Ways of classifying Thermal Engines
Energy Input
Method of operation
Medium (Fluid)
Basic Aero Engine Requirements
Guarantee Thrust/Power in Design and Operation
Certification Requirements
Cost Aspects When Operating an Aero Engine
Input and Service Costs
Maintenance Cost
Initial and Amortization Costs
Unscheduled Cancellation Expenses and Repair Costs
Further Costs…
Engine Features – Some Questions
Turbofan or Piston engine:
Which engine has the higher Thrust to weight ratio? Turbofan/Piston Engine
Which engine has the higher Bypass-Ratio?
Which engine is more dynamic (can change operating point quicker)?
Which engine produces less noise?
Which engine has the lower pressure ratio?
Piston Engine (Propeller)
Piston Engine
Piston engine
Some questions:
Is Air cooling a problem on star engines?
Can piston engines reach compression ratios higher than 15?
Do piston engines achieve their max. power output at max. efficiency?
Do piston engines convert most of the energy of the fuel to power?
No, only rougly 25-30% leaves as shaft power
Piston Engine Advantages (vs. Jet Engine)
• Higher thermal efficiency at small size propulsion units
• Lower reduction of efficiency towards part-speed operation
• Fast dynamic performance response with little need for control systems
• Lower price, synergies with automotive engines, choices of modular units available
• Larger range of rotational speed
• Using exhaust turbocharger similar flight altitudes can be reached
• Operation possible with fixed-geometry propeller
Jet Engine Advantages (vs. Piston Engine)
• Much higher power per unit and per weight
• More compact design, lower frontal drag, more flexible integration
• Continuous process, higher reliability, lower overhaul intervals
• Low level of vibration due to continuous operation
• Lower oil consumption (lubrication only required for bearings and gears)
• More flexible in terms of fuel quality
• No need for water-cooling
• More simple adaption of thrust (through scaling or thermodyn. cycle mod)
Trends of Fuel Consumption: Turboprop vs. Piston
Small turboprops cant be enhanced to much further in terms of efficiency
Large turboprops can (Large size of compressor and turbine does allow further thermodyn. cycle enhancements (OPR and TET were and will be increased))
Piston Engine up to 300 kW are highly efficient
Turbofan or Turboprop:
Does allow for higher mach number
Does achieve a higher BPR and eta_prop
Requires a gearbox
3-Shaft architecture can be applied
Future concepts of Aero engines
Electric Propulsion e.g. Distributed Propulsion
Geared Turbofan
Unducted Fan
What kind of flight propulsion concepts are there?
Piston engines
Turbojet engines
Turboprop engines
Turbofan engines
Duty of a Flight Propulsion Unit
Generation of thrust FN
• at low fuel consumption
• at small size and low weight
Equation of Thrust & Propulsive Efficiency
Whats the optimal thermal cycle & how to calculate the efficiency of it?
Carnot Cycle
n_th = 1-Tmin/Tmax
Different Piston Engine designs
Rotary Engine
Star Engine
In-Line Engine
Boxer Engine
Special Cases in p-v diagram
Special cases:
• Isochoric 𝑣 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡. : 𝑛 → ∞
• Isobaric 𝑝 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡. : 𝑛 = 0
• Isothermal 𝑇 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡. : 𝑛 = 1
• Isentropic 𝑠 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡. : 𝑛 = 𝜅
True or False
First law of thermodynamics is a mass conservation equation
In case of SS and constant massflow the first law of thermodynamics can be reduced to specific energies
Does the Pitot Tube have the same stagnation pressure at A and S?
Does the flow velocity increase towards point S?
Losses in a free blower would reduce the exit total pressure
In a free blower total pressure rises at constant total enthalpy
In a combustion chamber T_total rises via work input
In a combustion chamber, the flow accelerates through heat transfer
Standardised Station Identification (1-Stream Jet Engine)
Assumptions for the Ideal Joule-Brayton Cycle
• Constant massflow through all components in the cycle
• Constant gas properties and gas mix across whole cycle (only heat transfer, not mass change in combustor), and constant specific heat capacity across the whole cycle (perfect gas)
• Adiabatic compression (C) and expansion (E), therefore, no cooling etc.
• No losses in components , therefore isentropic compression and expansion (no dissipation), isobaric combustion (CC)
Ideal Joule-Brayton Cycle in the h-s-Diagram
Change of State:
0 -> t3 isentropic Compression:
𝑑𝑠 = 0, 𝑑𝑝 > 0
t3 -> t4 isobaric Heat Addition:
𝑑𝑠 > 0, 𝑑𝑝 = 0
t4 -> 9 isentropic Expansion:
𝑑𝑠 = 0, 𝑑𝑝 < 0
9 -> 0 isobaric Heat Removal:
𝑑𝑠 < 0, 𝑑𝑝 = 0
Parametric Study of the Ideal J-B Cycle
-> Specific Work
True or False (Ideal Joule-Brayton Cycle)
The entropy change across compressor and turbine is equal to zero
Net work results from the cycle because turbine expansion ratio can be selected to be low
Pressure ratio and TET are independent parameters when optimizing the J-B cycle
Higher TET gives higher net work
Behavior of JB Real Cycle:
Thermal Efficiency and Spec. Work over Pressure Ratio
Optima shift up and to the right
Where do turbomachines experience the max. aerodynamic speeds?
Top of climb
Whats a flame-out, what can it cause and how to cope with it?
In aviation a flame-out refers to the run-down of a jet engine caused by the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber.
