A1) How do you calculate the protein amount of a sample using the Bradford assay?
Prepare standards: pipet 0,3,5,7,10,15 µl of a 1mg/ml BSA solution —> read abosprtion at 595 nm
Read absorption at 595 nm of your protein samples with added Bradford mix
create standard curve (y axis: A595, x axis: µg BSA)
Read measured absorption of your sample on graph (corresponding x axis value = protein amount µg) and divide by volume used to get final protein concentration (µg/µl)
A2) Experiment: Plants were treated with PAMPs (chitin). Proteins were extracted —> ligand pull-down with chitin-coupled beads (receptors will bind to beads) —> Westernblotting of chitin-binding proteins (antibody: anti-CERK1, anti MPK
Interpret the resulting Western-blot:
Expected results:
Total extract CERK1
WT: should show a band + band shift —> CERK1 is present (and phosphorylated after PAMP treatment)
receptor mutant cerk1: no band +no band shift —> no receptor present, no phosphorylation
co-receptor mutant lyk4/lyk5: band + no band shift —> CERK1 present but no phsophorylation because no co-receptors
Chitin pulldown CERK1
WT: band + band shift (possibly weaker in +PAMP because of saturation)
receptor mutant cerk1: no band + no band shift
co-receptor mutant lyk4/lyk5: band + no band shift —> ligand is bound by receptor and co-receptor together (molecular glue model) —> without co-receptor, band might be weaker
only PAMP treated WT should have a band, mutants can’t start MAPK signaling
A2) Experiment: ROS burst assay
WT, fls2 or cerk1, bak1-4 or lyk4/5 mutant plants
Punching out of leaf discs (incubation in water until wound response is over)
transferring leaf discs in buffer containing luminol-derivative L-012 and catalyst horse radish peroxidas (HRP)
Adding PAMPs (flg22 or chitin) to leaf discs (release of ROS)
HRP catalyses oxidation of L-012 in presence of ROS —> emission of low-intensity light at 428 nm
measurment/quantification of chemiluminescence in plate reader
What are the expected results?
Only WT should show chemiluminescence and therefore reaction to PAMP treatment
receptor and co-receptor are both needed to recognize PAMP and therefore to activate RBOHD (NADPH oxidase) and produce ROS
recap activation of RBOHD: PAMP perception by receptor —> phosphorylation co-receptor —> phosphorylation RLCK BIK1 —> phosphorylation + activation RBOHD —> ROS production
B1) P. syringae infection experiment
Used P. syringae strains:
Psm 4326
Psm 4326 avrRpt2
Used Arabidopsis strains:
Col-0 rps2-101 (=mutation in RPS2 resistance gene)
Which infection is a (in-)compatimble interaction? What were the results depending on the interaction?
Incompatible (no disease, no cfu): Psm 4326 avrRpt2 + Col-0 (R gene + avr protein) —> resistant plant, avirulent pathogen
Compatible (=disease, high number cfu):
Psm4326 + Col-0 (Psm has no avirulence protein)
Psm4326 avrRpt2 + Col-0 rps2-101 (arabidopsis has no effector gene)
Psm4326 + Col-0 rps2-101 (Psm no avirulence gene, arabidopsis no R-gene)
—> susceptible plant, virulent pathogen
B2) Electrolyte leakage experiment
samples: Col-0 (mock or psm); Col-0 (mock or psm avrRpt2); rps2 (mock or psm avrRpt2)
leaf discs are punched —> transfer into water
conductivity determination every 2h and after finally autoclaving (measure in conductivity meter)
calculation + plotting of relative conducitivity
normalize conductivity by dividing measured conductivity by conductivity value after autoclaving (=total amounts of electrolytes in sample)
substract normalized conducitivity values for Psm infected plants with values of mock control —> relative conductivity
What do you expect as an outcome?
Increasing electrolyte leakage in incompatible reactions since this is associated with cell death (HR!—> no disease)
No electrolyte leakage for compatible interactions (no HR, disease)
B2) How do you calculate the normalizes conductivity & relative conductivity?
