The demand for wise financial decisions will increase due to…
Demographic shifts gradually kicking in
Recruitment challenges?
The role of private and public sector?
Investments in technology?
Alternative ways of financing the sector?
This debate will likely grow stronger
1.1 Corporate investments and financing decisions
Investment decision?
Financing decision?
what real assets to buy?
Rule of thumb: investment decision important for the upside: how high can you fly?
how to pay for those real assets?
Rule of thumb: Financing decision on the downside: how deep can you sink before drowning?
1.1.1 What is a corporation?
separate legal identity
differs with country and regulations, but in generel: limited liability
Unlike sole proprietoship or partnerships: personal liability (partnerships typically liable together; bank can go after personal belongings)
What are consequences?
cost of capital (- generally higher)
risk profile
1.1.2 What is the role of a financial manager?
1) Cash raised by selling financial assets to investors. (get money from market e.g. bank, equity, bonds)
2) Cash invested in the firm’s operations and used to purchase real assets (in line with strategy, real assets generste income (tang. + intang.)
3) Cash generated by the firm’s operations (money in terms of profits)
4) a. Cash reinvested (in business); b. Cash returned to investors.
1.2. The financial goal of the corporation
Company management is complex, so many interests from stakeholders, shareholders, employees etc.
But, the main task of the manager is to reach the goal determined by the owners
In practice, often, but not always: maximize shareholder value
Why? When? (maximize shareholder value) - owner responsibility
Assumption: well-functioning financial markets
Allows different timing- and risk preferences to sort perfectly
Why maximizing shareholder value?
Shareholder wants:
To maximize their net value
Manage timing of consumption freely (e.g. spend now by borrowing or investing to spend later)
Manage risk of their investment freely
the financial market solves (2) and (3), but (1) is where financial managers can help
—> Fisher’s separation theorem: a financial manager’s decision can be separated from shareholder preferences —> focus on max. exp. returns
Fishers separation theorem
The investment trade-off:
Why do some investments increase market value, while others reduce it?
Trade-off: Finance project (internal) or pay out the cash?
It projects financed have a higher rate of return than the opportunity cost of capital - share prices are likely to increase or stay strong
The opportunity cost of capital: minimum rate of return on a project or investment required by an investor - relative, determined by returns in the financial markets
The opportunity cost will depend on the risk of the investment project
safe dollar is more valuable than a risky dollar
“… at the same level of risk”
(1) Agency problem:
typically a separation of ownership and control in large corporations
Owners hire managers to develop their asset
shareholders are principals, managers are agents acting on behalf of the principals
BUT: Do managers maximize shareholder wealth or manager wealth?
how to ensure manager’s heart is close to the owner’s pocket?
—> Shares!
Principal agent theory as a large field of study
(2) Agency problem:
Agency cost:
Occurs when managers do not attempt to maximize values, and shareholders incur costs of monitoring the manageres
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