Caused by:
fuel starvation
compressor stall
insufficient oxygen (at high altitudes)
foreign object damage
-> Restart the engine
Windmill (ram air, needs sufficent height/speed)
starter assisted
Engine Starter Basic Concept
APU delivers bleed air to the pneumatic starter
That start powers a gearbox which in turn rotates the turboshaft
If one engine is running, you can use the bleed air from this instead of the APU
N.B.: There is also the ASU Auxiliary Starter Unit (Ground support equipment)
Ram Effect
Ram effect occurs when engine has some forward speed. As a consequence of stagnation,
some kinematic term adds to static quantities ( c2/2 )
Name two Key Technology Parameters in Aero Engines
Turbine Entry Temperature
Overall Pressure ratio
Impact of an Afterburner
Specific Thrust goes down with the Mach No. When AB is enabled it gets shifted to higher Mach numbers
Specific Fuel Consumption goes up with the Mach No. When Ab is enabled, it gets shifted to higher Mach numbers & up
The outer fan position usualy features max. acheivable pressure ratio
The inner fan position usually features max. achievable pressure ratio
The ram effect increases the OPR at all engine operating conditions
True (Since this gets in to the core)
False (Not at standstill)
Thrust equation (general) & for adapted nozzle
Options to Vary or Increase Thrust of an Engine
Geometric Scaling to Increase Air Mass Flow
required space for integration goes up
any synergy from common parts vanishes
Increasing TET to Increase Net Work (Jet Velocity)
if not combined with countermeasures this leads to reduced life
leads to a throttling effect in station 4 (higher working line in compressor)
Increasing Pressure Ratio to Increase Mass Flow (at same HP Turbine Capacity)
Only change in compressor
Ensure that it still delivers the same reduced exit mass flow
May result in a reduction of specific net work of the cycle, however increase in thrust because of the higher massflow
Increasing Bypass Flow (Fan Diameter) to Increase Air Mass Flow
Increase fan diameter -> LP turbine needs to be changed
Integration of an Afterburner to Increase Exit Momentum
Significantly increase the jet exit velocity c9
Core engine and afterburner can only be operated safely and stable when the exit nozzle is a variable area nozzle
Risk if core compressor surge
Increases the length and weight of the engine
Injection of Water or Methanol to Increase Energetic Input and Jet Mass Flow
You can burn even more fuel without exceeding TET since the water has a cooling effect
Propulsive efficiency
-> High Bypass ratios -> Less acceleration of the massflow leads to high eta_p -> Leads to high massflow requierements to achieve the thrust
Summary of different efficiencies
Inner / thermal efficiency → rates the conversion from heat to net power
evaluation of the jet engine process
Outer / propulsive efficiency → rates the conversion of jet power to propulsive
Overall efficiency → takes into account all losses, that occur during the
conversion of fuel energy to thrust performance
Overall efficiency = propulsive efficiency * thermal efficiency
Propulsive efficiency imprives when bypass jet velcovity is reduced
A larger engine intake drastically increases engine thrust
Improving turbine component efficiency reduces engine thrust
Heat Exchanger (Recuperator)
Recuperator is installer after LPT to recupe the heat of the exhaust gases
These are then used to heat up the gases entering the CC
-> Less delta_T has to be achieved by the CC -> Less fuel burn
But for this to work, Tt_5 has to be significantly higher than T_t3
Thermal Efficiency Using a Recuperator (Plots)
Optima shift to lower Total Pressure ratios!"
Recuperator and Inter-Cooler
The inter-cooler cools the air inbetween compression components
-> reduces the work input required for compression
-> the amount of heat transfer achievable in the recuperator increases with decreasing compressor delivery air temperature
To Be Considered in Engine Design
An engine has to be designed for a given flight mission and flight profile; however a number of additional factors have to be taken into account
• Thrust requirements depending on the flight profile
• Life cycle requirement (TET level depends on type of aircraft application)
• Fuel consumption (range / payload / weighting across mission)
• Engine weight and volume, fan diameter (drag)
• Development and production cost, common parts across fleet
• Technology maturation (to allow low risk engine design)
• High-confidence preliminary design and engine performance modeling
• Easy and minimum maintenance
• Employee training
Types of Aero Engines in Turbomachinery
Turbojet (Single Spool)
Turbojet (Twin Spool)
Turbojet (Single Spool) with Afterburner
Turbofan Low Bypass (Twin Spool)
Turbofan High Bypass (Twin Spool)
Turbofan High Bypass (Three Spool)
• Pro: Optimum rotational speed for each module (core/ mid pressure/ low pressure)
• Con: High level of complexity, high weight
Geared Turbofan High Bypass (Twin Spool)
Turboshaft (Twin Spool)
Turboprop (Twin Spool)
• Pro: High BPR possible (up to 100)
• Con: High level of noise through propeller
Categories of Stationary Gas Turbines
− Micro gas turbines up to 100 kW
− small gas turbines (mostly aero derivatives) up to 40 MW
− heavy duty gas turbines for permanent load up to 340 MW
Stationary GT Cycle
No ram effect
Almost full expansion in turbine
Stationary Gas Turbines
