IoT Architecture overview
no standard
different challenges than IT
data type may be inportant
IoT Archrtecture drivers
how the data is transported, collected, analysed and acted on
main challenges:
constraint and networks
legacy support
only IPv6
otherwise not enough addresses
many millions of routable IP endpoints
endpoints often not behind a firewall
also physical accessable
require consistens mechanisms of authentication, encryption and intrusion prevention
Constraint Devices and Networks
most things are designed for a single job
can be deployed anywhere —> lossy network
unstrucktured data
need to filter data
store hug amount of data
legacy device support
long ass device support as machinery is only upgraded if totaly necessary
oneM2M Architecture
machine to machine communication
authority: European Telecommunication Standards Institue
common service layer that allows communication with application servers
focuses on services, applications and plattforms
horizontal plattform architecture
restfull APIs allow interoperabilty of networks normally not able to communicate
oneM2M application layer
application layer protocols
industry specific
individual data models
oneM2M service layer
framework accros vertical industires
physical network the IoT nodes run on
management protocols
neM2M network layer
IEEE 802.15.4, 801.11ah, 1910
gateway devices
IoT World Forum Architecture
7 layer
includes edge comupting and data storage
technical perspective
each layer has specific functions and security
decomposes the problem into smaler parts
identify different technologies for each layer
parts can come from different vendors
IoTWF physical devices and Controllers layer
things (endpoints, sensors, actuators)
generate data
beeing controlled over the network
IoTWF connectivity layer
reliable and timly transmission of data (between layer 1 devices & network and network & processing at layer 3)
all network elements (no distinction between last mile and backhaul)
IoTWF edge computing
data reduction
converting data flows into information
makes data ready for processing and storing
filter and aggregate data
IoTWF data asccumulation
stores data so that it is usable by application when needed
IoTWF data abstraction
recompiles dataformats
ensures consistent semantics
confirms that data is complete
IoTWF application layer
interprets data
provides repots/alerts
IoTWF collaboration and process layer
consumates and shares application layer data
IT and OT in the Reference Model
OT: data in motin
IT: data at rest
Simplified IoT Architecture
due to complexity data managment and application need to be deplyed thoughout the layers
Core IoT Functional Stack
Things layer: At this layer, the physical devices need to t the constraints of the envi-ronment in which they are deployed while still being able to provide the information needed.
Communications network layer: When smart objects are not self-contained, they need tocommunicate with an external system. In many cases, this communication uses a wirelesstechnology. This layer has four sublayers.
Application and analytics layer:At the upper layer, an application needs to process thecollected data, not only to control the smart objects when necessary, but to make intelligentdecision based on the information collected and, in turn, instruct the things or othersystems to adapt to the analyzed conditions and change their behaviors or parameters.
Communications network layer sublayers
Access network sublayer: last mile
Gateway and backhaul network sublayer: multiple smart object into area, gateway needs to forward data to central station for data processing
network transport sublayer: e.g. IP, UDP
IoT network managment sublayer: protocols for data center to exchange data with sensors
simplyfied architecture sensor and actuators layer
battery-pwoered or power-connected
mobile or static: thing can move or not
low or high reporting frequency: how often does data need to be sent
simple or rich data: quantity of data exchange each report cycle
troughput: reporting frequncy and data quantity
report range: distance to the gateway
object density per call: nodes per gateway
simplyfied architecture communicatoins network layer
3 sub layers
access network: last mile
backhaul network: link between access and core, also the small subnets at the edge
core network: interconnects networks, path between different subnets
simplyfied architecture access network sublayer
depending on use case different technology
personal area network (pan): few meters (bluetooth)
home area network (han): few tens of meters (zigbee, bluetooth low energy)
filed area network (fan): several tens to several hundred meters
local area network (lan): up to 100 m (when standard networking technologies are used)
metropolitan area network and wide area network
w at the beginning to indicate wireless
more throughput or longer range means more power needed
simplyfied architecture gateway backhaul sublayer
responsible to forward data from the sensor to the central station
gateway is most often static or position relative is static
dedicated short range communication: sensor and gateway are on the same thing and move together
