Dynamic viscosity
=> if you move particles by an external force F through a viscous medium, a particle flux j will result
How is the Reynolds number defined? What is the approximate size for the Reynolds number of a microorganism swimming at room temperature in water.
=> Dynamic viscosity describes friction in a fluid
=> friction force = force holding back the particle
- increases with increasing speed v of the particle
- friction coefficent for a neutral sphere in aqueous solution is proportional to the size of the particle (radius r) and to a material property of the solvent that is called viscosity
=> Reynold‘s number R = ratio between inertial force and frictional force
- R is small -> friction is very important, as is the case for a small molecule in aqueous solution
- R is larger -> inertia becomes more important sometimes causing turbulence in the medium. As long as no turbulence appears we have laminar movement of the fluid
=> Microorganisms swim at low Reynold‘s numbers of 10^-2 to 10^-5
Brownian Motion
Biomolecular processes are strongly influenced by
1) the aqueous environment
1) thermal motion
-> molecules are in continuous,random motion ➔ „Random walk“
-> Random walk is caused by kicks from solvent molecules
-> thermal energy drives a random walk of molecules, particles (molecules collide with each other)
-> thermal energy is determined by the Boltzmann constant kB times the temperature T —> E = kB*T
Stokes‐Einstein Equation —> connection between diffusion and friction
definition of particle flux -> Fick‘s law
equation for the diffusion constant = Boltzmann distribution / Stokes friction coefficient
Unit: m^2/s
=> With the Stokes‐Einstein equation and the definition of particle flux (Fick‘s law) -> compute time scales for purely diffusive transport processes for various sized particles
= Stoff, der aus Makromolekülen besteht, die sich aus gleichartigen molekularen Bausteinen, sogenannten Wiederholeinheiten (repeat units), zusammensetzen
= substance or material consisting of very large molecules called macromolecules, composed of many repeating subunits
Polymers properties:
• elasticity
• diffusion
• osmotic pressure
Hyaluronic acid: very flexible chain
Aktin, IMF: semi‐flexible filament
Collagen, mikrotubules: semi‐stiff rods
Scaling law
Flory’s characteristic ratio
Scaling law = describes how the property changes with polymer size n
=> e.g.: scaling law for the size of single‐stranded DNA —> Scaling law: Rh ~ N^v
-> exponent v describes how much polymer segments interact with each other
-> The experiments are done with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in order to measure polymer size from observed diffusion processes
-> v=0.588 : 0‐solvent(ideal polymer withexcluded volume)
v>0.588 : good solven t(repulsive forces)
v<0.588 : bad solvent (attractive forces)
Flory’s characteristic ratio = alternative way of describing deviations between real polymers and the FJC model
-> describes the stiffness of polymer chains: the larger number the more stiff
Freely Jointed Chain
-> most important theoretical polymer models
= describe the behavior and configuration of polymers or long chain molecules
= segments are assumed to be completely free – no self avoidance
-> Problem: Some features of a real polymer are not taken into account. E.g. chemical bonds typically only allow free rotation and no change of bonding angles in any direction. Furthermore, atoms cannot penetrate each other. Therefore the space occupied by one segment of the polymer can be seen as excluded volumen for other polymer segments.