B2) Explain the theory behind fluorescence imaging in plants
Light energy absorbed by chlorophyll molecules can undergo 3 fates:
used for photosynthesis (photochemistry)
excess energy dissipated as heat
re-emission as light
any increase in efficiency of one will result in decrease of the other two
This means that change in fluorescence yield (reemission of light) —> change in photochemical efficiency and heat dissipation
Briefly explain this diagram
PAM fluoremetry
Fo ground state value induced by measuring light
Saturation pulse (SP): fluoresence reaches maximum level (Fm) —> primary electron acceptor of FSII (=QA) is fully reduced —> pulse too short to induce dark reaction
actinic light (AL) = constant illumination induces photochemistry —> rise because of lag phase before carbon fixation
Saturation flashes (SP) while AL active —> Fm’ is lower than Fm, because QA again fully reduced
Lower maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) ––> lower photochemistry ––> less photosynthesis due to dead cells (HR) ––> incompatible reaction
Lower Fv/Fm = HR = incompatible reaction
Lower Y(II) = HR = incompatible reaction
Higher qN = HR = incompatible reaction
B2) Chlorophyll fluorescence experiment:
24h plants in darkness (dark-adapted)
analysis of leaves by chlorophyll fluorometer
incompatible reaction: lower photochemistry reaction —> photosystem is impaired due to HR
lower maximum quantum efficiency and quantum yield
C) TMV experiment: which protein of the TMV is recognized by the R gene of the plant?
the TMV helicase
C) TMV experiment:
Wisconsin W38 and Xanthi Tobacco plants were infected with TMV. Where do you expect infection and
where HR?
W38 —> No N gene (=R gene) —> disease, susceptible (visible after 6 days of infection)
Xanthi (N gene = R gene) —> HR lesions, resistant
D1) SAR experiment on phenotypic level in Tobacco plants upon TMV infection
Infection of Xanthi (NN) with TMV or Mock of a lower leaf
secondary infection with TMV after 6 days on both plants
What outcome do you expect for the mock treated and TMV treated plants?
Mock: bigger HR lesions on upper leaf —> no SAR because no primary infection
TMV: smaller HR lesions —> SAR because primed with pramary infection
D2) SAR experiment on molecular level in arabidopsis upon pseudomonas infection (induction of PR1)
The following infection were made:
A qRT-PCR of the PR1 expression was performed. Which results do you expect for the respective infection combinations?
Col-0: mock and psm treated: PR1 expression (higher in psm treated!) —> SAR establishment in psm treated
npr1-1 mutant: no PR1 expression (neither in mock or psm treated) —> no SAR
tga256 mutant: no PR1 expression (neither in mock or psm) —> no SAR
D2) You have conducted a qRT-PCR. How do you do a quality control of your run results?
negative control (=H2O+primer) should have no signal/curve
melting curves —> only 1 peak (specific product has its specific peak. If 2 peaks or more= another product present or primers homodimerized/formed hairpin loop)
threshold defined in the exponential phase to receive CT values (logarithmic style of graph required)
Check Ct values —> everything above Ct=38 —> non-detectable
D2) How do you calculate the fold over reference? How do you calculate the relative expression?
reference gene in this case UB5, but can also be e.g. actin, tubulin etc.
Relative expression:
Set untreated WT to “1” —> mean of the fold over reference (for) is always needed
Divide the given fold over reference by the mean of untreated WT sample
WT1 for=0.68; WT2 for=0.22 —> mean=0.45
sample for=0.09 —> relative expression=0.09/0.45=0.2
D2) compare the methods qRT-PCR and Northern blot
D2) Which defined rRNAs can be seen on every blot?
eukaryotic: 25S, 18S, 5.8S, 5S rRNA + cleaved prokaryotic 23S rRNA (chloroplasts)
E) What is a GUS assay?
reporter gene system
GUS enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of beta-glycosidic bonds in glucronidase —> results in a coloured product
Purpose: can answer whether the transgene is expressed within the plant and under which conditions the promoter is active + how strong the expression is
allows in situ localization —> analysis of tissue specificity of promoter
E) GUS assay —> expression of Npr1 analyzed
What results for the induction of Npr1 do you expect?
E) How du you calculate the GUS enzyme activity of the different protein extracts?
Calculate Δfluorescence (Ft=60 – Ft=0)
Calculate the MUG turnover in pmol
Calculate how many pmol are in one fluorescence unit
1 µM = 1 pmol/µl
200 µl aka 200 pmol of MU of each dilution had been added to the plate ––> 1 fluorescence unit = 200/169 (the 169 was a value from the dilution series of the MU standard (3.4.))
