

by Michael S.

Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP)

= experimental technique to study the movement and dynamics of molecules within living cells

Principle of FRAP

  1. Fluorescence Labeling: Molecules of interest within a cell or a biological sample are tagged with a fluorescent marker. This can be achieved using fluorescent proteins (like GFP) or fluorescent dyes

  2. Photobleaching: A specific region of the sample is subjected to a high-intensity laser beam, which causes the fluorescent molecules in that area to lose their ability to fluoresce

  3. Recovery Monitoring: After photobleaching, the sample is continuously monitored to observe the movement of non-bleached fluorescent molecules into the bleached area. The recovery of fluorescence in the bleached region is recorded over time —> Monitor the return of fluorescence in the bleached area using time-lapse microscopy

  4. Data Analysis: The rate and extent of fluorescence recovery are analyzed to derive quantitative information about molecular mobility, including diffusion coefficients and binding interactions

Applications of FRAP

  1. Membrane Dynamics: Studying the lateral mobility of proteins and lipids within cellular membranes.

  2. Protein-Protein Interactions: Investigating the binding and dissociation rates of protein complexes.

  3. Intracellular Transport: Analyzing the movement of organelles and vesicles within the cytoplasm.

  4. Gene Expression Studies: Understanding the dynamics of transcription factors and other nuclear proteins.

  5. Drug Discovery: Evaluating the effect of drugs on molecular mobility and interactions within cells

Advantages of FRAP

  • Non-Invasive: Allows the study of live cells without disrupting their normal functions.

  • Quantitative: Provides precise measurements of molecular dynamics.

  • Versatile (Vielseitig): Can be applied to various biological systems and different types of molecules.

Limitations of FRAP

  • Photodamage: High-intensity laser used for bleaching can cause damage to the cells.

  • Complex Analysis: Data interpretation can be challenging and often requires sophisticated mathematical modeling.

  • Limited to Fluorescent Molecules: Only applicable to molecules that can be fluorescently tagged.

Fluorescent Proteins (FPs)

= a class of proteins that can absorb light at specific wavelengths and then emit it at longer wavelengths

—> Direct genetic labeling of target proteins in cells

- Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Originally derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria

- Enhanced GFP (eGFP): a brighter and more photostable variant of GFP, often used in various applications

- Red Fluorescent Proteins (RFPs): Derived from various marine organisms, these proteins emit red light —> mCherry (Discosoma species) and DsRed are popular examples

Applications of Fluorescent Proteins

  1. Live-Cell Imaging: FPs allow real-time visualization of cellular processes in living cells, tissues, and organisms. They can be used to tag proteins, organelles, and other cellular structures.

  2. Protein Localization: FPs are fused to proteins of interest to study their localization and movement within cells. This helps in understanding protein function and interactions.

  3. Gene Expression Studies: FPs can be used as reporters to monitor gene expression levels in real time. The intensity of fluorescence correlates with the activity of the promoter driving FP expression.

  4. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET): FRET uses pairs of FPs to study protein-protein interactions, conformational changes, and other molecular events at close proximity.

  5. Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP): As mentioned earlier, FPs are critical for FRAP experiments to study the dynamics of molecular diffusion and interactions.

  6. Super-Resolution Microscopy: Advanced imaging techniques like STORM and PALM utilize FPs to achieve resolutions beyond the diffraction limit of light microscopy.

Fluorescence Resonance Energy transfer (FRET)

= powerful spectroscopic method for measuring distances in the 2-10 nm range

—> It relies on the non-radiative transfer of energy from a donor fluorophore to an acceptor fluorophore, which occurs when the two are in close proximity (2-10 nm)

—> provide valuable information about molecular interactions, conformational changes, distances within and between proteins


  1. Energy Transfer: FRET occurs when the excited-state energy of a donor fluorophore is transferred to a nearby acceptor fluorophore through dipole-dipole coupling. This transfer is highly distance-dependent, making FRET a sensitive molecular ruler for nanoscale distances.

  2. Spectral Overlap: The emission spectrum of the donor fluorophore must overlap with the excitation spectrum of the acceptor fluorophore for efficient energy transfer.

  3. Efficiency: The efficiency of energy transfer (𝐸) is described by the Förster equation:

-> R0​ = Förster distance (the distance at which energy transfer efficiency is 50%)

-> 𝑟 = actual distance between the donor and acceptor


=> Recovery after Acceptor Bleaching (FRAP) => monitoring the recovery of fluorescence in the acceptor molecule after it has been photobleached, which can provide insights into molecular interactions and dynamics

=> Avoid Synchronization of Ensembles to study conformational changes => Single-molecule FRET (smFRET)

-> offers detailed insights into the heterogeneity and dynamics of molecular processes

-> Single-Molecule Sensitivity: smFRET measures FRET efficiency at the level of single molecule pairs, providing information about individual molecular events and conformational states

Alternating Laser Excitation (ALEX) spectroscopy = used in smFRET to improve the accuracy and reliability of FRET measurements

-> By alternately exciting the donor and acceptor fluorophores, ALEX allows for the direct measurement of both donor and acceptor fluorescence intensities, as well as the identification of fluorescent molecules that contain both fluorophores

-> This approach helps to distinguish (unterscheiden) between true FRET events and other fluorescent signals, such as those from donor-only or acceptor-only species

Principles of ALEX

  1. Alternating Excitation: the excitation light source alternates between two wavelengths — one that specifically excites the donor fluorophore and another that specifically excites the acceptor fluorophore. This alternation occurs rapidly, typically on the millisecond timescale

  2. FRET Efficiency Measurement: By measuring the fluorescence intensities of the donor and acceptor during their respective excitation periods, ALEX allows for precise calculation of FRET efficiency (𝐸)

  3. Stoichiometry Measurement: ALEX also provides information about the presence of donor-only, acceptor-only, and donor-acceptor (FRET-capable) species, allowing researchers to determine the labeling stoichiometry


Michael S.


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