To say that smth is not true
To deny
He denied any involvement in the scandal when asked about it
To say that you will not do or accept smth
To refuse
He asked me to give him another loan, but I refuse
To have the same opinion
To agree
I agree with you on this issue
Agree with
Agree about
Agree on
To agree to take smth
To accept
The new coffee machine will accept coins of any denomination.
I've just accepted an invitation to the party.
An important/interesting part of smth
Our latest model of phone has several new features
Start discussing about a subject / growing up a children
Bring up
States should bring up disability issues in discussions with their counterparts.
Start to be broadcast
Come on
Be published
Come out
Add information in the spaces on a document
Fill in
fill in the form
Please do not fill in over your examination papers until you are instructed to do so
Deal with smth with detail
Go into
We see no need to go into detail of your story
Turn and look at the pages of a magazine
Flick through
flick through the pages
Give things to people in a group
Hand out
Government can hand out money, for example.
Try to find out information in a book or list
Look up
Pretend that smth is true: hear or understand sb or smth.
Make out
We can also make out blinking lights here and there and pieces for equipment.
= suggest
Put forward
I believe that the ruling party should not put forward its own candidate.
Recognize that smth is not be tricked by it
See through
Unless you can see through a door
Be easy to see becouse of being different
Stand out
In control of smth
take control of smth
under (the) control (of smb)
out of control
Turn the page so that the other side is towards
Turn over
= characterization
Make a difference
Tell the difference (between)
Forget that you are lucky to have them
Take sth/sb for granted
Influence sth/sb
Have/be an influence on sth/sb
As stated by
In the way that agrees with
According to sb
According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at the moment.
Announce sth (to sb)
To think that smth is absolutely true or real
Comment (on sth)
Unable to think clearly or to understand smth
Confuse smth(sb)
To be the same or very simular
Correspond with smth(sb)
To say what someone or something is like
Describe smth(sb)
Hear (about) smth/smb
To tell someone about something
Inform sb (about)
If smth is likely, it'll probably happen or be expected (= probably)
Likely to do (that)
Do you remind me because I'm likely to forget
to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it
He is trying to persuade local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.
Point (in) doing
There's no point in doing something if only 10 people see it.
Send smth (sb)
Words or action that makes someone or smth look stupid
Last changed10 months ago