Norms are abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable.
Folkways include rituals and symbolic behavior.
Ethical strategies are the accepted principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of businesspeople.
Corporations can contribute to the global tragedy of the commons by not pumping pollutants into the atmosphere or dumping them in oceans or rivers.
Upon meeting a foreign business executive, a Japanese executive will hold his business card in both hands and bow while presenting the card to the foreigner. This is an example of ritual behavior.
The term social strata refers to the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata into which they were born.
The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation toward employment conditions, human rights, environmental pollution, and the use of power are always clear-cut.
The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation toward employment conditions,
human rights, corruption, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always
Ethical dilemmas are situations in which none of the available alternatives seems ethically acceptable.
Both Hindus and Buddhists stress the afterlife and spiritual achievement rather than involvement in this world.
Islam is a polytheistic religion, like Christianity and Judaism.
Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a monotheistic religion. The central principle of Islam is that there is but the one true omnipotent God.
Building an organization culture that places a high value on ethical behavior requires incentive and reward systems.
Social responsibility refers to the idea that businesspeople should favor decisions that have both good economic and social consequences.
Hofstede's concept of power distance focused on the extent to which different cultures socialized their members into tolerating uncertainty
Ethics officers are hired by many businesses to make sure that all employees are trained to be ethically aware and that ethical considerations enter the business decision-making process at all levels of the organization.
International businesses that are ill-informed about the practices of another culture are likely to fail.
The value systems and norms of a country are unrelated to the costs of doing business in that country.
The ________ occurs when a resource held in common by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation.
A) tragedy of the commons
B) moral ignorance
C) noblesse oblige
D) veil of ignorance
According to ________, suffering originates in people's desires for pleasure.
A) Hinduism
B) Protestantism
C) Buddhism
D) Judaism
A caste system differs from a class system because
A) a caste system is an open system of stratication, while a class system is a closed system of stratication.
B) it is not possible for an individual to change his or her caste, while a class system allows people to change their class through individual achievement.
C) the social mobility in caste systems varies from society to society, while in a class system there is no social mobility.
D) a caste system is a less rigid form of social stratication, while a class system is a comparatively more rigid form of social stratication.
The ________ outlawed the paying of bribes to foreign government officials 1/1 to gain business.
A) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Ocials
B) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
C) Convention on International Business Transactions
D) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Ethical systems are
A) a set of moral principles, or values, that are used to guide and shape behavior.
B) shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred.
C) routine conventions of everyday life.
D) social rules that govern people's actions toward each other
Identify the incorrect statement about environmental regulations
A) Environmental regulations are often lacking in developing nations.
B) Environmental regulations are similar across developed and developing nations
C) Developed nations have substantial regulations governing the emission of pollutants, the dumping of toxic chemicals, and so on.
D) Inferior environmental regulations in host nations, as compared to the home nation, can lead to ethical issues.
Facilitating payments are
A) a direct violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
B) permitted so long as they are designed only to gain exclusive preferential treatment.
C) used to secure contracts that would otherwise not be secured.
D) permitted under the amended Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Religion may be defined as
A) routine conventions of everyday life.
B) social rules that govern people's actions toward each other. C) shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred.
D) a set of moral principles, or values, that are used to guide and shape behavior.
The idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences is known as
A) moral relativism.
B) noblesse oblige.
C) ethical dilemma.
D) social responsibility.
Hinduism and Buddhism both stress the importance of
A) the caste system.
B) the afterlife.
C) Confucian ethics.
D) life on earth.
________ are the routine conventions of everyday life.
A) Folkways
B) Mores
C) Rites
D) Beliefs
Which of the following, in a business setting, is taken to mean benevolent behavior that is the responsibility of successful enterprises?
A) Sullivan's principles
B) ethical dilemma
C) tragedy of the commons
D) noblesse oblige
According to the ________, even if a manager of a multinational sees that firms from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should maintain the standards of the company's home country.
A) cultural relativist
B) righteous moralist
C) utilitarian
D) naive immoralist
Mores are
A) the norms that are seen as central to the functioning of a society and its social
B) the routine conventions of everyday life.
C) abstract ideas about what a group believes to be right, good, and desirable.
D) the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations
Mores is a term that refers to norms that are more widely observed, have greater moral
signicance than other norms, and are central to the functioning of a society and to its
social life. Accordingly, violating mores can bring serious retribution.
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