IFF in tension due to
Failure Modes
micro-cracks (residual tensile stresses in the
matrix caused by different thermal expansion
factors of fiber and matrix, the matrix shrinkage
during polymerization)
Locally increased strain in the matrix, which
reduces the strength of the composite compared to
the strength of the neat resin
Adhesive failure of the fiber-matrix interface
Cohesive failure of the matrix
Fiber Failure in Compression
Fiber Failure in compression can be caused by fiber fracture, micro buckling of
the fibers or fiber kinking
• Initial Fiber misalignment introduces shear stresses which promote a fiber
rotation, resulting in a further increase of the shear stresses
• Due to the instability Kinking is initiated, which can be defined as the
localized shear deformation (failure) of the matrix along a band
• Typically, the fibers break at the edges of the band
Fiber Failure in Tension
Fiber failure (FF) in tension is the (final) simultaneous fracture of many fiber bundles
• Due to the brittle behavior of fiber composites, the fiber
fracture occurs suddenly without previous non-linearity
o No stress redistribution possible
o Fiber failure = ultimate failure
• Fiber failure is the only “desired” failure of the laminate
o The fibers are the load-carrying elements, therefore the structure should be
dimensioned for this failure mode
• Two failure modes are generally present at fiber failure
o Failure of the fiber itself
o Failure of the fiber/matrix interface
Inter-Fiber Failure in Compression
Fracture plane is not equal to action plane of the loading
o Transverse compressive stresses cannot cause failure in the
action plane of the stresses
• Transverse compressive failure occurs on a plane inclined by ≈ 50° to
the action plane of the transverse compressive stress
o Transverse compressive failure is therefore a shear induced
failure mode
• Compressive failure can lead to dangerous
wedge fracture of the lamina
o Induce a force in thickness direction leading
to major delamination
o Resulting in total failure of the laminate
Inter-Fiber Failure in Longitudinal In-Plane Shear
For shear loading there are always pairwise connected stresses with
perpendicular action planes
o Two possible fracture planes
o Fracture occurs in the plane with the lower fracture resistance
o Experiments show, that the fracture generally appears in a plane parallel to
the fibers
• At first, micro-cracks appear under 45° as principle stress cracks between the
Eventually these cracks form a macro-crack parallel to the fiber direction
o In this case the fibers act as crack arrestor
Inter-Fiber Failure in Transverse Shear
Fracture occurs in a plane inclined by 45° as a result of the equivalent
normal stress in the 45° direction
• None of the shear forces’ action planes are identical with the fracture plane
• Despite the obvious shear loading the induced fracture is a transversal tension fracture
Failure index
F < 1 no failure
F = 0 failure point
F > 1 failure
Generally the failure index is a non-linear function to the applied load
→ Cannot be used for direct judgment of risk of failure.
Delamination (Interlaminar Failure)
Delamination describes the fracture between two adjacent layers of a laminate
Common reasons are impact, buckling, bending
General Remarks for Inter-Fiber Failure
Design rule: maximum two plies with same orientation next to each other
An even distribution of ply angles over the laminate thickness should be accomplishedInter-fiber failure may however lead to catastrophic failure of the laminate for the case of wedge fracture under
transverse compression dominated loading
Stress Exposure
Gives the “risk of fracture” on Lamina level!
One has to distinguish between “risk of failure” on lamina and laminate level!
Demands for Failure Criteria
Prediction of failure mode
Typical failure modes of the material should be reproduced
The mathematical formulations should be relatively easy to handle
Reliable test methods for all input values should be available
Reserve Factor
Gives the “risk of fracture” on Laminate level!
Difference between RF and fE
• Laminate level vs. lamina level
• Load defined vs. stress defined
o Non-linear material behavior
o Load can be mechanical / thermal etc.
Tsai-Wu Pros/Cons
o Easy to use and to implement
o Single equation for the fracture body
o Pure mathematical interpolation equation - physically questionable dependencies
o No prediction of failure mode
o Interaction term 1 is difficult to determine
Failure Criteria – Classification
• Independent criteria (e.g. Maximum Stress, Maximum Strain)
o No interaction between different stress/strain components. The failure mode can be predicted. Failure analysis is
often not conservative.
