The collective name given to all of the laws that have been passed by Parliament and which are enforced by the courts
Something that an employee complains about to their employer
Non-attendance at work
The process of learning the skills needed to do a particular job
The opposite of permanent. For a limited period of time only
A person's past behaviour and attendance that show how well he or she has done their job
Track record
The process of finding employees to work for a particular organisation or company
To produce or create something
A group of things that are different but are of the same general type
A person who has formally asked to have a particular job
Something that is absolutely necessary
I heard … Stephen Brown yesterday. He sent me a postcard. He is working in Sydney for a year.
You can contact me … Chatsworth 577 9940
Do you have up-to-date knowledge … disciplinary and grievance procedures?
Do you have any experience of dealing with people … the telephone?
My contract of employment says that I have to deal with any task relevant to my job … required.
Posiadać wcześniejsze doświadczenie
To have previous experience
Ubiegać się o pracę
To apply for a job
Generowanie nowej działalności
To generate new business
Przekazać komuś CV
To forward a C.V. to someone
Dołączyć do działu
To join a department
Posiadanie osiągnięć w danym obszarze
To have a track record in a particular area
Być pewnym czegoś
To be confident of/in something
Być zaznajomionym z czymś
To be familiar with something
Posiadanie doświadczenia w konkretnej pracy
To have experience of a particular job
Praca w ramach działu organizacji
To work within/in a department of an organisation
Skupić się na czymś
To focus on/upon something
A new statute will come into force next year concerning smoking in the workplace. The purpose of this seminar is to make employers here in Chatsworth aware of their duties in this area.
Advising employers on complying with new Acts of Parliament
As an employee you are entitled to 52 weeks leave after the birth of your child regardless of the number of hours you work or the length of your service with your current employer. However, you must give the correct period of notice.
Advising on family related issues such as maternity and paternity rights
Your claim for unfair dismissal has been filed and your employer now has 28 days in which to respond to your allegations.
Acting on behalf of clients at employment tribunals
The information that your company holds on its computers is an asset of the business. We can advise you on how to safeguard it; something that most companies are doing these days.
Data protection
Your employees will receive money from the government when they retire because they paid National Insurance contributions while they were working. However, as an employer you can help your employees by contributing to a private retirement fund for each of them.
Advising on pension rights
In clause 10, which deals with termination, I have stated the minimum notice period that your employees must give you if they wish to end their employment with you.
Drafting contracts of employment
It is important as employers to bear in mind that you have a duty of care to visitors to your premises as well as to your employees.
Health and safety at work issues
Under current legislation, a woman has the right to equal pay if she does the same job as a man.
Advising an all aspects of discrimination at work
Wysoce poufne
Highly confidential
Zachować zgodność ze statutem lub prawem
To comply with a statute or the law
Być na bieżąco z prawem
To keep up-to-date with the law
Mieć prawo do urlopu
To be entitled to leave/holiday
Praca w dziedzinie prawa pracy
To work in employment law
Poradzić sobie z problemem
To cope with a problem
Doradzanie komuś w konkretnej sprawie
To advise someone on a particular issue
Wzrost liczby w ciągu kilku lat
To increase in number over a few years
Przechowywanie informacji na komputerze
To hold information on a computer
Przyczynić się do czegoś
To contribute to something
Zakończyć zatrudnienie w firmie
To end your employment with a company
Na mocy przepisów
Under legislation
The terms and conditions contained in a contract
A failure to do something when it is your duty to do it
Except, with the exception of
Other than
Negatively, badly
Bad or dishonest behaviour
Forced upon you. You have no choice about it
Having no effect on something
Without prejudice to
Regarding or concerning
In respect of
To be found guilty of a criminal act
In this context, it means the person that something happens to
Poniesienie kosztu lub wydatku
To incur a cost or an expense
Negatywnie wpływać na coś
To adversely affect something
Być skazanym za przestępstwo
To be convicted of a crime
Nałożyć na kogoś karę
To impose a penalty on someone
Istotne naruszenie
A material breach
Otrzymać od kogoś zwrot kosztów
To be reimbursed by someone
W odniesieniu do czegoś
In respect of something
Zgodnie z warunkami umowy
Under the terms of an agreement
Obowiązywać, być w mocy
To be in force
Być przedmiotem czegoś
To be the subject of something
First of all a dispute …
The parties should then try to … the dispute
Sort out
If the parties cannot agree then the claimant should … advice from a professional
The tribunal will … the claim if it is presented on the correct form
The tribunal will then … a hearing to examine the facts of the case
The tribunal will finally … a judgment
A process in which the two parties to a dispute are brought together in order to try to find a solution. Mediation is an example of this
The formal answer to a claim
An order issued by the court which says that the claimant has won the case because the respondent failed to file a response to the claim
Defaut judgment
The process in which the parties to the dispute agree on the conduct of the case, for example agreeing whether expert evidence is needed, what documents must be disclosed to each side and the time allowed for this, etc.
