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Treatment against T1D
insulin therapy: injections, pumps
insulin stray, other hormones
graft of islets
—> Insulin therapy only way to treat T1D
Treatment against T2D
low-fat diet (unsaturated)
oral drugs
bariatric surgery (when associated with severe/morbid obesity)
—> increase sensitivity to insulin
insulin therapy - types of insulin
several types of insulin working at different speeds (onset) and their effects last a different length of time (duration)
short-acting (regular)
administration of insulin
needle and syringe
inhaler: breathing powdered insulin but lots of secondary effects in the nose
Flash Glucose Monitoring System
way to measure and collect glucose data using a scanner on a sensor
sensor measures the level of glucose in the interstitial fluid
sensor records & stores all measured data up to 8 hours
to obtain the glucose level, the reader must pass over the sensor
artificial pancreas
automated insulin delivery (closed loop)
glucose sensor -> algorithm controller -> insulin pump
depending on glycemia injection of insulin directly adapted
information sent on the smartphone -> calculates automatically quantity of insulin to infuse
good results & greatly simplified diabetic life but delay of answer & expensive
Pancreatic transplant
for T1D patients unable to secrete enough insulin & with kidney complications
double graft pancreas/kidney (graft survival improved) but < 150 grafts/year in France
need to inhibit the secretion of digestive enzymes
transplantation complicated due to exogen & endogen function
good results: 90% of survival graft after 1 year & 70% after 5 years
main advantage: real cure for diabetes -> no more injection in less than 1 year in 76%, no hypoglycemia
BUT: numerous complications post-surgery, slight mortality risk & lifetime immunosuppressive treatment
ß islets transplant
isolate ß-cell & inject them in portal vein -> migrate in liver -> again functional
reserved for instable T1D patients with a prognosis for survival involved
experimental procedure until 2020, needs 1-3 donors (only done by 4 groups in France)
transplantation has to be done several times to reach good BCM
50% became insulin-independent in 3 years following the transplantation
less complicated than a pancreas-kidney transplant
BUT: 2-3 donors for 1 patient & immunosuppressive treatment
-> Research on the production of ß-islets in the laboratory
Graft function persisted in 82% & 78% of cases after 5 & 10 years -> associated with improved glucose control, reduced need for exogenous insulin & decrease of severe hypoglycemic events
stem cell-derived ß-cells & perspectives
interesting in the future
human pluripotent stem cells & patient-derived iPSC
basis for potentially unlimited numbers of replacement cells
ß-cell transplant is also xenogenic possible
microspheres capsules: protection of the islets, release of insulin
most advances in Allo islets & artificial pancreas
stepwise adaption of treatment in T2D
—> diet & physical activity
—> One oral anti-diabetic agent (OAD)
—> combination of several OAD
—> Insulin + OAD
—> Insulin
treatment plan T2D
Metformin first drug is given to all with functional kidney
if not sufficiently adapted to patient history
best measures against T2D
reduction in the incidence of T2D with lifestyle intervention or metformin
metformin most effective drug
high impact due to changed lifestyle (diet & exercise)
Oral antidiabetic drugs
insulin sensitizers & insulin secretion stimulators
SGLT2 inhibitors: inhibit the reabsorption of glucose in the kidney
Glitazones: decrease insulin resistance (not authorized due to side effects)
Metformin: decrease hepatic glucose production (decrease insulin resistance)
Sulfonylureas: increased secretion of insulin
GLP1-R agonist: stimulates insulin secretion
oral antidiabetic drugs - metformin
decrease insulin resistance -> ameliorates insulin action in muscles, adipose tissue & the liver
consequently induces a decrease in glycemia after a meal
main target: liver (uptake unknown but probably by endocytosis)
metformin's effect on the liver
inhibits complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (variation of energy ratios) -> increased ß-oxidation
depolarization of hepatocyte membrane (modifications of Cl-movement
could be able to bind protein sites instead of bivalent cations (Ca2+ increase in mitochondria)
activation of cellular respiration at a low dose
activates AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK ->stimulates energy depletion
improved insulin receptor function & glucose transport, reduced FA synthesis
improved insulin sensitivity & inhibition of gluconeogenic pathways
the opposite effect of glucagon -> inhibits the production of glucose
metformin: the main targets of AMPK
muscle & liver
muscle: increases FA oxidation & glucose uptake