Generation of Loss
• Friction losses in bearings
• Friction losses in sealings
• Losses in gear boxes
• Heat transfer (losses) within lubrication system
Bearings for the main GT shaft:
Operating Temperature ~ 300°C
High DN factor of <2.5e6 (diameter x rot. speed)
High reliability, long life cycle with high stress
Historic Development of TET
Material Science Improved TET quite a bit
Advanced Air Cooling drove the biggest improvement in recent years
In a combined cycle in stationary GT steam can be used to cool Turbines
GT Single-Spool Arrangement
Simple and robust arrangement
• All rotating components mechanically arranged on one single shaft
• Close coupling between power and rotational speed, suitable for constant speed and constant power
• Large power required for starting, but quick starting (within <45 min) capability given
• Net power off-take usually on compressor end of the machine (better access on single-spool arrangement)
• Used for permanent load
GT Arrangement Featuring Separate Power Turbine
• More complex design (2 shafts)
• Usually on small GTs
• Rotating components mechanically de-coupled on 2 shafts
• High flexibility in rotational speed, also suitable for constant speed and flexible power
• Quick starting of the gas generator possible
• Special prevention required for over-speed on the „isolated“ GG shaft
Variation of Stationary GT Efficiency Across Load Range
Single shaft gas turbines are fixed to generate electricity at frequencies of 50 Hz
-> Therefore, power can not be controlled using rotational speed
Compressor Variable Stator Vanes (change of the inlet massflow)
-> reduction of pressure ratio and the exhaust temperature goes up when maintaining TET
-> thermal efficiency reduces
Adaption of Turbine Entry Temperature (changing fuel flow)
-> De-throttles the compressor
-> Pressure ratio (hence power) drops
-> Thermal efficiency reduces
Due to curved intake housing, the stationary GT cycle can profit from a significant ram effect
In stationary GTs, the level of TET is primarly achieved by material temperature capabilities
Due to the nature of the GT cycle, the exhaust gas temperature can be perfectly aligned with the ambient temperature
False (no ram effect at all, c_0 = 0)
False (Mostly Air cooling Technology)
False (You expand as much as possible, but leave some delta_T to make exhaust gas leave the GT, and not otherwise not possible)
To allow a recuperator in the GT cycle, the compressor exit temperature needs to be above the exhaust gas temperature
A compression inter-cooler increases the effectiveness of recuperation
Sequential combustion allows to reduce TET at a fixed level of turbine work output
False (otherway around)
True (Compressor exit temperature goes down -> Higher delta_T between compressor exit temperature & exhaust gas temperature)
Reasons for Applicaton of GTs
• Large power density ( in particular when applying in high MW range)
• Good torque characteristics of the power turbine
• Flexible fuel types
• Little vibration (low noise)
Development Goals for Stationary Gas Turbines
• High thermal efficiency, low specific consumption
• High level of reliability
• High specific power output
• Low air pollutant emissions
• Reduction of development time
• Low production costs
• Simple assembly
• Quick start/shut down ability
• Long intervals between overhauls
• Simple inspection and short maintenance work/overhauls
• Wide operating ranges
Stationary GT Cycles
Open cycle (with continuous combustion at high pressure)
Closed cycle (with continuous combustion at ambient pressure)
Open cycle using recuperation
Closed cycle using recuperation
• Recuperation wins at low pressure ratios
• There, recuperation goes beyond conventional cycle thermal efficiencies
Aerodynamic and Thermodynamic Effects of Inter-Cooling
• For the same pressure ratio, inter-cooling reduces compression work (total enthalpy rise)
• The optimum cycle pressure ratio for an inter-cooled GT is much higher than for a conventional GT … thermal cycle efficiency increases but structural complexity increases
• Hence, the duty of the compression system is more difficult due to adverse effects at higher PR on component efficiency and
stability of the compressor
• Extreme OPR may take the rear-end geometry of the compressor (core size this is called) to a critically low physical size, which is difficult to manage aerodynamically – again, reduction of efficiency and stability
• Extraction of air, taking it through inter-cooler and bringing it back to the main flow path of the GT is related to losses through diffusion, friction, bending, and secondary flow effects in the volute
• Extracting and returning air to the GT flow path causes flow distorsion at the HPC entry
Pros and Cons of Open GT Cycle vs. Alternative Systems
Options of GT Cycle Process Improvements
Stationary GT Using Sequential Combustion
Comparison of cycles at maximum temperature:
Impact of Ambient Temperature
(cycle changes due to variation of ambient temperature)
Higher the inlet temperatures, reduce the compressor reduced speeds and the pressure ratio
The TET stays the same (limited)
-> Higher ambient temperatures, cause lower relative power
-> Higher ambient temperatures, cause lower relative inlet mass flow
-> Higher ambient temperatures, cause lower relative efficiency
-> Higher ambient temperatures, cause higher exhaust temperatures
Whats a CCPP?