MUG turnover = fluorescence unit x Δfluorescence (How much
Calculate the MUG turnover per time (GUS unity)
t = 60 min
MUG turnover per time = MUG turnover/t
Calculate MUG turnover per time and total protein (spec. GUS activity)
Total protein = 12.5 µg (in the beginning, 25 µg were added and then divided into two reactions)
MUG turnover per time and total protein = MUG turnover per time/12.5 µg
F) Explain the Yeast-Two-Hybrid system (plate growth detection)
method to study protein-protein interactions in vivo
heterlogous expression of hybrid fusion proteins in S. cerevisiae (in nucleus)
bait (known) is fused to DNA binding domain (DBD) = yeast transcription factor GAL4
prey (unknown) is fused to activation domain (AD) = GAL4 transactivation domain
upon interaction of prey and bait —> RNAPol II activation, transcription of reporter gene
F) What is EMSA?
electrophoretic mobility shift assay
determine DNA/RNA-protein interaction
electrophoretic separation of RNA/DNA-protein mixture on polyacrylamide or agarose gel
control lane = DNA or RNA without proteins
band shift indicates protein-DNA interaction (bigger size than only DNA or non-interacting DNA)
F) What are limitatons of the Y2H system?
proteins need to be transported into nucleus (NLS required)
membrane proteins therefore can’t be studied
F) Why were selection plates (-TRP-LEU) or (-TRP-LEU-ADE-HIS) used?
(-TRP-LEU) —> confirmation if transformation worked
(-TRP-LEU-ADE-HIS) —> confirmation if there was protein interaction
On the plasmids, genes which can produce amino acids (TRP, LEU, etc.) . Reporter genes GAL1/2 of used yeast strain (PJ69-4A) are connected with genes which can prodcue ADE and HIS.
F) What were the expected results of the Y2H system?
NPR1 in combination with TGA2/TGA6 leads to growth on plates (-TRP-LEU-ADE-HIS) = INTERACTION
NPR in combination with TGA1 —> no growth on (-TRP-LEU-ADE-HIS) = no INTERACTION
npr1-1 with any combination —> no growth on (-TRP-LEU-ADE-HIS) = no INTERACTION
F2) ONPG assay (other detection of Y2H interaction)
Purpose + experimental design
detection of enzyme beta-galactosidase
yeast strain contains lacZ gene (from E.coli) —> encodes beta-galactosidase (controlled by GAL4 promoter)
cell lysis of cells containing expression plasmid —> mixing with artificial beta-galactosidase substrate o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG, colorless)
cleavage of ONPG by reporter enzyme —> galactosidase + o-nitrophenol (ONP, yellow colour)
only works if fusion of proteins bait and prey and expression of GAL4 factor (=beta galactosidase expression)
yellow colour allows colorimetric quantification (420nm—> OD420)
F2) Data analysis of ONPG assay
colorimetric quantification (420nm—> OD420)
normalization with OD600 = number of cells
the stronger the interaction between NPR1 and TGA, the higher the beta-Gal units
G) Analysis of TGA TF in Arabidopsis protoplasts
What are as-1 elements, where can they be found?
many pathogen-inducible plant promoters (e.g. PR-1) have regulatory sequences related to the activating sequence-1 (as-1)
promoters are activated by signal transduction pathway which requires SA
exact mechanism of as-1 dependent gene regulation is unknown (maybe DNA binding of postive-acting TFs is regulated and occurs only in presence of SA)
as-1 elements have TGACG sequence motifs which are recognized by dimers of TGA factors
G) Luciferase assay
Explain the experimental design and the theory
protoplast generation (enzymatic solution hydrolyzing the cell wall) of sid2 and sid2npr1 plants
artificial promoter (contains as-1 element) is fused to the reporter gene fLUC (encoding firefly luciferase) —> plasmid as-1:fLUC
when additional second plasmid is transformed, which codes for a TF (effector plasmid) the influence of this protein on the expression of the reporter gene can be dissected
effector plasmid: TGA2 TF and a strong constitutive promoter (VP). fusion to HA = negative control (doesn’t bind to DNA)
measurement fLUC (firefly Luciferase) and rLUC (renilla luciferase) —> different fluorescence products
direct gene transfer (PEG mediated)
one day after PEG: determination of fLUC activity (measurement of luminescence
What is the difference between fLUC and rLUC?
fLUC= firefly Luciferase. fLUC is determined by measurement of luminescence
reaction: beetle luciferin —> Oxyluciferin
gives information about as-1 dependent promoter activity —> the better binding of TGA to as-1 element, the more fluoresence by the fLUC enzyme
rLUC = renilla Luciferase. Reporter enzyme. Coding region on control plasmid is regulated by strong promoter UBQ10
reaction: Coelenterazine —> Coelenteramide
expression should be independent of external impacts
Data analysis
calculate fLUC/rLUC ratio of every sample
Mean of fLUC/rLUC ratio of negative controls —> set to 1
calculate relative ratio by dividing all fLUC/rLUC ratios by the mean on fLUC/rLUC of negative control
expected results
only in sid2 mutants, plants treated with SA —> TGA interacts with as-1 element and interaction increases from HA (only indigenous TGA) to TGA2 to TGA-VP (SA is required for induction of pathway and in sid2mpr1 mutant plants, NPR1 is missing —> signal can’t be passed to TGA).