liver: increases FA oxidation, decreases cholesterol synthesis & lipogenesis
-> induces translocation of GLUT4 (but from another pool than via insulin)
metformin's main actions & effects
increase: muscle glucose transport & liver insulin sensitivity
decrease: hepatic steatosis
—> decreased plasma glucose & plasma triglycerides
induce normoglycemia rather than hypoglycemia -> live normally with diabetes
inhibit neoglucogenesis & aerobic glycolysis, stimulate anaerobic glycolysis
reduce intestinal resorption of glucose, galactose, AA
inhibit lipolysis & FA production (lipogenesis)
overtime increased sensitivity & secretion of insulin
other effects of metformin
positive action on vessels (endothelial function)
less ROS production
less arthero sclerosis& decreased cardiovascular risk
combination of biguanides (metformin) & a balanced and regular physical activity
strengthens the efficiency of biguanides
decrease cardiovascular events/ infarcts/ mortality linked to diabetes & also total mortality
-> Decrease risk of complications linked to T2D
used in the first intention in diabetes
increase secretion of insulin
all contain a central S-phenylsulfonylurea structure (lots of drugs with different modifications)
bacteriostatic action (used before the discovery of antibiotics) & some derivatives stimulate insulin production
oldest & most used medication for the treatment of T2D
Sulfonylurea - site of action
oblige the pancreas to produce more insulin at the same blood glucose level
potentization of the glucose-induced insulin secretion effect
thermostat function of the pancreas is preserved -> quantity of produced insulin still glycemia dependent
Sulfonylurea - target
K+ ATP-dependent channel
binds sulfonyl uranyl receptor
ATP binding (Kir6 TMDO domain) inhibits K+ channel -> depolarization
the drug binds other domain (SUR) -> potentization of closure of the channel
but still hyperglycemia needed to work
depolarization increases Ca2+ -> increased glucose secretion
increased insulin secretion leads to inversion of the vicious cycle -> impacts glucose resistance
used in combination with metformin
act on the pancreas & induce insulin secretion
oblige the pancreas to produce insulin independently of glycemia increase
acts within 15 min after absorption before a meal -> effect lasts ust during digestion & dose-dependent
->acts only for the meal before which it was taken
tolerance excellent, action fast & short diminishing the risk of hypoglycemia
acts directly on the channel & closes it
not dependent on ATP level (even in hypoglycemia closed)
tight control needed
GLP-1 agonist
Incretin analogs agonist of GLP-1 receptors but oral uptake is not possible
main site of action: pancreas
Major effects: increased insulin secretion & decreased glucagon secretion (both glucose-dependent)
slows down gastric emptying -> increased satiety
decreases the appetite
increase: insulin secretion & ß-cell proliferation
decrease glucagon secretion, ß-cell apoptosis & ER stress
—> increased insulin sensitivity
binds GLP-1R -> ATP to cAMP -> PKA↑ —> Ca2+↑ (from ER) —> insulin secretion
decreases glycemia after meals
inversion of the vicious circle -> decrease of insulin resistance in the long term
inhibitor of the endopeptidase DPP-4 (dipeptidyl proteinase 4) -> responsible for GLP-1 degradation
orally administered with a significant effect on glucose tolerance & lasting improvement of HbA1c
inhibits GLP-1 degradation
↑ active GLP-1/GIP concentration —> ↑insulin secretion
↓ glucagon secretion
pleiotropic mechanism of DPP-4 inhibition
classical mechanism of DPP-4 inhibition
DPP-4 inhibition in peripheral plasma preventing inactivation of circulating GLP-1
↑ insulin secretion & decreased glucagon secretion
nonclassical mechanism of DPP-4 inhibition
in the gut: ↑ GUT & portal GLP-1 -> ↑ autonomic nerve activity & decreased hepatic glucose production
in the pancreatic islets: ↑ insulin secretion & decreased glucagon secretion/islet inflammation
also prevents the inactivation of other peptides
advantages & disadvantages of DPP-4 inhibitors
advantage: oral availability (GLP-1R agonist injected)
but in contrast to GLP-1R agonist weight neutral (GLP1R agonist >85% lose weight)
SGLT2 inhibitors
Gliflozine works on the proximal convoluted tubule in the kidney -> increases removal of glucose
Na+/glucose cotransporter that normally leads to reabsorption of glucose -> with inhibition more in urine
glucose reabsorption in the first part of the tubule to 80% SGLT-2 dependent
effects on the body
decreased plasma glucose
increased insulin sensitivity
but has no clinical advantages compared to existing treatments->no reimbursement
might have an impact on cardiovascular disease mortality
different onset & duration
short-acting most common
not indicated in the first intention nor monotherapy
