Carroll’s four-part model of corporate social responsibility
what is Friedmans opinion on CSR?
Friedman: Social Issues should be analyzed by the Government
Business organizations cause social problems (e.g. pollution) and have a (ethical) responsibility to solve them.
Moreover, most of the time they are more powerful than Governments hence they should use their power properly
Blurring and Ovarlapping between Social, Political and Private spheres
Political sphere focuses on creating and enforcing rules for society to serve the common good, providing public goods, fixing market failures, and ensuring social justice through redistribution.
Civil society involves civic will-formation processes that legitimize state decisions, reflected in public discourses where citizens' interests, fears, values, and visions are represented.
The economic sphere is where individuals and businesses pursue private interests independently of the common good.
Political CSR
Business can/is responsible for political shortcomings:
Globalization is eroding National Government actions
Neoliberal policies restrict public services and influence
Beyond Instrumental CSR
Business as intermediate body
“PCSR entails those responsible business activities that turn corporations into political actors, by engaging in public deliberations, collective decisions, and the provision of public goods or the restriction of public bads in cases where public authorities are unable or unwilling to fulfil this role.
Extortion (Erpressung):
Extortion: it takes place when someone (the extortionist) demands money or some other gift to which he or she is not entitled, through intimidation or undue exercise of authority. Extortion is always illicit but giving in to extortion may be licit under very specific conditions
Extortion: it takes place when someone (the extortionist) demands money or some other gift to which he or she is not entitled, through intimidation or undue exercise of authority.
It comes from those with decision-making power over something that affects the victim of the extortion.
Bribery (Bestechung):
Bribery: it takes place when someone gives a benefit to alter the behaviors of the recipients to obtain an unjust advantage by - someone in a position of trust. It is always illicit.
Bribery: An action in which someone gives cash, a gift or some other benefit such as an emolument or privilege, to alter the behaviors of the recipients to obtain an unjust advantage (an unjust judgment, a vote or some type of behaviors) by someone in a position of trust.
Those who receive a bribe take advantage of their position of power for personal benefit and act against the duties of their position.
why is offering and receiving a bribe always a problem?
Offering a bribe is ALWAYS illicit as: - It involves inducing someone to perform a disloyal and unjust act
Accepting a bribe is ALWAYS a moral illicit action as:
-It is an action of disloyalty -It is an action of injustice as the recipients are not entitled to the remuneration they receive -It causes unfair competition -It contributes to the spreading of a culture of corruption
Dealing with corrupted environments: Extortion
-Under certain conditions it may be licit to give in to extortion in order to obtain a right when:
-There are NO viable alternatives - One truly behaves with rectitude -Third parties are not involved -There is a moral reason (e.g. continuity of employment) proportional to the indirect negative effects caused by the extortionist’s action - Moral scandal is avoided
what is a Social Movement?
A Social Movement is a group of diffusely organized people or organizations striving toward a common goal relating to human, society, or social change
steps of Stakeholder engagement:
1. Identifying Critical stakeholders
2. Identifying their (ethical) expectations
3. Identifying points of contact
4. Opening a dialogue with them
5. Integrate/modify your strategy
6. Keeping the interaction active
Last changeda year ago