• Fully interactive criteria (e.g. Tsai-Wu, Hoffman)
o All the different stresses are combined in a single equation. The failure mode cannot be predicted.
• Partly interactive criteria (e.g. Hashin, Puck)
o The Failure Function is represented by different equations. Hence, these criteria allow a distinction between different
failure modes (e.g. fiber or matrix failure / tension or compression) and a physically plausible interaction of different
Failure assumptions for composite materials
• UD lamina show brittle material behavior for Fiber fracture as well as
for Inter-Fiber-Fracture
• Fiber Fracture is mainly caused by normal stresses virtually parallel to
the fiber direction
• Inter Fiber Fracture is mainly caused by a combination of stresses
acting not parallel to the fiber direction
• The strength relating to fiber fracture is higher for tensile loading
compared to compressive loading
• The strength relating to inter-fiber fracture is higher for compressive
loading compared to tensional loading
“The strength prediction of the distinct modes should not be influenced
by the direction of the considered coordinate system!”
4 distinct failure modes are considered:
• Fiber tensile failure
• Fiber compressive failure
• Matrix tensile failure
• Matrix compressive failure
Based on Mohr circle
Shear failure defined by inner friction
Criterion derived from physical principles
Very accurate especially in shear-compression
Reason 54Degree Failur Plane at IFF Compression is that the Compression stress acting normal to the fracture plane impedes shear fracture
The fracture hypothesis of Mohr is used for the description of the fracture phenomena of Inter Fiber Failure! The fracture
plane where IFF will occur is the action plane where the critical stress combination is applied!
High sigma_1 stresses can reduce the action plane fracture resistances -> weakening factor
Failure Modeling in Practice
Maximum strain criterion
− “damage tolerant” criterion epsilon < 0.4% - aerospace
− “fatigue” criterion epsilon < 0.2% - Wind energy
Types of Matrix
Good mechanical properties
Most used
Good impact properties
Bad thermo-mechanical
High temperature
[Titanium, SiC]
Reduced Order Model (ROM)
Provides BOTH Predictive Accuracy and Computational Efficiency
Types of Fibers
High performance
Moderate tensile
Excellent tensile
properties and energy
Bad resistance in
Bad adhesion with
polymer matrix
Properties stability
wrt temperature
Very expensive
Goals of Mechanical Analysis
Each structure has requirements regarding the mechanical performance
• Verification of performance is indispensable
• Stiffness / strength etc.
Verification through experimental investigation possible
• Test facility is needed
• Drawback: expensive and low flexibility (hardly any loop-back to the design)
More flexible: mechanical analysis
• Influence of the design is possible
• Different variations (e.g. fiber/matrix material) are easier to realize → Optimization
Analysis of the mechanical response of a structure subjected to a certain loading:
• Analytical approach
• Numerical approach, e.g. Finite Element Analysis
Multiscale Material Model Development (MMMD)
Scale 0 – Microstructure
Scale 1 – Micromechanics
Scale 2 – Macromechanics
Homogenization to higher scales
Elastic behavior – General Stress-Strain Relation
General: 36 constants needed to define material behavior
Anisotropic Material: 21 independent constants
Orthotropic Material: 9 independent constants
Transversely isotropic Material: 5 independent constants
Isotropic Material: 2 independent constants
Transversely isotropic with “plane stress” assumption: 4 independent constants:
Scales of Analysis for Composite Materials
Micro-Scale / Micromechanics
• Properties of fibers and matrix
Macro-Scale / Macromechanics - Lamina
• Lamina: one ply of a laminate
• Assumed homogenous, averaged properties
of constituent materials used for analysis
Macro-Scale / Macromechanics - Laminate
• Laminate with several plies
• Single layer behaves like lamina
Idealized Material Structure – RUC vs. RVE
Repeating Unit Cell (RUC) (RUC almost always used for analytical and numerical calculations)
• Heterogeneous, microstructure is approximated as periodic
• Building block approach
• Periodic boundary conditions to enforce repeating nature
Representative Volume Element (RVE)
• Must contain large enough volume to capture the random microstructure on a statistical basis
Micromechanics – Rule of Mixtures (ROM)
Parallel spring model
Assumption of isostrain
Good applicability! for E1
ABD-Matrix/ CLT Basic Assumptions
1. The layers are assumed to be perfectly bonded
2. Straight lines perpendicular to the middle surface remain straight and perpendicular to the middle surface after
3. The thickness is assumed to stay constant
4. Out of plane deflections (bending) are small compared to laminate thickness
CLT is restricted to thin laminates
CLT requires linear elastic material behavior
Micromechanics – Inverse Rule of Mixtures (iROM)
Serial spring model
Force equilibrium (iso-stress)
Provides a lower bound for E2
One unconsidered mechanism:
•High stiffness of the fibers in longitudinal direction constrains
transverse contraction of the matrix
•no packing of fibers considered
Stress and Strain Variation in a Laminate
Loading Direction
“With 10° off-axis the stiffness of the ply reduces by about 45%.”