Combined Cycle Power Plant
Gas Turbine + Steam Turbine
Exhaust gases of the gas turbine are used to heat up water -> Steam turbine
-> Very high efficiencies achievable ~60%
Types of Aero Engine Intakes
Subsonic Flight Intake
• rounded edges, relatively short arrangement
• Low static pressure rise
• Low total pressure loss
• Causes distorsion to fan and compressor at high incidence or cross-wind (moderate aerodynamic interaction of intake and compression components)
Supersonic Flight Intake
• sharp edges, long arrangement, potentially variable
• High static pressure rise
• High total pressure loss
• causes distorsion to fan and compressor at any flight condition (strong aerodynamic interaction between intake and compression components)
• Can develop intake buzz, i.e. violent fluctuations in pressure and related shock system
Variable Arrangement:
• Allows adaption to varying flight Mach number and core engine massflow
• Manages poor subsonic inlet flow in this geometry
• Manages shock configuration at supersonic inlet flow
• Removes boundary layers to reduce compression system distorsion
Compressor Duty
• Do compression work and pressure ratio
• Can have variable stator vanes to vary its flow capacity and stage matching
• Feeds the engine secondary air system, providing cooling air as well as sealing air mostly to locations in the hot section of the engine: combustor and turbine(s)
Combustor Duty
• Low Mach no. entry flow
• Fuel injection
• Fuel/air mixing
• Multi-zone combustion to achieve low emissions
• Increase total temperature via intensive heat input to flow
Turbine Duty
• Do expansion work and pressure ratio
• Receive cooling air from compressor
• Drive compressor and auxiliary units of the engine; power balance on common shaft
„Compressor-to-Turbine“ Secondary Air System (SAS)
SAS main purpose:
• Lead compressed air from different sources to bearings (sealing air) and to the rear of the engine to cool hot parts of combustor and turbine
• Allow effective cooling with a minimum of compressed air
• Cool life-critical turbine components: blades and vanes in gaspath and disks underneath the gaspath
Mach No. Similitud
In turbomachinery the state of flow is given by two components of the velocity vector:
1. the axial velocity defining how much mass flow passes the rotor
2. the blade speed defining how fast the rotor goes
-> Reduced massflow
-> Reduced Spool Speed
Choked Flow Condition
• „Reduced mass flow“ is a measure for the level of Mach number in a flow channel
• If that channel has a narrowest area (throat), the highest values will occur there
• When Mach number reaches a value of 1 in the throat, this state is termed „choking“, and effectively means, that reduced mass flow is fixed (can not be increased further)
(Reduced Mass Flow)
It allows to consistently plit turbomachinery performance in a map, which is valid independent of flight altitude
Using this parameter, Re similitude is achieved for 2 operating points falling in the same place in the map
When the reduced mass flow is constant in a turbomachine, the mach number related to blade speed is constant
False (Mach no. similtude)
Corrected quantities
Very often, aerodynamic speed and reduced mass flow are considered using reference values for pressure and temperature
-> The advantage of this is, that dot(𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 has the unit of a mass flow and 𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 has the unit of a rotational speed
-> When Mach no. = 1 is reached in the throat area of a turbomachine blade row, dot(𝑚𝑟𝑒𝑑) (and dot(𝑚𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟)) can not be further increased. The blade row is choked.
Compressor Map
Turbine Map
The turbine is designed to work at choked flow condition, hence the reduced massflow at turbine entry (= compressor exit!) is fixed as long as the combustor gives a constant deltaTt.
For the compressor, the turbine acts as a primary throttling device in the „engine system“, and therefore dictates the level of pressure (pressure ratio) produced in the compressor
The compressor operating line (OL) is determined by the flow capacity (max. choking reduced massflow)
of the turbine! When the turbine is designed to a higher flow capacity the compressor OL would drop
Different effects on Compressor Operating Line
Turbine Mass Conservation
Role of Increased Turbine Entry Temperature Tt4 (Throat Area Fixed) on Compressor operating line
Role of Increased Turbine Throat Area for Given Setting of Entry Temperature Tt4 on Compressor operating line
Role of Turbine Flow Capacity / Throat Area
• Throat area defines turbine flow capacity
• Effective throat area is defined by pure geometric area minus additional blockage from aerofoil boundary layers and cooling flows released into the flow path
• Throat area is a major measure to set / correct operating line level
Compressor operating line
When the compressor deteriorates with time in service, the compressor operating line reamins unchanged
When an engine is run at higher TET, the compressor operating line moves to higher pressure ratios
The compressor can be run on an operating line which is well above the surge line
True (Throttling)
Transient Compressor Operating Lines
Increasing combustor fuel flow at given compressor inlet conditions (𝑻𝒕𝟐, 𝒑𝒕𝟐) causes:
→ a sudden increase in turbine entry temperature 𝑇𝑡4 (due to higher heat release in combustor)
→ a sudden reduction of HP compressor exit reduced flow, which moves the compressor
operating point futher up on the speed line (implying a rapid rise in compressor back pressure
𝑝𝑡3 and consequently stronger throttling of the compressor)
→ an accelleration to higher rotational speed due to an excess of turbine power
→ a transient excursion of the working line „up“ until a new steady-state power balance has
established between compressor and turbine, leading to stabilisation in a higher operating
point on the steady-state operating line ( SS Working Line) in the compressor map.
Reducing combustor fuel flow at given compressor inlet conditions (𝑻𝒕𝟐, 𝒑𝒕𝟐) causes:
→ a sudden reduction of turbine entry temperature 𝑇𝑡4 (due to lower heat release in combustor)
→ a sudden increase of HP compressor exit reduced flow, which moves the compressor
operating point futher down on the speed line (implying a rapid drop in compressor back
pressure 𝑝𝑡3 and consequently relaxed throttling of the compressor)
→ A decelleration to lower rotational speed due to a deficit of turbine power
→ a transient excursion of the working line „down“ until a new steady-state power balance has
established between compressor and turbine, leading to stabilisation in a lower operating
What areas are typically operated in chocked conditions?
Fan Map and Impact of Intake Flow Distortion
Types of Aero Engine Exhaust Nozzles
Plain Nozzle
-> low mixing rate
Ejector Nozzle
-> High mixing rate
Large Bypass Ratio Engines
Separated nozzles
-> Independant setting of Pt levels at fan exit and LPT exit!
Common nozzle
-> Requires matching of Pt levels at fan exit and LPT exit!