• Corrections to the FJC model: Freely Rotating Chain
-> In the freely rotating chain there are fixed bond angles and variable torsional rotation angles
The ideal polymer = theta‐solvent polymers θ
—> Attractive, repulsive and entropic forces can balance, such that the polymer behaves like a FJC => Cn = 1
—> All forces are influence by temperature, solvent, or other environmental conditions => A polmer is behaving ideal at the theta‐temperature or in a theta‐solvent θ
Worm‐like chain (WLC) model
-> second widely used polymer model
-> Worm‐like polymers with intrinsic stiffness
-> polymer is treated as a continuous rubber band with a certain stiffness
-> the stretched conformation (gestreckte Konformation) has the lowest energy. Any bending requires some external force (which could be due to thermal energy) —> Jede Biegung erfordert eine gewisse äußere Kraft
-> good description for semiflexible polymers where structural changes are due to competing influences from stiffness and thermal motion
Polymer Models
• Freely Jointed Chain (FJC): n monomers of fixed length b, each having an independent orientation -> flexible polymer
• Worm‐like Chain (WLC): continuous model with persistence length, in which the orientation of the chain tangent is changing over contour lengths greater than LP -> semiflexible polymer
• Gaussian Chain: n monomers connected by harmonic springs -> very similar to FJC
Persistence length of polymers can be determined by
single‐molecule measurements of end‐to‐end distances:
• Electronenmicroscopy
• Force spectroscopy
Molecular elasticity = polymers under the influence of external forces
-> measuring its mechanical behavior —> measure the forces needed for stretching the polymer or pulling the polymer ends apart
• Streching a polymer decreases entropie: work has to be done against Brownian motion
• The polymers response to external forces is described by molecular elasticity
Force Spectroscopy Applications
…for studying:
• properties of biopolymers
• protein folding (e.g. folding of secondary structure elements is monitored by measuring force‐extension curves)
• enzyme activity
• material properties (structural changes in DNA/RNA)
• mechanical behavior of cells and tissue
-> Force needed to unfold a protein: 150-300 Piconewton
• RNA folding: complex RNA system has a 2‐state system -> process of folding/unfolding
-> Computing the average transition times and taking into account that the equilibrium constant for a 2‐level system is equal to the ratio between transition rate constants for folding and unfolding -> Free Gibbs Energy (delta_G(0)) can be computed
• DNA supercoiling occurs when the molecule relieves some helical stress by twisting around itself
• Over‐twisting (right turning): negative supercoiling
• Under‐twisting (left turning): positive supercoiling
-> Polymerases introduce DNA supercoiling
-> Topoisomerases reduce DNA supercoiling (TopoI: break 1 strand of DNA, ATP independent; TopoII: break 2 strands of DNA, ATP dependent)
Optical tweezers
e.g.: force‐spectroscopy experiments with dsDNA: Pulling on both ends of dsDNA using optical tweezers requires some force to overcome entropic and other forcesholding the polymer in a collapsed state
—> Extension is shown in units of contour length
—> measured force rises with increasing extension in a way that is well described by a worm like chain polymer model
—> extracted: persistence length
=> Fractional extension is the distance between both DNA ends
= a device to manipulate dielectric particles with focused laser light
-> important in force spectroscopy
-> allow simultaneous measurement of force and extension (i.e. distance between bead and surface)
-> beads position can be visually observed in a microscope and measured at high accuracy
-> The force is determined by how much the bead is relocated from the center of the laser focus
-> Since the laser focus can be treated like a spring holding the bead in its center position, force can be determined with a good knowledge of the spring constant k (Da der Laserfokus wie eine Feder behandelt werden kann, die die Perle in ihrer Mittelposition hält, kann die Kraft mit einer guten Kenntnis der Federkonstante k bestimmt werden)
-> For a sufficently good calibration round, dielectric beads made from silicon or polystyrol are used
Magnetic tweezers
• applying controlled magnetic forces to magnetic beads attached to biomolecules -> a magnet is used to to generate a magnetic field & manipulate a magnetic bead with applied force and turn it in any direction
• allow to add rotation to a single, connected molecule
• control both tension (force applied along the length of the molecule) and torque Drehmoment (rotational force applied to twist or unwind the molecule). Einheit: Newtonmeter
-> used to apply force and torque while at the same time measuring extension and rotation of the bead‐molecule system
-> e.g. Pull and Twist DNA
-> action of single topoisomerase molecules (& state of supercoiling in dsDNA) has been studied with magnetic tweezers -> As soon as a single topoisomerase binds the DNA molecule and enzymatically changes the DNA’s state of supercoiling, this is observed as a change in extension
Anti‐Brownian Electrophoretic Trap
= technique to trap and manipulate individual molecules or nanoparticles in solution by counteracting Brownian motion
-> uses electric fields to manipulate charged particles or molecules
-> By observing the position of a fluorescent particle with a fluorescent microscope and a camera, a fast feedback system can be set up to drag the particle back to the center position, using electric fields, whenever it drifts away
-> position the trapped object with nanoscale resolution
Feedback Control System
= a system which tends to maintain a prescribed relationship of one system variable to another by comparing functions of these variables and using the difference as a means of control
Open loop control: the control action from the controller is independent on the process variable ("process output“)
