Definition of a robot
A robot is a re-programmable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.
Configuration of an articulated body-arm robot. List its main features. Indicate your pairs on a graphical scheme and give three examples of terminal elements for this robot.
What are the most common use cases for robots
1. Material handling
Machine loading and unloading
Material transfer, pick-and-place, palletizing
2. Processing and/or transformation operations
Spot welding, arc welding,/
Spray painting, /
Other - water jet cutting, laser cutting, polishing……
3. Assembly and Inspection
Name all anatomies of robots
Name the 5 basic body-and-arm configurations + anatomy example for each
There are five basic configurations:
1. Polarconfiguration/Polarcoordinates
2. Cylindricalconfiguration/Cylindricalcoordinates
3. Cartesianconfiguration/Cartesiancoordinates
4. Jointed-armrobot
5. SCARA(SelectiveComplianceAssemblyRobotArm)
What is the working volume of a manipulator robot?
The working volume of a manipulator (manipulator=robot) is the gap (envelope) or three- dimensional space that the end of the robot's wrist can access (without considering the tool).
Name one advantage and disadvantage of each Body-and-Arm configuration
Polar, good reach and high degree of accuracy in reduced- size areas; lower load capacity.
Cylindrical, good lifting capacity, able to reach narrow areas.
Cartesian coordinates, good repeatability due to its rigid structure; as the cylindrical configuration, it has a good lifting capacity.
Jointed-arm robot, similar characteristics to polar conf., with a greater flexibility to reach inaccessible areas.
Parallel Manipulator
What is an end effector and which two different types are existing
Describe the two different sensors in robotics
Which driving systems in robotics are existing?
Difference the control systems of robots
Types of programming of robots
What does the robot calibration process consist of and what is its purpose?
• Why, what is it for: It is an essential requirement and the main drawback of off-line programming. This type
of programming ''real programming'' has many advantages, but this is its main drawback.
• What it is: It is the process to define an adequate mathematical model of a robot.
Specifically, the aim is to determine the parameters of the model so that the model adapts as best as possible to the real robot.
• Very important: Initially, the plan is to adapt the robot to the mathematical model, that is, to try to build the robot with very tight assembly and manufacturing tolerances, which entails a very high cost, due to the tools and manufacturing process that would have to be required. wear . As it is not easy to adapt the robot to the mathematical model, the opposite is done ÿ the mathematical model is adapted to the robot. This is the essence of robot calibration
Last changed8 months ago