Extension – Bending coupling
Sub-Matrices of ABD
A – Extensional stiffness matrix:
→ connects in-plane normal- and shear-strains with
in-plane normal and shear forces
B – Bending-extension coupling stiffness matrix:
→ coupling-matrix: connects in-plane strains and shear strains
with moments and curvatures with normal and shear forces
D – Bending stiffness matrix:
→ connects curvatures with moments
Extension – Torsion coupling
Bending – Bending coupling
Bending – Torsion coupling
Representation of the coupling terms
Shear – Torsion coupling
Laminate Symmetry Planes
Mid-plane symmetry:
• B Matrix = 0
→ no extension-bending coupling
Balanced laminate
• For every –alpha oriented ply, there is a ply with
+ alpha orientation
• A16 and A26 have zero entries
→ no extension-shear coupling
Length-plane symmetry:
• Only feasible with 0° and 90° plies
• A16, A26 and D16, D26 have zero entries
→ no extension-shear and bending-twist coupling
ABD and abd matrices:
ABD-Matrix (stiffness) abd-Matrix (compliance)
Input: deformations – Output: loads Input: loads – Output: deformations
(What load does the structure take?)
(What is the best structure to take the load?)
FE Modeling of Laminates
• Layered shell ( for “thin” structures)
+ fast calculation
- no stresses in thickness direction
• Continuum elements for “thick” structures (One element per ply)
+ Very accurate
- Fine meshes are required
Layered continuum element
Aluminum vs. Composite Design
Aluminum: Milling “Substracting“ Stringers: crack arrester
Composite: Layup “Additive“ Fibers orthogonal to the crack work as crack arrester
Integral Design
• Reduction of the components
→ Reduction of joints
→ Low assembling costs
• Less manufacturing processes
Robust manufacturing process needed
Differential Design
Combination of different materials
• Exchange of parts / reparability
• Hybrid design: composites/metals
Attention: corrosion
• „Fail Safe Design“
• Minimizing scrap
• Simple tolerance compensation
• Simple and cheap tools
Manufacturing of pre- and uncured Components - Summary
1,2,3: bonding (differential)
4: co-bonding (intergral)
5: co-curing (integral)
Anatomy of a Stiffened Panel
Optimal Fiber Layup vs. Black Metal Design
Optimized Fiber-Layup
• Rovings are oriented in direction of the load path to provide stiffness and strength where needed
-> yields usually anisotropic behavior.
• Goes in hand with integral design
-> Great potential for lightweight design.
Black Metal Design
• CFRP is used with a quasi-isotropic layup and thereby like a sheet metal structure.
• This approach goes often in hand with a differential design.
-> The superior material properties are not fully used – just the difference in
specific properties (stiffness, strength) between composite and metal.
Design Notes for Laminate Layup
Selection of Material: Composites
++ high performance (Strength,
Stiffness, [...])
++ crash
- Impact
Aerospace, Automotive, (wind
industry, civil eng.)
++ Cost efficient
+ Impact
Wind industry, aerospace,
automotive, civil eng.
++ Impact
- Compression loading
Quality Inspection - NDI
Differential → NDI of individual members possible before assembly
Integral → NDI is difficult!