only in obese patients
indicated in T2D treatment associated with metformin or sulfonylurea when control of glycemia is insufficient
origin clofibrate has anti-lipidemic activity & slightly anti-hyperglycemic
synthesis of several analogs
Thiazolidinediones - targets
mainly the adipose tissue
but also muscle & liver (pancreas indirect)
Thiazolidinediones - major action
differentiation of new adipocytes metabolically active via PPARγ -> more sensitive to insulin than existing adipocytes
->facilitate glucose uptake by adipose tissue inducing a decrease of glycemia after a meal
->facilitate FA uptake by adipose tissue, decreasing circulating FFA in the blood
->induces redistribution of lipids within the body with a decrease in visceral fat (facilitates vascular complications) and an increase in subcutaneous abdominal fat (no facilitation of vascular complications)
->weight gain of 1-4 kg observed in relation with the treatment
Thiazolidinediones - mechanism of action
ligand of PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ)
-> Increase gene expression in adipocytes
-> Indirect effect in muscle & liver
Thiazolidinediones - adverse effects
significant increase in myocardial infarction risk ->increase in mortality / CVD
heart failure risk
only allowed in the US if nothing else works
high side effects
look at molecules activating PPARγ & only regulate 1 cluster of genes
find a cluster with beneficial effects & no adverse effects
CDK5 phosphorylation of PPARγ induces a transcriptional program that is distinct from that of unphosphorylated PPARγ
Overview of drugs against T2D
SGLT2i vs DPP4i
SGLT2i have demonstrated decreased cardiovascular risk ->increased prescription
DPP4i leads in contrast to cardiovascular risk
potential new drugs
salicylates to reduce the inflammation
insulin mimetics
ceramide inhibitors
but drug development long process (safety->efficacy (from small to large to long-term side-effects)) & loses patent after 20 years
bariatric surgery
based exclusively on gastric restriction (decreased size of the stomach): gastric ring or longitudinal gastrectomy
gastric bypass ->decrease of ingested food quantity (decreased volume of the stomach) & malabsorption in reducing the length of the small intestine receiving food & biliopancreatic fluids
effect of gastric bypass
common in the US -> good long-term results with important & stable loss of weight (success rate at 10 years 80%)
but heavier for the body than a ring
in France bariatric surgery in adults under restricted conditions: BMI >40 or >35+comorbidity susceptible to be improved
->hypertension, severe respiratory troubles, T2D, NASH
in the second intention after the failure of medical treatment in combination with nutritional/dietetic/psychotherapeutic well-conduct for 6-12 month
an important issue in the follow-up of patients -> should therapeutic management be different after surgery?
->stomach also degrades drugs -> adapt dosage to metabolization
Zucker rat (fa/fa)
spontanoues mutation ‘fatty‘
no regulation of food intake->eat to much->obese
mutation on the hypothalamic leptin receptor, high level of plasma leptin -> leptin resistance
hyperphagia, storage in adipocytes: hyperplasia & hypertrophy ->obesity (14 weeks old 40% of BW = fat)
dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance
->insulin resistance
ZDF rat
Zucker diabetic fatty
diabetic with a high lipid diet
mimic the human adult onset of T2D & related complications
develop insulin resistance
shortened leptin receptor
obesity mice
ob/ob mice
leptin deficient
obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia at 4 weeks
T2D model
db/db mice insulin resistant
fasting hyperglycemia at 8 weeks-old
T1D model
chemical induction leads to the destruction of ß-cells (enter via GLUT2 & induce apoptosis)
spontaneous autoimmune: NOD mice
genetically induced: AKITA mice
virally induced
transgenic mice -cre lox system
tissue specific
cre recombinase expressed under tissue-specific promoter
superposition lox ->gene between not transcribed
floxed target gene
cells with active Cre recombinase: original gene function is disrupted, the reporter gene is transcribed instead
cells lacking active cre recombinase: original gene function is untouched
Tamoxifen inducible cre activity
Cre linked to molecule recognizing tamoxifen -> when injected KO
induce KO at adult age
normal development, otherwise compensatory mechanisms possible
allows mutations, deletions or insertion (KI)
overexpression possible
euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp
catheters to increase insulin level ->decrease glycemia
if glucose-sensitive ->need more glucose, glucose infusion rate = proportional to insulin sensitivity
use radio-isotope ->can be detected if hydrolyzed water -> more 3H2O
look at quantity in muscle ->how much was taken up
Last changeda year ago