Case management
Nieuczciwe zwolnienie z pracy
Unfair dismissal
Szukać pomocy
To seek help
Spełnić określone warunki
To meet certain conditions
Uczestniczyć w spotkaniu
To attend a meeting
Ścisły limit czasowy
A strict time limit
Do zwolnienia, być zwolnionym
To be made redundant
Awansować nad kimś
To be promoted over someone
W porównaniu z czymś/kimś
In comparison to/with something/someone
Czas wolny od pracy
To have time off work
Płatność gotówką
To be paid in cash
Rezygnacja, zrezygnowałem
Nagrodzony, przyznano
Przyjęty, dopuszczony
W trudnej sytuacji
Please do not disclose this information to anyone, as it is … confidential
If you … any expenses on your training course in London the company will reimburse you upon your return
Do you have any … experience of working in a bank? We are ideally looking for someone who won't need very much training
I have … for a job with a major law firm but I'm not sure that I will be selected for interview, as there is sure to be a lot of competition
It is vital to … up-to-date with changes in employment law because employers have to comply with many duties and obligations
Employees have been … affected by the bad economic situation that we have at the moment and many people have lost their jobs as a result
The employee's dishonest behaviour amounted to a … breach of his employment contract and he was cismissed immediately
If you have been … of a serious criminal offence in the past you are not eligible for a job in the police force
I have … to a pension fund for 30 years and I hope I will have enough in it to be able to retire at the age of 50
The European Union … penalties upon member countries that breach its employment legislation
The successful … for this challenging post will have experience of financial sales and be a good leader of staff
Mothers of new babies are entitled to 52 weeks' maternity … according to current legislation
She was fired from her job without good reason and she is bringing a claim against her employer for unfair …
Employers are not allowed to … against employees on the grounds of age, sex or religion
If you are ill and you are away from work your employer is obliged to pay you … for a certain number of weeks
Sick pay
In the UK, special courts known as … deal with employment cases.
Employers are obliged to give … pay to men and women if they are doing the same job
The work of an employment lawyer that does not involve any kind of dispute is known as … work
Non- contentious
There is a lot of health and … legislation these days, which is designed to keep employees safe from harm when they are at work.
Are you familiar … the latest European Union legislation on sexual discrimination?
We hold all of our confidential information … a computer at our head office
I was reimbursed … the company accountant for all of the expenses that I incurred in the month of July
I give notice that I will end my employment … Harrods on 23 April of this year
The Employee's salary will be paid directly … his or her bank account on the last day of each month
… the terms of his employment contract he must give four weeks' notice if he wants to terminate his employment
Employment tribunals hear cases relating … a wide range of complaints
I wish to make a claim … my employer on the grounds of breach of contract
I am very angry because I thought I would be made a manager at my company this year but a younger man was promoted … me
I was not able to go to an interview for a new job because it was at two o'clock and my current employer refused to give me the afternoon …
All of the Employee's holiday dates shall be agreed with the human resources department of the Company a minimum … six weeks … advance of holiday being taken
The Company shall be entitled to require the Employee to work any public holiday including Christmas Day if any such holiday falls … a day on which the Employee would normally be required to work
In the event that the Employee leaves the Company he or she shall be entitled to pay in lieu … any holiday entitlement that may have accumulated.
In the event that the Employee leaves the Company and he or she has received paid holiday in excess of holiday entitlement the Company is entitled to deduct any overpayment … any other sums due … the Employee from the Company.
Write about
Refer to
Talked to
About the problems
In this matter
Process to complain
Grievance procedure
Terrible behaviour
Gross misconduct
Unjust firing
Two weeks after the date written on this letter
Fourteen days of the date of this letter
Last changed10 months ago