Damage Tolerant Design
Recommendations for Lay-up with Respect to Damage Tolerance
• First and last layer should be orientated ±45° to the main load path
• Grouping of layers with the same orientation has to be avoided
Aerospace fasteners (What kinds and characteristics)
Rivets Solid/Blind: Smooth cylindrical shaft, Used to transfer loads by shear, not normal stresses
• Solid rivets:
• Are the rivets of choice if joint is accessible from both sides
• Blind rivets:
• Are the rivets of choice if the joint area is accessible from one side only
• Are hollow and thus weaker → need to use stronger material and / or larger diameter and / or higher number of rivets → negative weight impact
Bolts: Designed to provide sufficient preload to transfer the load by friction, loss in preload is much higher for composites than for metallic joint partners due to creep
Aviation industry -> Bolts should only be designed to transfer tension, no shear
Space industry -> Bolts are often used to transfer both, tension and shear
Speciality Fasteners
Roadmap of joint design and analysis
1. Joint Type – Get it right
in first loop!
2. Iterations of fastener
placement, stress and
failure analysis
3. In worst case also joint
type needs to be included
in iterations
Primary/secondary failure mechanisms
And when they appear
Bearing Failure -> happens at high w/d ratios (influenced by joint geometry, laminate stacking etc.)
Net Section Failure -> happens at low w/d ratios
Shear-out -> happens at
Bolt bending -> happens at high lever arms (laminate thicknesses)
Shank shear -> happens at
Tension shear -> happens at
Load distribution: Rigid vs. flexible formulation of joints/fasteners
Joint / Fastener flexibility
Enhancing bearing strength methods
Local thickening
Incorporation of glass softening strips (reducing peak stress)
For high loading above the limits of rivets, bearings and bushing can be utilized.
9 simple recommendations and hints for the design of a composite bolted joint
1. Design the joints first and fill in gaps afterwards – optimizing the basic structure first compromises the joint design and results in low overall structural efficiency
2. The best bolted joints can barely exceed half the strength of un-notched laminates
3. Optimum single-row joints have approximately three-quarters of the strength of optimum four-row joints
4. Rated shear strength of fasteners should not be a factor in design – bolts need to be sized to restrict bearing stresses in laminates
5. Bolt-bearing strength, in particular, is sensitive to through-the-thickness clamp-up (preload in thickness direction) of laminates. Creep may be an issue
6. Bolt bending is much more significant for composites than for metals, because composite members are thicker (for a given load) and more sensitive to non- uniform bearing stresses (because of brittle failure mechanisms)
7. w/d ratio for single-row bolted joints as about 3 to 1
8. w/d ratio for multi-row bolted joints must be varied along the overlap length to distribute loads more evenly and thereby enhance joint efficiency
9. Good fiber patterns are fully interspersed (parallel plies not bunched together) and have at least 10% of the plies in each of the four main directions: 0º, +45º, -45º and 90º. → local thickening to increase laminate thickness
Manufacturing tolerances
• Liquid shim (gap should be small – e.g. ≤ 0.5mm)
• Metal/solid shim (for thicker gaps e.g. 0.5 mm ≤ x ≤ 2mm)
• Sacrificial plies (for Al fittings GFRP has to be used) – machined to tight tolerances after cure
• The additional gap needs to be considered for joint sizing → e.g. bolt bending.
