
Deck 1

by Jerome H.

What are the key principles outlined in the luxury marketing anti-laws, and what does each anti-law emphasize?

Anti-law #1: Forget about positioning, think identity only - Focuses on maintaining a unique and superlative brand identity rather than competing on positioning.

Anti-law #2: Do not look after the product that seduces too many people - Advises maintaining exclusivity and avoiding mass appeal to preserve brand uniqueness.

Anti-law #3: Make it difficult for your client to buy - Enhances product desirability by making it less accessible and thus more exclusive.

Anti-law #4: Do not pander to your customer’s wishes - Encourages brands to stay true to their vision and identity, resisting customer demands that do not align with the brand’s essence.

Anti-law #5: Luxury sets the price, price does not set luxury - Emphasizes that the brand’s value is determined by its identity and desirability, not by market prices.

Anti-law #6: Increase the average price to grow demand - Suggests that higher prices enhance exclusivity and desirability, aligning with luxury’s rarity.

Anti-law #7: Do not communicate to sell but to dream - Focuses on creating dreams and aspirations rather than direct sales pitches.

Anti-law #8: Communicate well beyond your target - Encourages broad communication to enhance brand awareness and aspiration, even beyond the immediate target audience.

Anti-law #9: Beware of celebrities - Advises careful use of celebrities to ensure the brand remains the focal point and is not overshadowed.

Anti-law #10: Do not look for consensus - Stresses maintaining the brand’s distinctiveness and avoiding dilution by catering to mass appeal.


Jerome H.


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