Closed loop control: the control action from the controller is dependent on feed back from the process in the form of the value of the process variable
PID controller = part of most closed‐loop control system
• 3 components: proportional (P), integrative (I), differential (D)
-> Each of them computes a part of the total system input u(t) depending on the measured error e(t) and fixed parameters (K_i, K_d, K_p)
= spontane Emission von Licht kurz nach der Anregung eines Materials durch Licht. Dabei sind die emittierten Photonen in der Regel energieärmer als die vorher absorbierten
= property of certain substances to absorb light energy at one wavelength (usually shorter, higher energy light) and then emit light at a longer wavelength (lower energy light)
= process by which a fluorescent molecule loses its ability to emit light after being exposed to intense light = irreversible loss of fluorescence from a fluorophore
Fluorophores = molecules that can absorb light at a specific wavelength and then re-emit it at a longer wavelength, producing fluorescence
Absorption of Light: When a fluorescent molecule absorbs light (laser in fluorescence microscopy) at its excitation wavelength, it enters an excited state
Emission of Light: In the excited state, the fluorescent molecule can emit light at a longer wavelength (lower energy), which is detected and used for imaging in fluorescence microscopy
Photobleaching: However, when a fluorescent molecule is exposed to intense light for an extended period, it can undergo irreversible chemical changes that prevent it from returning to its ground state and emitting light. As a result, the fluorescence signal from the molecule reduces over time, leading to a decrease in image quality and potentially affecting the accuracy of quantitative measurements
=> E.g. Contribution of Reactive Oxygen Species to the Photobleaching of Organic Fluorophores
=> Strategies to mitigate photobleaching: reducing the intensity and duration of illumination, using fluorescence dyes with higher photostability, and implementing techniques such as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to study dynamic processes while minimizing photobleaching effects
What make/which thing make photobleaching depends on
Light Intensity and Exposure Time
—> High-intensity light: exposure to high-energy light, especially in the ultraviolet (UV) or blue spectrum —> increases the likelihood of photobleaching
—> Longer exposure times can increase the accumulation of reactive species (e.g., free radicals) that can destroy fluorophores
Fluorophore Properties/Concentration: Photostability, Fluorophore chemical structure
Oxygen Concentration
Chemical Environment: Extreme pH levels accelerate photobleaching
Temperature: high T —> photobleaching
Franck-Condon Principle of vertical transitions
= describes the intensity of transitions between electronic states, focusing on the nuclear motion within a molecule during these transitions
—> It plays a key role in understanding the intensity and likelihood of electronic transitions, especially in the context of absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy
Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP)
= experimental technique to study the movement and dynamics of molecules within living cells
Fluorescence Labeling: Molecules of interest within a cell or a biological sample are tagged with a fluorescent marker. This can be achieved using fluorescent proteins (like GFP) or fluorescent dyes
Photobleaching: A specific region of the sample is subjected to a high-intensity laser beam, which causes the fluorescent molecules in that area to lose their ability to fluoresce
Recovery Monitoring: After photobleaching, the sample is continuously monitored to observe the movement of non-bleached fluorescent molecules into the bleached area. The recovery of fluorescence in the bleached region is recorded over time —> Monitor the return of fluorescence in the bleached area using time-lapse microscopy
Data Analysis: The rate and extent of fluorescence recovery are analyzed to derive quantitative information about molecular mobility, including diffusion coefficients and binding interactions
Membrane Dynamics: Studying the lateral mobility of proteins and lipids within cellular membranes.
Protein-Protein Interactions: Investigating the binding and dissociation rates of protein complexes.
Intracellular Transport: Analyzing the movement of organelles and vesicles within the cytoplasm.
Gene Expression Studies: Understanding the dynamics of transcription factors and other nuclear proteins.
Drug Discovery: Evaluating the effect of drugs on molecular mobility and interactions within cells
Non-Invasive: Allows the study of live cells without disrupting their normal functions.
Quantitative: Provides precise measurements of molecular dynamics.
Versatile (Vielseitig): Can be applied to various biological systems and different types of molecules.
Photodamage: High-intensity laser used for bleaching can cause damage to the cells.
Complex Analysis: Data interpretation can be challenging and often requires sophisticated mathematical modeling.
Limited to Fluorescent Molecules: Only applicable to molecules that can be fluorescently tagged.
Fluorescent Proteins (FPs)
= a class of proteins that can absorb light at specific wavelengths and then emit it at longer wavelengths
—> Direct genetic labeling of target proteins in cells
- Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Originally derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria
- Enhanced GFP (eGFP): a brighter and more photostable variant of GFP, often used in various applications
- Red Fluorescent Proteins (RFPs): Derived from various marine organisms, these proteins emit red light —> mCherry (Discosoma species) and DsRed are popular examples
Live-Cell Imaging: FPs allow real-time visualization of cellular processes in living cells, tissues, and organisms. They can be used to tag proteins, organelles, and other cellular structures.