Afterburner Engine with Variable Nozzle
• Used for afterburner supersonic flight engines
• Variable mechanism to control throat area and thrust vector
• External arrangement
• Strong impact of nozzle on fan and core throttling
Change of Engine Parameters over Flight Mach Number
Historical Compressor Development
• Compact design → reduced number of stages
• Efficient work input → increased efficiency
• Safe operation → enlarged op range and stability margin
• Low cost → scaling and development of existing designs
How can a lower stage count be achieved?
higher specific work per stage ->euler equation:
u ↑ → transonic stage design:
structural complications
shock losses and stall margin issues
Stage matching difficult
𝒄_𝒖𝟐 − 𝒄_𝒖𝟏 ↑ → high flow deflection (high profile camber):
secondary losses dominate
stall margin issues
The pressure ratio was significantly increased by the ability to operate compressors at higher speeds
VSV were introduced to increase stiffness of front casing
When the engine has a geared fan is it recommendable to feature a booster stage
Modules of a Multistage Axial Compressor
Front split casing
Rear Split casing
Entry Casing
Rotor Drum + Blades
Engine mount
Exit casing
Name and explain different design styles to integrate the rotor blades
Axial Root
when single blade weight is high
need to be combined with stators having inner shrouds!
Blades with extended roots are held in place using retaining plates
Circumferential Roots
When single blade weight is low
When blade count is high and some sealing is required at the root to prevent reverse leakage
Can be combined with stators having either free inner tip or an inner shroud
No roots (BLISK)
Integral design of blades and disk (Bladed Disk = BLISK)
Milling from solid or Attachment of readily prepared blades to the disk by linear friction welding
Advantages: low weight, low manufacturing cost/time, good structural stress distribution, low assembly effort, no root leakages
Challenges: manage vibrational behavior at low damping level, repair of damage
Name and explain different design styles of stator vanes
Outlet Guide Vane (OGV)
➢ high flow turning, many aerofoils, potentially 3D stacking,
tightly spaced, conventional platform design difficult,
often designed as integral part with diffuser
➢ integral ring, cast in one piece, all aerofoils,
some post-casting machining, high roughness, low precision
(high manufacturing and build tolerances) … usually acceptable on this aerofoil
Overview of Compressor Blade Design Process
Aerodynamic design on a number of stream sections
Transformation of the surface into a CAD-volume model
Transformation of the CAD model into a meshed model for FEM analysis
Stress and deformation analysis, plus translation of the aerodynamically designed “hot” geometry to a “cold” geometry, which can be manufactured
Velocity Diagram Compressor
The meridional flow direction follows a streamline and defines sections for the aerodynamic design of compressor airfoils
Axial roots are commonly used in the rear stages of compressors to reduce weight of the disk
The design process of the fan and compressor blades is simple because their shape doesnt change when run up to high speed??
Compressor Stage in h-s-Diagram
What is the de-haller-criterion?
Rule to prevent flow separation during diffusion
-> Rotor: w2 > 0.7 * w1
-> Stator: c3 > 0.7*c2
DH is a measure for the aerodynamic loading of boundary layers in the passage, primarily on the hub and casing
Defines deceleration ratio between inlet and exit of the blade row
Diffusion (Velocity Reduction) in the Rotor
Diffusion (Velocity Reduction) in the Stator
What is the degree of reaction and how is it defined?
The degree of reaction 𝜌ℎ defines the ratio of in the rotor static and overall stage static enthalpy rise
For 𝜌ℎ = 0,5 vectors of the velocity diagrams at rotor inlet and stator inlet get equal when being „mirrored about the axial direction
For 𝜌ℎ = 1 the inlet and exit velocities of the stator are identical, which implies there is no static pressure rise across the stator
What is the Flow Coefficient and how is it defined?
phi_1 = cm_1/u_ 2
Throttling = „deformation“ of vector diagram giving increased rotor inlet flow angle 𝜷𝟏 by reduction of 𝒄𝒎 / 𝒖
What is the Work Coefficient (Loading Coefficient) and how is it defined?
𝝍𝒉𝒕 = ∆𝒉𝒕 / 𝒖𝟐^2
Ideal Characteristic in 𝜑−𝜓−Diagram:
Real Characteristic:
Contributing losses:
• Boundary layer (BL) friction losses
• Profile wake losses
• Shock losses and shock-BL interaction losses
• Secondary flow losses (tip leakage etc.)
• Mixing losses
What is the Diffusion Factor (Liblein)?
The risk of profile boundary layer separation strongly depends on the surface loading distribution. The maximum velocity wmax is much higher than the inlet velocity w1 . The difference of wmax and the exit velocity w2 can be used to quantify the boundary layer loading on the suction surface of the aerofoil
Limitations of Photographic Compressor Scaling
• When a fixed scaling factor is applied to all geometric dimensions of a compressor, that is called „photographic scaling“.
Simple but it changes relation of area and volume
• Blade speed for example would be maintained with this scaling approach
• In practise, there are further aspects of the design, which prevent full similitude when doing photographic scaling. As a consequence of these, the aerodynamic loading the boundary layers effectively are exposed to, will vary due to the following features of the geometry, which do not scale, when the compressor is scaled:
• Surface roughness on blades, hub, casing >> surface friction
• Running clearance on rotors and stators >> tip leakage and tip losses
• Stress/vibration motivated spacing/pitching of parts >> parts life
• Tolerances on gas-washed and non-gas-washed surfaces and dimensions of compressor parts >> losses, fit, and function
Limitations With Scaling Rotational Speed on Fans
• Performance cycle (pressure ratio requirement; low PR should be achieved with low speed)
• Aerodynamics (Mach no., loss, stability; all these get non-linearly worse when tip speed goes up)
• Structural strength (centrifugal forces, vibrations, containment; high tip speeds cause high weight of drum and casing)
• Noise (noise emission regulations)
Limitations With Aerodynamic Scaling
Aerodynamic similitude -> certain proportionality of physical parameters
• Ideally, conditions should also satisfy kinematic similitude of the flow, which requires to maintain both, Mach number und Reynolds number:
-> Reynolds number
-> Mach number
• In many cases this can not be achieved and only the more important of these two, depending on case, is held constant when scaling:
Re: incompressible or low-density flow >> in engine: LPT blades
Ma: compressible flow (gas dynamics) >> in engine: fan blades
What is a repeating stage?
