Aim of section I
Section I_Outline
Intro_General philosophy of science vs. philosophy of economics
Intro_Understanding of philo
Intro_Everything is controversial
Overview over philosophy of economics
Economics historically_3 main phases
Classical econ_regularities
Classical econ_main representatives
Classical econ_labor theory of value
Classical econ_Why transition to neoclassical
Neoclassical I_subjectivist
Neoclassical I_marginalist
Neoclassical I_psychology
Neoclassical I_macro
Neoclassical I_assumption before 1929
Neoclassical I_consequence of Keynesian economics
Neoclassical II
Mainstream_What belongs to it
Descriptive vs normative distinction_descriptive vs normative
Descriptive vs normative distinction_empirical disciplines vs normative branch
Descriptive vs normative distinction_positive econ vs welfare econ
Normative econ_What
Normative econ_2 main questions
Normative econ_What is welfare_classical and early neoclassical view
Normative econ_What is welfare_objections
Normative econ_What is welfare_fundamental tension in all social sciences
Normative econ_How to argue for economic goals
Positive econ_Classification
Positive vs normative econ_What depends on what
Positive vs normative econ_What does value free mean
Positive vs normative econ_There are values involved in all descriptive sciences
Positive vs normative econ_Relationship btw positive and normative econ
Postive vs normative econ_Mainstream challenged
Positive vs normative econ_Economic indexes implicitly contain social values
Macro vs micro
Challenges to and extensions of mainstream econ_Outline
Foundations of micro
Models in econ
New branches of econ
Perspective on econ from outside
General philosophy of science
Social studies_What
Social studies and feminist studies_What in case of econ, what are feminist studies
General tendency of feminist studies in econ
Empirical study on feminist research
General comment on feminist studies
Conclusion from this section
Last changed10 months ago