simplyfied architecture network transport sublayer
network protocol should be used that allows for flexible communication
best if open and standard based
must be scalable and secure
IP does all this with UDP or TCP as layer above
simplyfied architecture IoT Network Managment Sublayer
transmission between smart object and other systems (may be http)
http is a fat protocol not designed for constrained devices
CoAP (constrained application protocol) solves this. uses get, post, put and delete within a smaller header and runs in UDP adds observation
observation allows streaming of state changes as they occur
MQTT (message queue telemety transport) uses broker based architecture
simplyfied architecture applications and analytics layer
analytics applications: collects data from multiple smart objects processes it and displays it
control applications: controls behaviour of smart object (lights on/off, heating on/off) can even be automated based on time/sensor data/manual input
Data vs Network analytics
Data analytics:
simple: dashboard displays current data
complex: from current data a trend is extrapolated
network analytics:
loss of conectivity
complexity of analytics depending on use case and need
IoT Data Managment and Compute Stack
amount of data generated is biggest challenges
most of the data is polling data with very little use on its own
combinded with other data it can paint a picture
processing is not happening on the device but in the cloud
long latency
needs huge bandwith
Fog computing
data managment as close to the edge as possible
any device with a computing, storage and network connectivity can be used
minimizes latency and network traffic
contextual location awarness and low latency
geographic distribution
deployment near IoT endpoints
wireless commiúnication between fog and IoT endpoint
use for real time interactions
hierachy of edge fog and cloud
each layer to compliment each other not to replace it
time sensitive data is analysed on the edge or fog
data that can wait some seconds can be passed to aggregation node
data that is less time sensitive is passed to the cloud
Smart Objects
any physical object that contain embedded technology that can interact with their enviroment in a meaningful way by being interconected and enableing communication among themselves or external agent
real value by conectiong sensors with actuators
enableing technologies for the IoT
ITU definition
RFID tags
Sensor technologies
Smart technologies
connects objects to databases
provide unique identification or mini database
currently Electronic Product code is the dominant standard
does not need a line of sight
range between 15 and 20 cm to about 1m newer tags up to 7m
sensor technologies
can be deployed everywhere
function of input device
smart technologies
incorperate sensors and actuators to act on stimuly
three kinds
passive: respond directly to stimuli without processing any signal
active: can sense a signal and determine how to response to that
autonomous: fully integrated controllers, sensors and actuators
focus on design, characterisation, production and application of structures and devices through manipulation of materials at the nanoscale
measures some physical quantity and converts measurement into digital representation
representation is passed on to another device for transformation into usefull data
active or passive: produce an energy output and need an external power supply (active) or not (passive)
invasive or non-invasive: part of enviroment they measure (invasive) or not (non-invasive)
contact or no-contact: need physical contact or not
absolute or relative: measure an absolute scale or difference with a fixed variable reference
area of application: based on the industry they are beeing used
what they mesure
natural complement to sensors
receive some type of control signal that triggers physical effect
type of motion: linar, rotary,…
power: high or low power output
binary or continuous: number of stable states
area of application: based on specific industry they are used
type of energy:
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
integrate and combine mechanicla elements as sensors and actuators on a very small scale
needs microfabrication technique similar to microelectronc integrated circuts
defintion of smart object
processing unit: some type of processing unit for acquring, processing and analysind data. Most common is a micro controller because of the size, flexibiltiy, smplicitiy, low power and low costs.
sensor or actuator: capable of interacting with physical world
communication device: responsible for connecting device with outside world, can be wired or wireless
power source: needs most power to communicate
sensor networks
network of sensors
communicate with each other in a productive manner
wireless solution
deplyment flexibilty
less secure
simpler scaling
lower transmission speed
lower implementaion costs
greater level of impact by enviroment
effrortless introduction of new sensors
better equipped to handle dynamic topology changes
two communication patterns:
event driven
Last changeda year ago