All parameters relative to blade speed u are the same for all stages
-> Due to compressibility density of the fluid rises. Therefore, the gaspath area (height) has to be contracted in order to maintain 𝜑3 = 𝜑1 across all stages
Is the characteristic in the smith diagram independent of the speed and if so when is this the case/or not?
Usually is independent of rotational speed of the compressor
But isnt if:
Reynolds number strongly changes (this is the strongest effect)
Compressibility effects become strong
Further changes to the flow occur when Mach number approaches or exceeding the value of 1, and shocks occur in the flow field
Stage Rematching of compressors, how can you visualize it and what can you do?
Stagewise psi-phi plotting is essential to understand the stage matching of compressors
Multistage map plotting is essential to understand the overall performance of compressors
Boundary Layers in Compressors
The geometric area is reduced to the effective area by boundary layer blockage
2D profile boundary layers
3D endwall boundary layer
How does the total pressure loss coefficient behave over different throtlling scenarios?
Impact of Reynolds Number on total pressure loss coefficient
Impact of Mach Number on total pressure loss coefficient
For Ma1 < Ma1,crit the impact on flow turning and loss is small in range up to approx. 0,7
For Ma1 > Ma1,crit the impact on flow turning and loss is significant
At sufficiently high Mach number the supersonic patch is reaching the pressure surface of the adjacent profile. Now, the choke limit is reached
The Blockage generated by 3D-Flow near the hub and casing has a strong impact on the 2D-Flow in the middle of the main gaspath
When meridional velocity is reduced by throttling a compressor, the incidence angle rises and additional total pressure losses occur
The critical Ma No is reached when a transition bubble occurs as a patch of high Re number on the suction surface
True (Endwall Blocking)
False (Critical Mach No is the incoming Mach number that causes the first supersonic flow on the airfoil)
Aerodynamically Critical Areas of 3D Flow
Radial clearances (Rotor blade tip clearance,Cantilevered stator hub clearance,…)
Shroud cavities
Air off-takes
3D Flow Phenomena in Compressor Blading
Loss generation caused by boundary layer friction and mixing
Shocks occur at high Mach no.
Occurance of a 3-dimensional complex overall flow field
Secondary Flow Vortices in Compressor Blading
What are the two most important ones?
Due to historical reasons flow features are divided into separate individual phenomena. In reality, however, they often occur in combination
Often caused by viscous effects
The most important phenomena are the passage vortex occurring on fixed blade ends and the tip leakage vortex occurring on free blade ends
How do the flow losses in a transsonic compressor rotor behave over the rel. blade height?
Relevance of Tip Clearance Level & Impact on Compressor Peformance
s/h is an important characteristic design parameter!
Explain compressor surge
At the stall/surge line at least in part of the blading of the compressor boundary layer separation occurs
-> Strong oscillation of mass flow and huge pressure fluctuation
-> Surge is always triggered by the onset of rotating stall!
-> Global System Instability!
Pre-requisite for the occurance of surge are large mass flow and large volumes
Frequency ~ 3-10Hz
Explain rotating stall
Inception either due to
-> Blade stall (low s/h gap sizes)
-> Tip stall (high s/h gap sizes)
Local instability!
Frequency ~ 50-100Hz
Unsteady phenomenon, but average compressor mass flow remains constant, locally it varies
When 3D tip leakage flow occurs near the casing of compressors there is a detrimental impact on both efficiency and stability
When a compressor develops stall cells in a rotor blade row this will always trigger surge and cause severe massflow fluctuations
Small compressors feature larger relative tip clearances and therefore will tend to develop blade stall earlier than large compressors
False (Tip stall!)
Surge Margin Stack-Up, Name applicable threats to be considered for the surge margin
➢ transient excursions
➢ bleeds and VSV scheduling
➢ thermal behavior / tip clearances
➢ manufacturing and build tolerances
➢ sand / FOD erosion
➢ inlet flow distortion
➢ deterioration
➢ any uncertainties
Effects of real compressor surges
Loss of thrust
Backlash of flames into the compressor, causing thermal failure
Severe mechanical / thermal stress within the engine
Measures to Increase Surge Margin
Variable Stator Vanes (geometric adjustment)
→ change of velocity triangles
→ change of stage characteristics
→ change of overall characteristics
Each Vane is connected with a lever to a common ring that moves all vanes (Thermal Mismatch!)