Protein Localization: FPs are fused to proteins of interest to study their localization and movement within cells. This helps in understanding protein function and interactions.
Gene Expression Studies: FPs can be used as reporters to monitor gene expression levels in real time. The intensity of fluorescence correlates with the activity of the promoter driving FP expression.
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET): FRET uses pairs of FPs to study protein-protein interactions, conformational changes, and other molecular events at close proximity.
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP): As mentioned earlier, FPs are critical for FRAP experiments to study the dynamics of molecular diffusion and interactions.
Super-Resolution Microscopy: Advanced imaging techniques like STORM and PALM utilize FPs to achieve resolutions beyond the diffraction limit of light microscopy.
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TRIF) Microscopy
= advanced optical microscopy technique that allows for high-contrast imaging of events occurring at or near the cell membrane
—> By exploiting the phenomenon of total internal reflection, TIRF selectively illuminates and excites fluorophores in a thin region of the sample, typically within 100-200 nm from the glass-water interface, making it particularly useful for studying membrane dynamics, cell-substrate interactions, and molecular events at the cell surface.
Total Internal Reflection: When light traveling through a medium of higher refractive index (e.g., glass) hits an interface with a medium of lower refractive index (e.g., water or cytoplasm) at an angle greater than the critical angle, it undergoes total internal reflection. This generates an evanescent wave that penetrates a short distance into the lower refractive index medium.
Evanescent Wave: decays (zerfällt) exponentially with distance from the interface, typically exciting fluorophores within a few hundred nanometers of the interface. This selective excitation results in high-contrast images with minimal background fluorescence from deeper within the sample.
Fluorescence Resonance Energy transfer (FRET)
= powerful spectroscopic method for measuring distances in the 2-10 nm range
—> It relies on the non-radiative transfer of energy from a donor fluorophore to an acceptor fluorophore, which occurs when the two are in close proximity (2-10 nm)
—> provide valuable information about molecular interactions, conformational changes, distances within and between proteins
Energy Transfer: FRET occurs when the excited-state energy of a donor fluorophore is transferred to a nearby acceptor fluorophore through dipole-dipole coupling. This transfer is highly distance-dependent, making FRET a sensitive molecular ruler for nanoscale distances.
Spectral Overlap: The emission spectrum of the donor fluorophore must overlap with the excitation spectrum of the acceptor fluorophore for efficient energy transfer.
Efficiency: The efficiency of energy transfer (𝐸) is described by the Förster equation:
-> R0 = Förster distance (the distance at which energy transfer efficiency is 50%)
-> 𝑟 = actual distance between the donor and acceptor
Where does r^6 distance from FRET come from
= comes from the physics of dipole-dipole interactions between the donor and acceptor molecules involved in the energy transfer process. The energy transfer rate is proportional to 1/r^6, which reflects the probability of the donor transferring energy to the acceptor through dipole-dipole coupling
=> Recovery after Acceptor Bleaching (FRAP) => monitoring the recovery of fluorescence in the acceptor molecule after it has been photobleached, which can provide insights into molecular interactions and dynamics
=> Avoid Synchronization of Ensembles to study conformational changes => Single-molecule FRET (smFRET)
-> offers detailed insights into the heterogeneity and dynamics of molecular processes
-> Single-Molecule Sensitivity: smFRET measures FRET efficiency at the level of single molecule pairs, providing information about individual molecular events and conformational states
Alternating Laser Excitation (ALEX) spectroscopy = used in smFRET to improve the accuracy and reliability of FRET measurements
-> By alternately exciting the donor and acceptor fluorophores, ALEX allows for the direct measurement of both donor and acceptor fluorescence intensities, as well as the identification of fluorescent molecules that contain both fluorophores
-> This approach helps to distinguish (unterscheiden) between true FRET events and other fluorescent signals, such as those from donor-only or acceptor-only species
Alternating Excitation: the excitation light source alternates between two wavelengths — one that specifically excites the donor fluorophore and another that specifically excites the acceptor fluorophore. This alternation occurs rapidly, typically on the millisecond timescale
FRET Efficiency Measurement: By measuring the fluorescence intensities of the donor and acceptor during their respective excitation periods, ALEX allows for precise calculation of FRET efficiency (𝐸)
Stoichiometry Measurement: ALEX also provides information about the presence of donor-only, acceptor-only, and donor-acceptor (FRET-capable) species, allowing researchers to determine the labeling stoichiometry
Technical advances allow imaging at all length scales
Correlative EM & dSTORM —> 10 nm
dSTORM —> 100 nm
STED microscopy —> 10 µm
Lattice Light-Sheet microscopy —> 100 µm
Why is optical resolution of Fluorescence Microscopy limited? What is the range?