Hybrid bonding
Chicken rivet:
Primarily used if load path redundancy is required
Bad design
Load path to bonded joint is stiffer → the fasteners/rivets do not receive load until the bond slips → no increase in failure load
• The fasteners/rivets take some load after the bond breaks → may be beneficial in some cases e.g. total energy
Advantages and disadvantages of joint types
Cohesion = “internal strength” (Cohesion is a characteristic of the adhesive itself (almost))
Adhesion = “ability to stick to a substrate” (Adhesion is a characteristic of the adhesive, the substrate material and its actual surface condition)
Loading conditions of an adhesively bonded joint
Tension Very low
Compression Low
Shear potentially very high
Peel Minimum
Modes of failure Adhesive (Bonding)
Adherend fracture outside the joint
Generally assessed as a positive type of fracture → „part fails first“
Cohesive Shear
If this mode of failure occurs in service it is most likely that it can be assigned to incorrect design and analysis
Cohesive peel
Inappropriate joint design: predominant peel loads
Adhesive shear / Adhesive peel
Mainly a process related issue
Approaches to the analysis of bonded joints
Continuum mechanics / Strength of materials(SoM)
• Stress / strain based failure
(linear elastic) Fracture mechanics (LEFM)
• Failure prediction based on critical
energy release rate
• Using similarity in between crack
growth (metals) and delamination
growth (composites, bonded
Volkersen simplifications
▪ Only shear stresses within adhesive, only normal (tensile) stresses within adherends
▪ Linear-elastic material behavior
▪ Bending moments and peel stresses due to load eccentricity neglected
▪ Constant adhesive thickness
▪ Ideal adhesion
When is the critical bonding length reached and what can you do to further decrease peak shear stress?
rho >= 5
• widen the bonding
• stiffen the adherend (higher modulus material or increasing the thickness)
• using adhesives with lower shear modulus
• thicker adhesive layer
Hart-Smith Summary & Sketch
Non-linear material behavior
Three zones in the overlap need to be defined:
a central zone which potentially is in the linear-elastic range and
the two outer zones which are potentially in the perfectly plastic regime.
Strength of materials approach and FEM Highlights, issues and critique
“Straight forward”, “well proven” and “easy to understand” approach
• Failure to occur if allowable is reached
− Allowables: stress, strain
• Identical to SoM-analytical methods without need for massive simplifications
− “any” geometry, “any” boundary condition, “any” load condition
Material data acquisition is an issue → Test data
Numerical issues at singularities
Bond thickness is very small compared to all other geometries
• Need for small elements!
Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) – Highlights,
issues, critiques
LEFM well capable to deal with singularities
• “Invented” to deal with crack growth / fatigue problems in metal
• Widely used in Aerospace
• Results for a given adhesive are highly dependent on
− Adhesive thickness
− Thickness and modulus of the adherends
− (environments)
→ data only true for very defined configurations
Not suitable for ductile materials
Only suitable for already existing cracks or “calibrated singularities”
Damage modelling (stages)
• from damage initiation
• via propagation
• to final failure
Five rules for a well designed bond
(1) Bonded joints must always be stronger than the adjacent structure
(2) Load in shear, minimize peel
− Bonding works best for thin structures
− Thick structures require complex geometries to minimize peel
(3) Provide sufficient bond area to resist creep and ensure durability
(4) Use „correct“ design allowables from suitable test methods including temperature and humidity effects
(5) Careful design and analysis are worthless unless processing of the adhesive joint – especially surface preparation is done properly
Bonded joints to be stronger than structure (Benetifs and Drawbacks)
Positive aspects:
• the likelihood of bond induced failures of the structure is reduced
• the analysis of the entire part / assembly is simplified → adhesive bond may be ignored except for detail analysis of the bond itself
• The rule may not be achieved for all substrate-adhesive combinations, e.g . for very high strength materials like advanced high strength steels
• The application of the rule generally reduces freedom of design, adds weight and increases manufacturing costs – especially with thicker adherends – which seems unnecessary if analysis can show sufficient joint strength (though being lower than the adherend strength)
How to minimize peel stresses
Remove eccentricity e.g. single lap → double lap
Minimize stiffness change by tapering edges
The “best” configuration from a purely mechanical point of view is the scarf joint.
Both peel and shear stresses are dependent on geometry !only!
