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After a question of a student: Preferences by itself is just a concept (e.g. force or charge in physics). An OP is a model (e.g. expected utility theory uses the term concepts.). Fundamental concepts are typically part of OPs
Aim of section
Revealed preference theory_What is uncontroversial vs controversial
Revealed preference theory_Standard view
Hausman's view_meanings of term preference
Hausman's view_critical claim and constructive claim
Hausman's criticism of revealed preference theory
Hausman's view of preferences
Hausman_Model of choice_words
Hausman_Model of choice_flowchart_1
Hausman_Model of choice_flowchart_2
Hausman_Model of choice_flowchart_3
Hausman_Model of choice_words_normative model, rationality
Angner's criticism_Outline
Angner's criticism of Hausman_Are not and should not
Angner's alternative view of preferences_combining results from
Angner's alternative view of preferences_4 steps
Angner's evaluation of Hausman's view
Conclusion of this section
Last changed10 months ago