Was ist ADM
tested and repeatable process fpr devoleping architektures
includes establishing an architecture framework, developing architecute content, transitioning and govering the realization of architeuter 8Das ADM umfasst die Erstellung eines Architekturrahmens, die Entwicklung von Architekturinhalten, den Übergang und die Steuerung der Umsetzung von Architekturen.)
there needs to be frequent validation of results against the original expectations
activities are carried out within an iterative cycle of continuous architecture definition and realization that allows organizations to transform their enterprises
what is Premimiary Phase
Describes the preparation and initiation activities required to create an Architecture Capability including customization of TOGAF® standard and definition of Architecture Principles
Beschreibt die Vorbereitungs- und Initiierungsaktivitäten, die für die Erstellung einer Architecture Capability erforderlich sind, einschließlich der Anpassung des TOGAF®-Standards und der Definition von Architekturprinzipien
What is Phase A: Architecture Vision
Describes the initial phase of an architecture development cycle. It includes information about defining the scope of the architecture development initiative, identifying the stakeholders, creating the Architecture Vision, and obtaining approval to proceed with the architecture development
Beschreibt die Anfangsphase eines Architekturentwicklungszyklus. Sie enthält Informationen über die Definition des Umfangs der Architekturentwicklungsinitiative, die Identifizierung der Stakeholder, die Erstellung der Architekturvision und die Einholung der Genehmigung zur Fortsetzung der Architekturentwicklung.
What is Phase B: Business Architecture
Describes the development of a Business Architecture to support the agreed Architecture Vision
What is Phase C: Information Systems Architectures
Describes the development of Information Systems Architectures to support the agreed Architecture Vision
What is Phase D: Technology Architecture
Describes the development of the Technology Architecture to support the agreed Architecture Vision
What is Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions
Conducts initial implementation planning and the identification of delivery vehicles for the architecture defined in the previous phases
Durchführung einer ersten Umsetzungsplanung und Identifizierung von Trägern für die in den vorangegangenen Phasen definierte Architektur
What is Phase F: Migration Planning
Addresses how to move from the Baseline to the Target Architectures by finalizing a detailed Implementation and Migration Plan
wie der Übergang von der Basis- zur Zielarchitektur durch die Ausarbeitung eines detaillierten Implementierungs- und Migrationsplans erfolgen kann
What is Phase G: Implementation Governance
Provides an architectural oversight of the implementation
Bietet eine architektonische Aufsicht über die Implementierung
What is Phase H: Architecture Change Management
Establishes procedures for managing change to the new architecture
What is Requirements Management (ADM)
Operates the process of managing architecture requirements throughout the ADM
Führt den Prozess der Verwaltung der Architekturanforderungen im gesamten ADM durch
The ADM Phases: Preliminary Phase
Determine the Architecture Capability desired by the organization:
Überprüfung des organisatorischen Kontextes für die Durchführung der Unternehmensarchitektur
Identifizierung und Abgrenzung der Elemente der Unternehmensorganisation, die von der Architekturfähigkeit betroffen sind
Identifizierung der etablierten Frameworks, Methoden und Prozesse, die sich mit der Architekturfähigkeit überschneiden
Festlegen des Reifegradziels für die Fähigkeit
Establish the Architecture Capability:
Define and establish
the Organizational Model
process and resources
Select and implement supporting tools
Define the architecture principles
Phase A: Architecture Vision
All architecture development needs to start with Phase A
Not starting with Phase A, practitioners can slide off-course and not deliver useful architecture
Define the scope
Identify stakeholders, concerns, and associated requirements
Assess the capability of the EA team
Phase A: Architecture Vision Outcome?
Sufficient documentation get permission to proceed
Permission to proceed to develop a Target Architecture
Phase A: Architecture Vision: Essential Knowledge
The scope of the problem being addressed.
Those who have interests that are fundamental to the problem being addressed. (Stakeholders & Concerns)
What summary answer to the problem is acceptable to the stakeholders? (Architecture Vision)
Stakeholder priority and preference
What value does the summary answer provide?