Actual results were differently: only interaction between TGA2 and the as-1 element when TGA2-VP was present but then also without SA treatment and also in the sid2npr1 mutant plants. Why this happens is unclear. IT could be that SA receptors/transporters are located in cell wall and protplast have no cell wall —> different behaviour of protplasts (no SA detection in protoplasts)
H) Microscopy in Arabidopsis WT, pen2 and pmr4 infected with 2 powdery mildew strains
Which staining shows fungal structures, which staining shows callose deposition?
coomassie blue = fungal structures
aniline blue = callose deposition
H) Microscopy in Arabidopsis WT, pen2 and pmr4 infected with 2 powdery mildew strains (Glovinomyces orontii, Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei)
What are the differences in callose deposition between the genotypes and the analyzed interactions?
WT: callose accumulation at sides of fungal invasion
pmr4 (encodes gsl5 callose synthase): no callose accumulation (synthesis is impaired)
pen2 (encodes glycosyl hydrolase): callose accumulation, but still fungal penetration
Bgh is non-adapted (HR-like cell death induction —> incompatible reaction)
Go is adapted (compatible reaction, no HR induction) —> better penetration
Which genotype shows the highest penetration rate for Bgh?
pen2 —> pre-inavsion defense is compromised —> glycoside hydrolase not functional, some toxic compounds can’t be produced
only slight penetration in pmr4 (higher resistance although lacking of callose synthase)
pen2 > pmr4 > WT
(H) Microscopy in Arabidopsis WT, pen2 and pmr4 infected with 2 powdery mildew strains (Glovinomyces orontii, Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei)
Which genotype is most susceptible to G. orontii?
pen2 and WT. pmr4 most resistant
I) Fluorescence microscopy analysis of organelle marker lines
Describe the structure of the different subcellular organelles. What does the organelle look like?
Which organelles exhibit extended or punctate structures?
How many organelles of one type are in a cell?
Why do you see emitted green light after you excite GFP with blue light?
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has an excitation wavelength of 488nm (blue light) and emits a spectrum of longer wavelengths (500-550nm) (green light)
J) Pathogen-induced cell polarization dynamics
What is cellular polarization and which pathways are required?
cellular polarization = common reaction of plant cells in response to pathogen attacks. polar rearrangement of cytoplasm and directional movement of various organelles (nucleus, golgi)
1. pre-invasion resistance oathway (directed trafficking of vesicles with toxic compunds to site of invasion; mediated by SNARE protein PEN1)
2. pre-inavsion resistance pathway ( relies on PEN2, associated with mitochondria and peroxisomes, formation of aggregates and penetration sites) PEN2 produces toxins, PEN3 (ABC transporter) transports it to fungal intruder
Infection of plants and leaf sampling at 16 hpi
analysis via confocal microscopy
Where do PEN1-GFP, PEN2-GFP, and PEN3-GFP localize upon infection with the barley powdery mildew B. graminis f. sp. hordei?
PEN-GFP fusion proteins focally accumulate at sites of attempted penetration
PEN1 and PEN3 are localized to the plasma membrane
PEN2 is associated with the mitochondrial and peroxisomal membrane
K) Vascular transdifferentiation triggered by Verticillium effector
Expression of TRADE (TRAnsDifferentiation Effector) in Pichia Pastoris
Purification of TRADE-myc-His6 by affinity chromatography
TRADE concentration measurement with nanodrop
check TRADE pruification with SDS page
TRADE plate assay —> treat arabidopsis with HEPES and TRADE each
Trypan blue staining
Expected results?
No transdifferentiation in Mock treated plants
Transdifferentiation in TRADE treated plants
Calculate trans differentiation value
bsc = bundle sheat cells (cells that surround xylem)
transdifferntiation of bsc = bsc turned into functional xylem vessels
Last changed7 months ago