox)
UML use case diagram for overview of use classes
Structure and Data
input/output oriented
UML class diagram
use cases (e.g. described with a template)
Function and Flow
UML activity diagram
data modell, class modell (abstract and hard to learn)
flow chart
State and behaviour
to explain wiht
UML state diagram
activity diagram
use case diagram
state charts
interaction diagram
dokument templates können eher helfen nichts zu vergessen. Bei Phrase templates geht es nur um einzelne Reqs, da kann immer etwas vergessen werden
Aus Modellen ist es möglich automatisierte Testfälle zu generieren, es muss jedoch für diesen Fall “korrekt” modelliert sein
A) und E) sind i.d.R. keine Req Dokumente
greyzones are okay “???” can be used, but should be clarified within the process of development
only direct interfaces/connections are needed
state diagramm zeigt nur den kleinen Ausschnitt von einem Status/Zustand. Es können keine anderen Infos (was außenrum passiert) angezeigt werden
context diagramm only shows what is outside the system
natural language can be used for any kind of req
B) is wrong because of “mainly”
D) is correnct because it is also for quality reqs AND other
is a means = ist ein Mittel
Wikipedia ist das Problem, an sich sind Referenzen gut und gewünscht (z.B. ins eigene Glossar)
If you write “This” there should be at least a link/reference. Better write down what you mean
Order is not needed, can be done afterwards with e.g. Prio in View/Filter
auch durch die passive formulierung, ist trotzdem klar wer was macht “by the system”
Bei “each” vorsichtig sein, immer gegenprüfen ob es eine Bedingung gibt oder eine andere Möglichkeit, die auch Beschrieben werden muss. Wenn nicht, kann man das aber nutzen
phrase template is used for single reqs
A) ist die Beschreibung von “document template”
Stakeholder sind unterschiedlich und haben unterschiedliche Meinungen/Arbeitsweisen/Wissen/etc.
Pitfalls of Natural language
Definition Anforderung
Definition Requirmenent Engineering
Definition Funktionale Anforderung
Definition Qualitätsanforderung
Definition Randbedingung
Definition Arbeitsprodukt
Definition Satzschablone
Definition (graphisches) Modell
Definition und Grundregeln Glossar
Definition Versionkontrolle
Definition Sichten
Beispiele implizite/explizite Verfolgbarkeit
Schritte zum finden der Priorisierung
Beispiel von Ad-hoch oder Analytischen Priorisierungstechniken
Arten von Werkzeugen und ihre Aspekte
Definition und Pro/Contra Prototypen
Qualitätskriterien für Anfroderungen
System Kontext
Bereich zwischen System Grenze und Kontext Grenze
Minimum viable product
explorations Technik zur validierung von Anforderungen
Types of tools
Template for phrasing reqs
Functional Req
Quality Req
or user story:
“as a <role> I want to <goal> so that <benefit>”
or use case for interaction between user (driver) and system (car) in the context (box)
document template
strucutre template
aspects (Facetten) of RE processes
Relationship types
Kano Modell
Elicitation techniques
Validation techniques
wireframes (e.g. on paper)
mockups (real system w/o real function)
native prototypes (system part is implemented realisticly)
MMP (mim marketable product)
quality criteria of reqs
Conflict resolution and suporting techniques
User story and story map
simple and short at the beginning
4 tasks of RE
from stakeholders or other sources like affected documents (norms, standards)/influencers/system (other competing)
adequalely description
review in early stage
non-validated reqs are useless
structured and prepared for different roles
Types of reqs
funktional -> what
input/output of a system
quality -> how
properties that are testabe with metrics or derive functions
constraints -> limit us
other components
Defects of single and related reqs
Types of stakeholder groups
Needed info of stakeholder
why reqs?
reduce risk of wrong system
understood problems
estimationg effird and cost
prereq. for testing
tasks of stakeholders
make desicions in timely manner
formulate in to target-oriented and conscientuous manner
provides reqs
introduce into the subject area
User groups
End user (Prio1 and largest group)
clustered user groups
personal (fictuinal characters)
9 principes of RE
value = benefit - cost, will help build right system
stakeholder (most focus)
shared understanding (common basis, what is implizit and what is explizit)
context (where/how is the system used)
evolution (change)
innovation (new)
systematic and disciplined work
types of conflicts
Work products
individual reqs
set of req
Last changed17 days ago