Bleed Valves (releasing air from an inter-stage location)
→ increase of inlet mass flow while exit mass flow remains constant
Multiple spools (de-coupling of spool speeds)
→ individual design speeds
→ avoiding to high a PR on one shaft
→ individual lower PR compressor can be handled with sufficient efficiency and stability
Characteristics/Functions of Axial Turbines in Aero Engines
▪ Located in the back of the engine
▪ „Hot End“
▪ Satisfy thermodynamic cycle requirements across flight envelope (altitude and Ma number)
▪ Significant LPT Reynolds number effects
▪ Working with extreme temperatures and pressure
▪ High aerodynamic loading at highest efficiencies
▪ Complex cooling systems
▪ Complex parts life requirements
▪ Continued strong demand for new high- temperature materials
HP Turbine Operating Conditions
Hot gas:
• Temperatures of up to 1600°C featuring strong local variation of 20% (Due to CC)
• High degree of erosion, corrosion, oxidation
Cooling air:
• Temperatures of approx. 600°C (not too cold because of the thermal stresses)
• Contamination with dust from the environment and from compressor abrasive liners
• Corrosion caused by sulphur content
Structural aspects:
• Steady and unsteady thermal strain
• Aero-elastic vibration (especially on high-AR blades)
• Unsteady load from rotor running-in
• Engine vibrations induced on stator vanes
• Clamping loads between aerofoil platforms
• Relative axial shift between rotor and stator
Turbine Stage: h-s-Diagram
Turbine Velocity Diagram
Smith Diagram: Turbine vs. Compressor
Radial Compressor: High Work coefficients but lower Flow coefficients (compared to axial comp.)
Axial Compressor: High Flow coefficients but lower work coefficients (compared to radial comp.)
Axial Turbine: Very high negative work coefficient and high flow coefficient (also higher efficiency than compressors)
Transonic Flow in a Turbine at Super-Critical Pressure Ratio
Choking appears at critical area (Ma = 1)
Prandtl Meyer Expansion, expands the flow even further, accelerates and deflects the flow
-> According to the Euler equation increased turbine work output results from this
Performance Map of an Axial Turbine
When reduced mass flow is increased choking appears (Ma = 1)
-> No further increase in reduced mass flow possible
-> Power output can still be increased however, since PM expasion causes further acceleration/deflection of the flow
Incidence Variation doesn’t affect choked turbin much, outlet stays roughly the same
In turbine blade passages, flow is decellerated because the main gaspath given by hub and casing is diverging and forming a diffuser
The only reason for designing HPT NGV for choked flow conditions is to reduce occuring total pressure losses of this row
When chocking occurs in turbine passages the achievable expansion ratio and work extraction is limited by this phenomenon
False (Acceleration of the flow)
False (Operating Conditions, Performance…)
False (PM Expansion)
Effect of Reynolds Number on Turbine Profile Loss
Difference between HPT and LPT Vanes
HPT (Nozzle Guide Vanes):
Film Cooling
Way thicker
LPT Vanes:
No film cooling
Thinner airfoils
Difference between HPT and LPT Rotor blades
HPT Rotor Blades:
Either with or without shroud (with more efficient)
Film cooling
Fir Tree Root
LPT Rotor Blades:
Either with or without shroud
Name three different failure types of Turbine Rotor blades. How does the blade metal temperature impact this?
Oxidation, Corrosion
Thermal Overload
An increase of blade metal temperature by 15°C is equivalent to a reduction of creep strength of 50%
Development of Blade Technology
Conventionally cast turbine blade
• Good mechanical properties in all directions
• Equi-axed crystal structure
Directionally solidified turbine blade
• Improved mechanical properties in longitudinal axis
• Columnar crystal structure
Single crystal turbine blade
• Excellent mechanical properties in longitudinal axis
• Improved heat resistance
Although operated at low Reynolds numbers, LP Turbine aerofoil profiles are designed for high aerodynamic loading and local diffusion
Shroudless turbine rotors are used to reduce large leakage losses associated with the alternative shrouded design style
Modern combustors generate a strong temperature variation across the flow path area at entry of and within the HP turbine
False (Opposite is true)
True (But should be avoided as much as possible)
Basic Concepts of Turbine Cooling
What is the usual arrangement?
Convection Cooling
Impingement cooling
Thermal barrier
Local film cooling
Full coverage film cooling
Transpiration cooling
Areas of Future Turbine Technology Improvements
1. Cooling air/core stream interaction
2. Rotor/stator interaction
3. Secondary flows
4. Tip clearance flow + control
5. Cooling system efficiency
6. Noise reduction
7. Sealing arrangements
8. Materials
Basic Boundary Conditions for Combustion Chambers
What different kinds are there?