Rayleigh Criterion
—> primarily limited by the diffraction of light. This limit restricts the ability to distinguish two closely spaced objects or points
Range: resolution range of around 200–300 nm laterally and 500–700 nm axially
-> Diffraction limit at 1,5
Rayleigh Criterion defines the resolution limit of an optical system
—> describes the smallest distance between two objects where they can still be seen as distinct points, based on the diffraction of light
Development of Microscopy
1. Deconvolution Microscopy
-> Recalculate the true structure
-> Knowing the PSF, deconvolution algorithms allow to compute are constructed image with improved resolution
• PSF is not known in all details
• Noise is a stochastic process
• Large computation capacity is required
2. Confocal fluorescence microscopy (improvement about 30%)
• smaller pinhole -> better resolution
• but limitations in the signal-noise-ratio (SNR)
3. Two-photon microscopy
• Further decrease the noise level
4. Image scanning microscopy (Airy scan microscopy)
• improves confocal resolution by ~ 40%
• The distribution of the emitted light is imaged simultaneously for every position of the excitation focus in the sample. The image is then reconstructed by pixel re-assignment
Basic concept of super resolution microscopy
Super-resolution microscopy
• SIM (Structured illumination microscopy)
• STED (Stimulated emission depletion)
Core idea: to bypass the diffraction limit by employing various optical, computational, or physical strategies to more precisely determine the position of fluorescent molecules within a sample
Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)
• Resolution extension by the moiré effect —> transform the low into high frequency informations
• superposition of high-frequency periodic structures produce a down-modulation of the frequencies
• Relies on multiple acquisitions and computation-intensive postprocessing
Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Microscopy
• Image Nuclear Pore Complex
• Lateral resolution:~80 nm
• allows: multicolor, 3D, live cell
• requires a doughnut-shaped intensity profile —> Focal spots in the middle
• BUT: the illumination to excite fluorescence can kill cells —> If the radiation intensity is too high, it will kill the cells
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM)
• requires temporal control of fluorescence emission
• typical optical resolution: 15-25 nm
• requires high labeling density with small and specifically binding probes
-> Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)
-> Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)
Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)
-> PA-GFP (photoactivatable green fluorescent protein) can be activated by UV light from a non-fluorescent state to a fluorescent state —> selective for labeling of proteins & cells
-> 1. photoactivate molecules -> 2. Image activated molecules -> 3. localize molecules -> 4. photobleach & record positions
Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)
-> Photoswitching of organic dyes by thiols
-> On or off stage depends on oxygen levels
-> On-rate: •Oxygen concentration (250 µM) •Thermal stability
-> Off-rate: • Excitation intensity • concentration of reducing agents
Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (PAINT)
-> Able to detect more photons
-> Resolution about 7-12 nm
-> Illuminate only a small area -> fluorescently labelled probes diffuse in a solution and start to fluoresce upon binding to the object of interest
Expansion microscopy
—> enhances the resolution of optical microscopy by physically expanding the sample
• hydrogels are used for swelling
• expand the whole sample and then labeling
• Measure the whole cell, single cell analysis -> 25-nm-resolution imaging
Labeling: labeled biomolecules are covalently attached to a swellable polymer network
Gelation/digestion: sample is embedded in a dense, highly cross-linked polymer gel
Labeling Strategies
Immunostaining —> employs antibodies to detect specific antigens (proteins, peptides, or other molecules) within cells or tissue sections
• Direct or indirect
• Structure-affinity binding
• Chemically conjugated tofluorescent dye