By lowering the scarf angle both peel and shear stresses may be lowered “theoretically” without limitation
The purely geometrical formulation is only valid if its assumptions can be met:
In-plane tension only (=no eccentricity)
Adherends do not yield under load
Identical adherends
Bond line thickness
3 Requirements for adhesion and how to achieve it
Wetting / „Intimate contact“
Chemically active surface
Absence of contamination & prebond-moisture
Mechanically/ Physically/ Chemically
Sanding/ Low pressure plasma/ Anodizing
Classification of Textile Composites
Non-Crimp-Fabrics NCF
Laminas are stitched together
CLT is applicable
Woven Fabrics
Two fiber directions (0°/90°)
CLT is not applicable
Braided Fabrics
Two or three fiber directions
CLT approach can be tailored for braids
Modelling of textile materials
• Warp and weft properties are smeared into one lamina
• Only one set of orthotropic material properties is needed for definition
Input is easy to determine (coupon tests)
Existing failure theories can hardly be applied
Cross Ply
• One weave layer is split into different laminas
− 0° lamina for warp
− 90° lamina for weft
• Two sets (warp & weft) of material properties are needed
No testing of isolated 0° or 90° lamina with woven geometry can be performed
Classical approach: analysis can be performed as usual
No big difference in stiffness, but in failure behaviour!
ILSS and steps for solution
Interlaminar shear stresses caused by transversal forces
Determine stiffnesses in x/y
Introduction of an equivalent body: b_eq = Ek/Eref *b
Determination of the equivalent second moment area I_eq
Determination of the equivalent static moment S_eq
Setup of shear stress equation
Where do Out of plane stresses: Normal stresses appear?
at radius details
at free edges
at ply drop offs
Radius detail analysis (loading conditions and failure modes)
Typical loading conditions:
1. radius opening
2. ~ closing
3. ~ tension
4. ~ compression
Failure modes due to loading conditions
− interlaminar fracture:
occurring for loadings 1, 3 and 4
− failure outside of radius:
occurring for loading 2
Free edge effect
• CLT does not take into account stresses such as sigma_z, tau_xz, tau_zy, called interlaminar stresses
• Free-edge delamination (a failure mechanisms uniquely characteristic of composite laminates) is induced by interlaminar stresses
• CLT often implies values of sigma_y, tau_xz where they cannot exist, e.g. at the free edge of a laminate
Ply drop-off
Termination of one or more plies exposed to load (e.g. out-of-plane bending) leads to both:
• interlaminar shear stress
• interlaminar tensile stresses
similar to the stress state at a free edge
Dropping the top layer of a laminate will end up in higher peel stresses than dropping a layer within the laminate.
„An ending layer should always be covered by another layer.“
-> Stagger distance
What is a notch and what kind of notches are there?
Any change in geometric contour or change in material properties that leads to a disruption of the load path results”
− Holes
− Edge notches
− Soft material inclusion
Influence factors on stress distribution of notches
− Laminate layup, fiber orientation
− Notch size and shape
Why dow composite material show a higher sensitivity to nothes than metals?
What is introduced to analize the peak stresses and give some values and the assumptions made
Because peak stresses cannot be flattened due to plastic deformation.
Stress concentration factor
only dependent on material
independent on geometry
Assumptions based on Lekhnitskii
infinite large plate
thin orthotropic plate
linear elastic behaviour
Uniaxial in-plane loading in fiber (1-) direction
No temperature or moisture induced loads
K = 7.5 0degree plies
K = 3 isotropic material / quasi-isotropic
K = 1.8 +-45degree plies
-> Quasi-isotropic layup in regions with highly loaded holes
Peterson [13] introduces a correction factor to determine the stress concentration at the edge of a hole in a finite plate out of isotropic material
Why are experiments carried out?
• Determine the physical composition of the composite
• Characterize the composite material in the elastic regime
• Determine the composite material strength for different loading conditions
• Determine the fracture toughness of the material for different failure modes
• Determine the influence of holes, in-service damage and fasteners on the elastic
properties and strength
• Determine the influence of temperature and moisture on the elastic properties and
strength of the composite material
Explain the Building Block Approach for testing
It is like a pyramid where you start off with a lot of coupon test (low level) to ensure a good foundation to move further up. Bigger scales and more complexity arises:
test of sub components
of components
and eventually the whole structure
These are more complex and more expensive therefore gradually less tests
What kind of testing machines are there and name pros/cons
Universal Test Machine:
Electromechanical actuation
Robust and easy to use
Ideal for static and quasi-static tests
Servohydraulic Test Machine:
Servohydraulic actuation
More complex setup due to hydraulic system
For static, quasi-static and medium rate tests
Used also for fatigue testing
Possible sources for test result variability
And different values used in the industry
• Material heterogeneity
• Material fabrication
• Specimen manufacture and preparation
• Testing
A-basis: At least 99% of the population survives
used for critical parts
B-basis: At least 90% of the population survives
used for redundant structures
Goals for testing on Coupon Level I
Physical properties of the lamina such as density, void content and fiber volume fraction
Fracture toughness for delamination and progressive damage modeling
Mode 1 <-> Mode 2
Goals for testing on Coupon Level 2
Testing on coupon level II is performed to determine the mechanical properties of the laminate
Comparised results in Testing and Analysis
− Deformations
− Load – displacement curve
− Strains (strain gauges shall be applied at regions of rather uniform strains).