• Pressure and temperature are simultaneously at their individual peak values in the engine
• To ensure safe operability there are high life requirements to be applied to combustion chambers
Efficient combustion:
▪ proper mixing
▪ stable burning
▪ cool hot combustion products down to level adequate for HP turbine parts
Axial-flow combustor
Reverse-flow combustor
▪ Complicated 3D and distorted flow field
▪ Complex process of mixing hot burnt and cold air
▪ Difficult thermal management of combustor and turbine casing
Impact of Air-Fuel-Ratio on Combustion Stability
Sufficient margin against lean extinction needs to be established at all operating conditions
Due to simple geometry and low requirements on combustors their design is an easy straight-forward engineering task
Reverse-flow combustors are most commonly used in large turbofan engines due to their high efficiency and perfect burn-out
Air fuel ratio is the most important parameter impacting combustion stability and therefore has to be carefully controlled during operation
Performance Parameters in Combustors
Aerodynamic Loss:
frictional loss in diffuser, frictional and mixing loss in combustion chamber
Thermodynamic Loss:
any deviation from the idealized case of inviscid flow in a duct with perfect heat addition
Based on momentum conservation, in a duct of constant cross-sectional area a reduction of density (hence flow accelleration) can only be achieved if pressure drops simultaneously. This corresponds to a change of state along a straight line in the p-v-diagram (Rayleigh-Curve)
-> Aero engine combustion chambers it is avoided to get even close to thislimiting flow regime
Two Fundamental Problems in a Combustor and how to solve them
Flow Velocity:
Turbomachinery throughflow velocities > 150 m/sec
However: Burning velocity of kerosene in air is varying in a narrow range: 5-9 m/sec
Required range of air-fuel-ratios based on engine cycle energy balance is high within range of: AFR = 35 - 150
Stable combustion range of Air-fuel-ratio is very low: AFR = 4 - 30
Structuring of Combustion (Different zones of a combustor)
Primary zone:
• Combustion is almost stoichiometric
• Flame stabilization in re-circulation area
• Fuel mixture preparation (spraying, vaporization)
Secondary zone:
• Air for post-combustion
• Decrease of combustion temperature
• Adjustment of temperature profile
Mixing (dilution) zone:
• Largest fraction of air is injected
• Temperature decrease
Drivers for Air Flow Distribution within Combustion System
• Rising temperatures at combustor inlet (Tt3) and exit (Tt4)
+ Cooling effect reduced by higher temperature cooling air Tt3
+ Turbine cooling air demand increased due to higher turbine entry temperature Tt4
• Requirement for low-emission advanced combustion
+ High air demand in central combustion zone in order to achieve lean combustion already in primary zone
→ less air for cooling parts and adjust TET profile
+ much larger portion of overall air flow enters combustion zone directly (lean burn)
+ more efficient cooling of flame tube (and turbine) is required
Advantages and Disadvantages of Vaporisers
+ Simple and short design, as mixing and vaporisation is achieved before entry to primary combustion zone; low supply pressure required
+ Late stable operation → starting problems
+ Poor operation during transient (accel, decel)
Decel: Tube may be over-heated due to reduced cooling provided by low fuel mass flow
Accel: incomplete vaporisation due to very high cooling induced by high fuel mass flow
(Conventional): RQL ..… Rich burn - Quick Quench - Lean Burn
(New tech.): LDI ….... Lean Direct Injection
Due to similar flow structure in the three combustion zones the temperature is almost uniform across the combustion chamber
In the secondary and mixing zones air addition is uniform in radial direction in order to give a constant temperature exit profile
Lifing of the HP turbine nozzle guide vanes (static parts) has to be based on maximum local temperature values reflected in OTDF
Exit Temperature Profile of Combustor
For what components are the radial/overall Distribution factors more critical?
OTDF → Life / Stress of HPT Nozzle Guide Vanes (NGVs) (Static components)
RTDF → Life / Stress of HPT Stage 1 Rotor Blades
Typical Pollutants and their appearance
Due to incomplete combustion and dissociation at high temperatures (along with Co2 & H2O):
• carbon monoxide CO
• nitrogen oxide NOx
• unburned hydro carbons UHC
• black carbon particles (soot)
Explain the Problem of reducing NOx Emission of Combustors
the highest amount of energy is released at stoichiometric mixture ratios
→ high temperatures → high amount of NOx is formed
lower temperature of combustion / reduce residence time of gas in regions of high temperature
reducing the turbine entry temperature leads to a drop in thermal efficiency of the process, therefore should be maintained/increased
Present research:
• the regulation of the mixing process
• as well as the combustion sequence
Explain different concepts to reduce NOx Emission of Combustors
Non-premixed (RQL) arrangements:
Approach on NOx Reduction:
• high degree of fuel atomization when injected
• short residence time at stoichiometric high-temperature conditions
→ quick addition of a high amount of air mass-flow
→ quick change to lean mixture
-> -> “Rich–Quench–Lean”
Premixed(LPP) arrangements:
• fuel and air are mixed without combustion to form a lean mixture
• after this the combustion takes place
Problems of this concept:
• flame stabilization in a lean mixture
• avoiding flashbacks into the mixing zone and self-ignition
→ difficult to realize, especially in jet engines due to high variety of inlet conditions
Staged combustion chambers:
• two different conventional combustion zones are used for low and high power engine operation
• proper re-light ability is only granted in one of the two combustion zones
• low emissions and high degree of performance are achieved by the other combustion zone (potentially by pre-mixed arrangements)
Relevance of Combustion Noise
Relative importance of combustion noise is increasingly growing
Two main mechanisms of combustion noise generation:
• Direct noise generated during heat release and by acoustic waves propagating to the engine outlet
• Indirect noise generated by acceleration of entropy/hot-spot and vorticity waves through turbine blades
Fuel to air ration and Equivalence Ratio
FAR = mfuel/m_air
Equivalence Raio = FAR/FAR_st
Jet fuel:
𝐹𝐴𝑅_𝑠𝑡 = 0,068
𝝓 < 𝟏: Lean Combustion
𝝓 > 𝟏: Rich Combustion
Thrust Equation
Definition of BPR
BPR = m19/m9
What parameter affects eta_th in the Ideal JB?
Plot its behaviour over eta_th
Also give the equation
Pressure ratio
Whats the degree of reaction and explain when it becomes 0 or 1
• The degree of reaction 𝜌ℎ defines the ratio of in the rotor static and overall stage static enthalpy rise:
• For 𝜌ℎ = 0,5 vectors of the velocity diagrams at rotor inlet and stator inlet get equal when being „mirrored about the axial direction
• For 𝜌ℎ = 1 the inlet and exit velocities of the stator are identical, which implies there is no static pressure rise across the stator
Draw an Ideal JB Cycle
Draw a Turbojet h-s diagram
Draw a Turbofan h-s diagram
Draw a Turboshaft/Stat. GT h-s diagram and discuss differences
Last changed6 months ago