• Endogenous targets
• Large applicability(biomarker, diagnosis, rapidtests, …)
Classical Immunolabeling
• Fab fragment (~50 kDa)
• pAB/sAB (~150 kDa)
Fab fragment (~50 kDa)
• linkage error ~6 nm /each
• modulators of functionality
pAB/sAB (~150 kDa)
• linkage error ~15 nm /each
Fluorescence Labeling of Biomolecules
• Nanobodies
• mEOS family
• Fluorescent proteins
• commercially available
• linkage error ~4 nm
• Similar affinity
• Higher penetration
• High stability
• Easy to modify
mEOS family
• similar size as FPs (-25 kDa)
• compatible with SMLM(photoconvertible)
• linkage error ~ 5 nm
Fluorescent proteins
• easy accessible (genetic encoding)
• moderate size (-27 kDa)
• linkage error ~5 nm
• terminal labeling
• Fusion proteins
• Contain chromophore (formed by multiple aa)
• Cover broad spectral range (UV to NIR)
• Can be modulated (e.g. photoactivation or photoswitching)
• Can be used as sensors (environment,proximity, …)
Self-Labeling Enzymes - SLP
SNAP/HALO/protein tags
• compatible with org. fluorophores(photoconvertible)
HaloTag -> derived from the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme DhaA from Rhodococcus rhodochrous
-> Chloroalkane reactive linker (HTL)
SNAP tag -> O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hATG)
-> O6-benzylguanine (BG)
CLIP tag -> O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hATG)
-> O2-benzylcytosine (BC)
• non-antibody derived proteins or RNA -> nicht aus Antikörpern gewonnene Proteine oder RNA
• compatible with org. fluorophores (photoconvertible)
• linkage error ~ 3-4 nm
• based an natural proteins (e.g. Stefin A)
• Two loops form binding surface
• Variablized binding loops
• No intrinsic cysteines (disulfidbonds)
• single-stranded nucleic acid molecules, typically RNA or DNA
• bind to specific target molecules with high affinity and specificity
• involves conformational recognition
• Compounds/Toxins: SiR-Tubulin, TubulinTracker
• Others: Phalloidin, Hoechst, MitoTracker, SBP, etc.
Microtubules = part of the Cytoskeleton
• Function: transport system (vesicles, organelles, macromolecules), cell divison, dynamic instability
smallest possible labeling strategy —> 1 amino acid
1. How to introduce an unique amino acid?
• Genetic Code Expansion
-> Einführung neuer, nicht-kanonischer Aminosäuren (ncAAs) in Proteine —> post-translationale Transkription
-> Ein orthogonales tRNA/Synthetase-Paar aus einer tRNA und einer Aminoacyl-tRNA-Synthetase, das spezifisch für die ncAA ist —> nicht mit den natürlichen tRNAs und Synthetasen des Wirtsorganismus interagiert
—> Diese tRNA wird von der orthogonalen Synthetase spezifisch mit der ncAA beladen
—> Stoppcodon (oft UAG = "Amber"-Codon) wird in die DNA-Sequenz des Zielproteins eingeführt, an der Stelle, wo die ncAA eingebaut werden soll -> orthogonale tRNA erkennt dieses Stoppcodon und bindet es, wodurch die ncAA ins Protein eingebaut wird
—> Zielprotein mit dem eingefügten Stoppcodon wird exprimiert und detektiert
2. How to specifically attach a fluorophore?
• Click Chemistry: Photoclick Cycloaddition, CuAAC, SPACC, SPIEDAC
-> Bioconjugation: couple 2 molecules together
—> Reactions:
• Oxime Ligation
• Staudinger Ligation
• Native Chemical Ligation
• Unnatural Motifs
• Cycloadditions: 1,3-dipolar Cycloadditions, CuAAC, SPAAC, Diels-Alder Cycloaddition, Photoinduced Tetrazole-Alkene Cycloaddition
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy FCS: analyzing dynamics of extremely small molecular ensembles
—> analyzing molecular diffusion, interactions, and concentrations in small volumes, such as within cells or in solution
- Time averaging analysis of spontaneous fluctuations of fluorescence signals dF
• Autocorrelation function: compares fluorescence signals of single species with themselves for different lag times
• Crosscorrelation function: compares fluorescence signals of different species in the same manner
• b2-AR exhibit at least 2 conformational states that govern (steuern) its activation
• The fluctuation timescale between of these fast conformational changes is ~100 µs
• The strength of the conformational fluctuations are fine-tuned by ligands while the rate remains constant
Fluorescent spectroscopy. What can be detected?
