Basics of power generation
Cyclic Processes
Electricity generated by thermal engines
Heat can never be converted completely into mechanical work —> 2. law of thermodynamics
Heat must always be dissipated (output)
—> Production of work in the cycle is only possible when there is a heat feeded and dissapated
Power generation options with combustion plants
Steam power plant
Steam engine (saturated steam generator)
ORC process
Stirling engine
Energy balance in power generation
Fuel heat = Power + useful heat + heat losses + boiler losses + electrical personal need
efficiency (el) is not the same as efficiency (fuel)
—> efficiency (fuel) output heat
Clausius-Rankine process
1: near vacuum
1-2: water —> boiling
2-3: steam and water —> evaporating
3-4-5: steam —> expand in the turbine
4: live steam
left line: saturated liquid line
right line: saturated vapor line
Options of efficiency increase
By changing the live steam parameter (4)
Average temperature (heat input) and efficiency increases by..
increased live steam temperature
increased evaporation pressure (live steam pressure)
By reheating
Reheating: First high pressure turbine —> heating —> middle/low pressure turbine —> condensator
Increases average temp. level of the heat input and efficiency
Reduces the water content
By regenerative feedwater preheating
Used medium: Steam from the turbine
Heat exchanger before the steam generator
—> Changes the mass flow in the condenser (less steam)
—> Changes feedwater inlet temperature/enthalpy (increase of enthalpy)
CHP with steam power plants
Efficiency is improved with CHP
Electrical efficiency decreases with heat output
Thermal efficiency dependent on live steam / back pressure and temperature (CHP ≈ 25 bar; 20 %)
Disadvantage is condenser reduces temperature to ambient temperature
CHP Power plants - CHP Coefficient
—> The CHP coefficient is the ratio of the generated electrical power Pel or electrical work to the available heat
Back-pressure steam turbine (constant)
Extraction condensing steam turbine (variable)
Extraction condensing steam turbine with disengageable low pressure part (particularly variable)
Back-pressure steam turbine
Heat consumers are connected directly to the generator —> no condenser —> heat consumer serve as “condenser”
Problem: Only power generation when you have a heat consumer —> electrical power depends on available heat —> higher electrical power —> higher available heat
Extraction condensation turbine
Condenser and heat consumer connected to the steam generator —> More flexible heat dissipation
Condenser is always working
Higher investment costs
Extraction condensation turbine with disengageable low pressure part
Condenser don’t need to work all the time —> even if the heat consumer doesn’t need heat
High pressure —> clutch —> low pressure turbine
ORC Process
Rankine process —> not that much overheating
Organic working fluid
Thermal use at low temperature level (low evaporation and low heat input)
Biomass furnaces —> thermal oil as medium
No direct evaporation of flammable liquids —> no thermal overload of the working fluid
Can be operated at low temperatures (100C) and low pressures (10 bar)
Simple construction
“High“ efficiencies —> low power and low temperatures
Good part-load performance
“Only” electrical efficiencies of 10 – 15%
Quite high costs due to heat exchangers (small temperature differences) —> Big heat exchanger needed because of low heating temperatures
Suitable for gaseous and liquid fuels, flue gases from solid fuels
Low pollutant and noise emissions due to adjustable external combustion
Key problems
Heat transfer (contamination of heating surfaces)
Low efficiency —> potential for increases
Co-firing allows the generation of electricity from biomass with the efficiencies of large coal-fired power plants (> 40 %)
10 - 20 % of coal can be substituted
Additional investments are significantly lower than for new plants (steam generator, turbine and exhaust gas cleanup are available)
Low electricity generation costs —> lower investment costs
Improves the economic efficiency of coal-fired power plants (e. g. for waste wood or co-firing of sewage sludge)
Uses the existing, efficient exhaust gas cleanup
CO2 reduction potential is very high in the short term
Co-firing in large power stations - Concepts
Co-firing in coal burners (simplest)
Grate-firing under the steam generator
External grate firing and flue gas inlet
Co-firing in fluidized beds
Last changed8 months ago