High-End IoT-Devices / Low-End IoT-Devices
High: have conventional OS
Constrained devices
Low-End Devices Classification
Class 0: « 10 kb RAM and « 100 kB Flash
Class 1: approx. 10 kB RAM and approx. 100 kB Flash
Class 2: offer more ressources, but still constrained in comparison to High-End IoT-Devices.
Class 0
highly specialized application (e.g. temperature sensor)
low-level programming, bare-metal
operating system (OS) often not required
Class 1 und Class 2
not meant for highly specialized applications
offer more options, e.g. routing
future of IoT devices
Main Requirements for OS in the IoT
interoperability with the Internet
compability to IP protocols
compability to programming languages and tools ofthe hosts
Small Memory Footprint
Network Connectivity
Power Efficiency
Real-Time Capability
IoT-OS Challenges
The OS is of extreme importance for embedded systems, because it controls the constrained resources of the device.
Regarding security and safety the OS is facing huge challenges.
Security Requirements for Embedded OS
Memory Protection
Virtual Memory, e.g. Location Obfuscation
Fault Recovery
Guaranteed Ressources
Virtual Device Drivers
Secure Scheduling
Access Control
Open-Source OS (excerpt)
>2002, OS for WSN, 8-bit MCU
>now: 16-bit, 32-bit MCU
>provides various network stacks:
>e.g. uIP (microIP) with support for IPv6, 6LoWPAN, CoAP;
>Rime communication stack
>2000, OS for WSN, 8-bit & 16-bit MCU
>programming language: nesC
>network stack: BLIP (implements 6LoWPAN)
>2002, used on various MCUs
>no own network stack, but third-party alternatives may be used
>2007, 8-32-bit MCUs
>compability with POSIX and ANSI
>integrated network stack, which supports IPv4 and IPv6
>embedded configurable operating system
>2002, 16-,32- & 64-bit devices
>no own network stack, but supports third-party stacks like 1wIP or FreeBSD network stack
2009, by ARM, mainly for 32-bit ARM
Closed Source OS (excerpt)
ThreadX (Express Logic Inc),
Wind River Rocket (Wind River),
>mbOS (Segger Microcontroller Systems),
LiteOS Huawei, etc.
OS Categories
Event Driven
Real-Time Internet-of-Things Operating System
developed since 2013
originally focused on WSN and real-time requirements
currently focus on
hardware support expansion
development & maintainance of various network stacks
optimized for multi-threading
provides very efficient context switching & IPC
(interprocess communication)
offers various stacks for network connectivity
e.g. gnrc network stack supporting IPv6,
6LoWPAN, RPL, UDP, and CoAP.
programming languages for applications: C & C++
RIOT-OS itself is written in ANSI C
drivers do not run in the core
support for JSON, ASN.1 und CBOR
security support
crypto libs
Module vs package
>Modules are internal packages of RIOT-OS
>Packages are external (but represent a
RIOT-OS Modules
Boards: e.g. PIN config, MCU clock, driver
config,. . .
CPU: CPU-specific implementations
Drivers: all external drivers
Kernel: e.g. scheduling, multi-threading,. . .
Networking: networking libraries
Packages: external libraries/applications
System: tools & utilities for OS, crypto-library
>RIOT-OS Codebase
>core → scheduler, IPC, threading, thread
synchronzation, data-structures, type
>CPU, boards → platform specific code
>drivers → device drivers
>sys, pkg → libraries and network code
>examples, tests → applications to test
various features
RIOT-OS core
>contains the actual kernel
>consists of
inter-process-communication (messaging),
threading, and
thread synchronization, as well as
supporting data-structures and
type definitions
RIOT-OS platform dependent code
split into two logic elements: CPU and board
>a board has exactly one CPU
>a CPU can be part of n boards
>CPU contains all generic, CPU specific code
>boards contains the specific configuration for
the CPU it contains
RIOT-OS boards
mainly includes
>the peripheral configuration and pin-mapping,
>the configuration of on-board devices, and
>the CPU's clock configuration
>contains all CPU specific configurations, such as
>implementations of power management (LPM),
>interrupt handling and vectors,
>startup code,
>clock initialization code and
>thread handling (e.g. context switching) code.
>In the periph sub-directory of each CPU you can
find the implementations of the CPU's peripheral
drivers like SPI, UART, GPIO, etc.
RIOT-OS drivers
drivers for external devices, e.g.
>network interfaces,
>Sensors, and
>All of RIOT's device drivers are based on the
peripheral driver API (e.g. SPI, GPIO, etc.) and
other RIOT modules like the xtimer. This way
the drivers are completely platform agnostic
and they don't have any dependencies into the
CPU and board code.
>data structures,
>crypto libraries (e.g. hashes, AES),
>high-level APIs,
>memory management (e.g. malloc),
>the RIOT shell,
>and many more.
>RIOT follows the micro-kernel design paradigm
where everything is supposed to be a module. All of
these modules that are not part of the hardware
abstraction nor device drivers can be found in this
RIOT-OS sys/net
All of RIOT‘s networking code resides here.
>network stack implementations
>network stack agnostic code (header
definitions, network types, etc.)
external libraries (e.g. ccn-lite, microcoap).
>custom Makefile for each supported library
RIOT-OS examples
example applications demonstrating certain
features of RIOT.
>check out the README.md files of the
RIOT-OS tests
In contrary to the examples these tests are
mostly focusing on a single aspect than on a set
of features.
RIOT-OS dist & doc
doc contains the doxygen configuration
>dist contains tools to help you with RIOT
>Pyterm – a serial terminal application,
>generic scripts for flashing, debugging,
resetting, as well as code enabling easy
integration to open testbeds such as the IoT-
>scripts for code and style checks.
Last changeda year ago