molecule mass
fluorescent binding site of molecules
—> molecular identity, concentration, molecular interactions, environmental changes, conformational dynamics, and excitation properties
FCS is based on the temporal fluctuations in fluorescence intensity that occur when fluorescently labeled molecules move in and out of a small, defined observation volume (typically created by a focused laser beam). These fluctuations are analyzed mathematically to extract information about the behavior of the molecules
Diffusion Dynamics: measure how fast molecules diffuse in different environments, providing insights into molecular mobility in membranes, cytoplasm
Molecular Concentration: By analyzing the frequency and magnitude of fluorescence fluctuations —> estimate the concentration of fluorescent molecules in the observation volume
Binding Interactions: detect changes in molecular diffusion rates that occur when molecules bind to one another -> studying molecular interactions: protein-protein or ligand-receptor binding
Molecular size or conformation changes
Fluorescent Labeling the molecules of interest (proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, etc.)
Observation Volume: A laser is focused to create a tiny observation volume, typically in the nanometer range. Molecules entering or leaving this volume cause fluctuations in fluorescence intensity
Data Collection: Fluctuations depend on the diffusion rate, molecule size, and interactions
Correlation Function: The recorded fluctuations are analyzed using a mathematical function called the autocorrelation function, which quantifies how the intensity changes over time are correlated with themselves
Protein Folding
The Levinthal Paradox - "Back-of-an-Envelope" calculation
What Did Levinthal Miss Out?
Miss Out: —> Forces Acting within the Denatured State!
-> protein folding cannot occur by random sampling of all possible conformations
-> proteins must fold via a more directed or guided process, follows specific pathways, driven by the energetics of the system
Energy Landscape Theory
-> Statistical description of protein conformation
-> Only native interactions count
-> simulation of folding with amino acids represented as beads on a lattice --> „Lattice simulation“
Thermodynamics of Protein Folding
-> Always need water to fold
Gibbs free energy: calculate the energy between 2 states (Denatured & Native)
-> Enthalpy: Sum of all interactions (Coulomb, Polar, van der Waals, H-bonds)
-> Entropy: Sum of all degrees of freedom (Chain mobility, Ordering of water: hydrophobic effect)
Cold denaturation
—> occurs when low temperatures disrupt this balance, leading the protein to unfold into a less ordered, denatured state
-> hydrophobic effect decreases with decreasing temperature
—> driven primarily by a weakening of the hydrophobic effect and changes in the balance of thermodynamic forces
Hydrophobic effect: forces which stabilize the native structure of proteins
-> nonpolar (hydrophobic) amino acid residues tend to avoid water and cluster together in the protein's core
-> low temperatures —> strength of the hydrophobic effect become weak -> H2Omolecules become more ordered and form more stable hydrogen bonds with each other -> prevent hydrophobic groups to aggregate -> protein's core destabilizes -> unfolding
-> Entropy of solvent H2O high
-> Hydrophobic effect high
-> Ordered water molecules are released by hydrophobic association
-> Entropy of solvent H2O low
-> Hydrophobic effect low
-> No increase of entropy upon release of ordered water molecules by hydrophobic association
Mechanistic aspects of how chaperone help protein to fold
Chaperones = specialized proteins -> assist in the correct folding of other proteins, preventing misfolding and aggregation
• Preventing Aggregation
-> bind to exposed hydrophobic regions of newly synthesized or unfolded polypeptides, preventing them from interacting inappropriately with other hydrophobic regions of other proteins
• Assisted Folding within Isolated Compartments
-> Chaperonins GroEL/GroES system provide an isolated environment where proteins can fold without risk of aggregation
• Unfolding and Refolding
-> Hsp90: if proteins are misfolded, some chaperones can help by partially unfolding them and giving them a second chance to fold correctly
• Heat Shock Response (high temperature or oxidative stress)
-> chaperones (e.g. Hsp70, Hsp90) refold damaged proteins or target them for degradation if they cannot be rescued
Artificial intelligence in protein folding
-> structure prediction through sequence comparison
-> DeepLearning e.g. Alphafold
= study of motion and speed of molecules and reactions
-> provides insights into molecular mechanisms
What Is the Maximum Speed of a Reaction?
Diffusion-limited reactions:
-> A reaction reaches its maximum speed, if every collision of reacting particles yields (ergibt) a product
-> But reactions of biomolecules are rarely diffusion-limited
➢ Correct orientation of molecules is required (dS)
➢ Forces act between molecules (dH)
➢ Activation barriers need to be overcome (dH*)
Enzymes - Nature‘s Catalysts
-> speed up biochemical reactions and outperform man-made catalysts
➢ accelerates a reaction by 10^6 to 10^12 fold!