− Location and type of failure for tests up to rupture.
Sandwich Structures: Bending Stiffness
Bending Stiffness can be increased by a lot basically through steiner part. High lever arm to mid plane, core material in between
Sandwich Structures: Advantages and Drawbacks
Weight efficient for bending and compression loading
Acoustic and thermal insulator
Less buckling prone
Moisture ingression
Edge closure usually necessary
Problematic local load introduction
What kind of Core materials are there and what fundamental properties do they have?
• Corrugated cores
• Honeycomb,
• Balsa wood (susceptible to moisture)
• Foams
The fundamental properties of cores are:
• Low density
• High shear modulus and shear strength
• Stiffness and Strength perpendicular to the face sheets
• Thermal and acoustic insulation
In which direction show Honeycomb structures the highest stiffness?
Ribbon direction
Lower stiffness: expansion direction
Assumptions to model sandwich structures
Different GLOBAL failure modes for sandwich structures
Facing Failure
Initial failure may occur in either compression or tension face.
Caused by insufficient panel thickness, facing thickness or facing strength
Transverse Shear Failure
Caused by insufficient core shear strength or panel thickness
General Buckling
Caused by insufficient panel thickness or insufficient core shear rigidity
FE Modeling of sandwich structures approaches
One Layered Shell
includes all the information of the sandwich
Hybrid Modeling
Layered shell elements for face sheets
Volume elements for the core
Different LOCAL failure modes for sandwich structures
Local Crushing of Core
This is caused by low core compression strength
Shear Crimping
Sometimes occurs following and as a consequence of general buckling. Caused
by low core shear modulus or low adhesive shear strength.
Face Wrinkling
Facing buckles as a “plate on an elastic foundation”. It may buckle inward or
outward, depending on relative strength of core in compression and adhesive in
flatwise tension.
Intracell Buckling (Dimpling)
Applicable to cellular cores only. Occurs with very thin facings and large core cells. This effect may cause failure by propagating across adjacent cells thus inducing face wrinkling.
Core Crush
Core chamfers key feature for the risk of core crush during the curing process.
Factors of influence:
• Angle of core chamfers (small angles lower than 20°-25° decreases the risk of core crush)
• Autoclave pressure and temperature
• Core material
Symmetric lamintes
• Material, orientation and thickness of the plies are symmetric to the mid-plane
• Short notation with subscript s or sym: (+45,-60)s
• Number of plies can be uneven, example: (+45, 0, +45)
-> Extension-Bending Matrix B = 0
Antisymmetric Laminates
• Orientations of the plies are antisymmetric to the mid-plane (same material and thickness)
→ 𝐴16 = 𝐴26 = 0
→ 𝐵11 = 𝐵22 = 𝐵12 = 𝐵66 = 0
→ 𝐷16 = 𝐷26 = 0
Cross-Ply Laminates
• Only plies with orientations in 0° and 90°
→ 𝐵12 = 𝐵16 = 𝐵26 = 𝐵66 = 0 (only 𝐵11 ≠ 0 and 𝐵22 ≠ 0 )
Angle-Ply Laminates
• Laminate has the same amount of plies with orientation +𝜃 and −𝜃 (same material and same
thickness) but does not contain any ply in 0° or 90°
-> 𝐴16 = 𝐴26 = 0
Balanced Laminates
• Can also contain plies in 0° or 90°
• Angle-Ply and Cross-ply are always balanced
Last changed6 months ago