
Flight Prop 1

by Peter P.

Transient Compressor Operating Lines

Increasing combustor fuel flow at given compressor inlet conditions (𝑻𝒕𝟐, 𝒑𝒕𝟐) causes:

→ a sudden increase in turbine entry temperature 𝑇𝑡4 (due to higher heat release in combustor)

→ a sudden reduction of HP compressor exit reduced flow, which moves the compressor

operating point futher up on the speed line (implying a rapid rise in compressor back pressure

𝑝𝑡3 and consequently stronger throttling of the compressor)

→ an accelleration to higher rotational speed due to an excess of turbine power

→ a transient excursion of the working line „up“ until a new steady-state power balance has

established between compressor and turbine, leading to stabilisation in a higher operating

point on the steady-state operating line ( SS Working Line) in the compressor map.

Reducing combustor fuel flow at given compressor inlet conditions (𝑻𝒕𝟐, 𝒑𝒕𝟐) causes:

→ a sudden reduction of turbine entry temperature 𝑇𝑡4 (due to lower heat release in combustor)

→ a sudden increase of HP compressor exit reduced flow, which moves the compressor

operating point futher down on the speed line (implying a rapid drop in compressor back

pressure 𝑝𝑡3 and consequently relaxed throttling of the compressor)

→ A decelleration to lower rotational speed due to a deficit of turbine power

→ a transient excursion of the working line „down“ until a new steady-state power balance has

established between compressor and turbine, leading to stabilisation in a lower operating

point on the steady-state operating line ( SS Working Line) in the compressor map.



Peter P.


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