Phase A: Architecture Vision: Objekt
Develop a high-level aspirational vision of the capabilities and business value to be delivered as a result of the proposed enterprise architecture
Obtain approval for a Statement of Architecture Work that defines a program of works to develop and deploy the architecture outlined in the Architecture Vision
Einholung der Genehmigung für ein Statement of Architecture Work, das ein Arbeitsprogramm zur Entwicklung und Bereitstellung der in der Architekturvision skizzierten Architektur definiert
Phase B, Phase C & Phase D: Propose
Outcome Output
Essentianl Knowledge
A set of domain architectures approved by the stakeholders for the problem being addressed, with a set of gaps, and work to clear the gaps understood by the stakeholders
Essential Knowledge
How does the current Enterprise fail
What must be change
Which Workpaked
How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in response to value, effort, and risk of change. (Stakeholder Requirements)
Phace B: Objects
Target Business Architecture
—> Achive business goals, strateic Drives Architecuter Vision
Basline between Baseline and Taget Business Architure —> Rodemap
Phace C: Objects
Target Information Systems
Target Data Architecture
Target Application Architecture
Baseline and Target Information Systems —> Roadmap
Phace D: Objects
Target Technology Architecture
—> the Architecture Vision, target business, data, and application building blocks
Baseline and Target Technology Architectures —> Roadmap
Phase E (Opportunities and solutions): Purpose
Output & Outcome
A set of work packages that address the set of gaps, with an indication of value produced and effort required, and dependencies between the work packages to reach the adjusted target
Eine Reihe von Arbeitspaketen, die die Lücken schließen, mit einer Angabe des produzierten Werts und des erforderlichen Aufwands sowie der Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Arbeitspaketen, um das angepasste Ziel zu erreichen
Dependency between the set of changes
Value, effort, and risk associated
stakeholder priority and preference adjust in response to value, effort, and risk of change
Phase E (Opportunities and solutions): Objectives
Consolidate the gaps from Phases B to D —> Complete Raodmap
Transition Architectures to deliver continuous business value
solution building blocks based on the based on the Architecture Building Blocks
Phase F (Migration Planning): Purpose
An approved set of projects, containing the objective and any necessary constraints, resources required, and start and finish dates
Resources available to undertake the change
Phase F (Migration Planning): Objectives
FInal Raodmap
ensure Implementation and Migration Plan is coordinated with the enterprise’s approach
Sicherstellen, dass der Implementierungs- und Migrationsplan mit dem Ansatz des Unternehmens zur Verwaltung und Implementierung von Änderungen im gesamten Änderungsportfolio des Unternehmens koordiniert wird
Phase G (Implementation Governance): Purpose
Completion of the projects to implement the changes necessary to reach the adjusted target state.
Purpose and constraints on the implementation team. (Gap, Architecture Requirement Specification, Control)
How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in response to success, value, effort, and risk of change (Stakeholder Requirements)
Phase G (Implementation Governance): Objectives
Change Request
COnformenace witch dhe Target Architeure
Phase H (Architecture Change Management): Purpose
Direction to proceed and start developing a Target Architecture that addresses perceived, real, or anticipated shortfalls in the Enterprise relative to stakeholder preferences
Anweisung, mit der Entwicklung einer Zielarchitektur zu beginnen, die wahrgenommene, tatsächliche oder erwartete Defizite im Unternehmen in Bezug auf die Präferenzen der Interessengruppen behebt
Gaps between approved target, or preference, and realization from prior work. (Value Realization)
Changes in preference or priority. (Stakeholder Requirements)
Phase H (Architecture Change Management): Objectives
architecture development cycle is maintained
Architecture Governance Framework is executed
Enterprise Architecture Capability meets current requirements
Requirements management process: Objectives
Ensure that the Requirements Management process is sustained and operates for all relevant ADM phases
Manage architecture requirements identified during any execution of the ADM cycle or a phase
Ensure that relevant architecture requirements are available for use by each phase as the phase is executed
Sicherstellen, dass der Anforderungsmanagementprozess für alle relevanten ADM-Phasen aufrechterhalten wird und funktioniert
Verwaltung der Architekturanforderungen, die während einer beliebigen Ausführung des ADM-Zyklus oder einer Phase ermittelt wurden
Sicherstellen, dass die relevanten Architekturanforderungen für jede Phase bei der Ausführung der Phase zur Verfügung stehen
Requirements management process: Purpose
Accourding preferences and priorities of stakeholders
architecture and the value preference and priority the architecture is expected
Good practitioners:
Engage in the future of their organisation
Participate in defining and realising the target state
Act as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) – Source of expert advice
Act as Agents for their stakeholders in developing architecture – may speak on behalf of stakeholder
Understand when there are acting in a different role and behave appropriately
Tagets of the Archeture alternitives
Arch Vision
Importent fpr Arch Alternitives
Build understanding for alter
Identify trade-offs bettwes alter
Steps of the Arch Aleter Method
Use the vision priciole and requierments
Define alternatives based on the criteria
Select one if the alternatives or combine
4 Domensions of scoping the Architekture
Breadth: What is the full extent of the enterprise
Depth: To what level of detail should the architecting effort go?
Time Period: What is the time period that needs to be articulated for the Architecture Vision
Architecture Domains: A complete enterprise architecture description should contain all four architecture domains
Constrain Scoping the Archi
Organizational authority
Objectives and stakeholder concerns to be addressed
Availability of people, finance, and other resources
Last changed6 months ago