➢ works under mild, physiological condition
➢ is highly specific and stereo-specific to substrates
➢ can be regulated (e.g. by allostery)
—> acceleration but do not change the thermodynamic equilibrium
Improving peptide plasma stability & membrane permeability
Challenge: production costs & pharmacology
• poor plasma stability
• fast renal clearance
• low on-target availability
• poor cellular uptake
Solution 1: cell penetrating peptides (CPPs)
-> usually cationic & hydrophobic peptide carriers that promote passive and active cellular uptake
CPPs limitations:
• low efficacy
• endosomal escape
• toxicity
Solution 2: Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs)
-> Lipid-based materials that encapsulate and deliver therapeutic molecules, such as RNA-based drugs, to target cells in the body. LNPs have gained significant attention with their success in the COVID-19 vaccines
LNPs limitations:
• stability
• immunogenicity
• tissue-specific targeting
• economic production
• clearance
Solution 3: Passive Diffusion: Peptides ➔ Mimetics
Methods for Quantifying Protein-Protein Interactions
-> Discriminate Bound from Unbound Proteins using Sensitive Detection of Heat and Light Signatures
-> Protein Concentration, Activity, ModificationSolvents & hydrophobic effect
1. Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
2. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
3. Biolayer Interferometry (BLI & SCORE)
4. Microscale Thermophoresis & Temperature Relatied Intensity Change (MST & TRIC)
5. SwitchSense & Fluorescence Proximity Sensing (FPS)
6. Fluorescence Polarisation (FP)
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
+ in solution, label-free & molecular weight independent
+ all thermodynamic parameters from one experiment: affinity, enthalpy and entropy
+ “no false positives” / binding stoichiometry
- low dynamic range and high sample consumption
-> measure the heat change that occurs during a molecular binding event in solution
Parameters can be extracted:
Binding affinity (Ka): The strength of the interaction between the molecules
Enthalpy change (ΔH): The heat released or absorbed during binding, which reflects changes in enthalpy
Stoichiometry (n): The number of binding sites
Entropy change (ΔS): The change in disorder or randomness in the system, indirectly calculated using the equation: ΔG=ΔH−TΔS (ΔG = Gibbs free energy)
How it works:
Experimental Setup: a sample cell and a reference cell—kept at constant temperature. One of the interacting molecules is placed in the sample cell, while the reference cell contains a buffer solution.
Titration: A syringe injects small, precise amounts of a second molecule into the sample cell containing the first molecule. If the two molecules interact, heat is either released (exothermic reaction) or absorbed (endothermic reaction)
Measurement: The calorimeter measures the heat change associated with each injection, which is proportional to the extent of the molecular interaction
Biolayer Interferometry (BLI)
+ label-free, high-throughput & cost-efficient
+ robust and compatible to crude samples
+ compatible with glass surfaces and plastic tips
- intermediate sensitivity
- minimal molecular weight (200 g/mol)
-> measure molecular interactions in real time
Biosensor Tip: BLI employs a biosensor tip (a fiber optic-based sensor) coated with a biolayer (usually with an immobilized molecule such as a protein or antibody). This biosensor is then dipped into a sample solution containing the molecule of interest.
Interference Pattern: When light is shone onto the biosensor tip, some of the light reflects off the surface of the biolayer, while the rest travels through the layer and reflects off an internal reference layer. The interaction between these two reflected light beams creates an interference pattern.
Binding Event Detection: As molecules from the solution bind to the immobilized molecules on the biosensor surface, the thickness of the biolayer changes. This change causes a shift in the interference pattern, which is detected by the instrument and converted into real-time binding data.
Association and Dissociation: The system monitors both the association phase (as the molecules bind) and the dissociation phase (as they unbind when the biosensor is moved into a blank solution).
Kinetics and Affinity: The resulting data is analyzed to calculate kinetic parameters such as the association rate constant, dissociation rate constant, and the equilibrium dissociation constant, which reflects the binding affinity of the interaction.
1) The basal rate constant of protein association is ~10^5 M^-1 sec^1. Some proteins associate much faster and can even reach the diffusion "speed limit" of ~10^10 M^-1 sec. What is the nature of force that can accelerate protein association beyond the basal value?
* Van der Waals interaction
* Hydrogen bonds
* Charge-charge interactions
* Gravity
Last changed5 months ago