The physical components that make up a typical computer system
Select input devices
Select output devices
Internal hardware devices
Central processing unit (CPU)
Random access memory (RAM)
Read - only memory (ROM)
Graphics card
Sound card
Network interface card (NIC)
Internal storage devices ( hard disk drive and solid state drive)
What does motherboard does?
What does CPU do?
What is motherboard?
A printed circuit board found in all computers
Two main components of CPU
What is CPU?
An electronic circuit board in a computer
What does motherboard consists of?
A sheet of non-conductive material ( e.g hard plastic)
Several sockets and slots to connect to the other components
Describe ALU
Where arithmetic and logical operations are carried out
Describe CU
Which takes instructions, the decodes and executes the instructions
What is RAM?
An internal chip where data is stored temporarily when running applications.
What is ROM?
A memory used to stored information that needs to be permanent such as configuration data for a computer system.
Benefit n drawbacks of ROM
Advantage and disadvantage of RAM
can be altered as it it written to and read from
contents are lost when power to the computer is turned off
RAM is often called as a volatile or temporary memory.
ROM can be referred to as non-volatile memories.
Allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display devices such as monitor, television, or a projector
What is graphics card made up of?
a processing unit
memory unit ( usually RAM)
a cooling mechanism ( since these cards generate a lot of heat)
connections to a display unit
What is sound card?
An integrated circuit board that provides a computer with the ability to produce sounds
What are other functions of sound card?
allows a user to record sound input from a microphone
manipulate sound
What is NIC ?
A component that allows a computer or any other device to be connected to a network. Can be wired or wireless.
The programs that control the computer system and process data
Applications software
Provides the services that the user requires to solve a given task.
word processing
control and measurement software
apps and applets
video editing
graphics editing
audio editing
computer-aided design (CAD)
System software
design to provide a platform on who all other software can run.
device drivers
operating systems
A computer program that translates a program, written in a high-level language (HLL) into machine code (code that is understood by the computer)
What is the original program is called?
The source code
What is the code after compilation is called?
Object code
Examples of high-level languages
Java, Visual Basic, Python , Fortran, C++ and Algol
Computer program that takes one or more object files produced by a compiler, and combine them into a single program that can be run on a computer
Device driver
Software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system
Examples of hardware devices that require drivers include printers, memory sticks, mouse and CD drivers
Last changed10 months ago