1. Which Wnt pathways do you know?
Canonical WNT pathway (ß-Catenin-dependent):
WNT Ligand -> Frizzled Receptor + LRP5/6 (lipoprotein receptor-related protein) -> Dishevelled Activation -> Inhibits ß-Catenin Destruction Complex (Axin, APC, GSK-3, CK1) -> unphosphorylated ß-Catenin translocates to nucleus -> binds TCF/LEF-1 6 displaces Corepressor Groucho -> Target gene expression
No WNT: ß-Catenin Destruction complex phosphorylates ß-Catenin-> polyubiquitinated -> Proteasomal degradation -> Co-repressor Groucho inhibit TCF/LEF-1 TFs -> Inhibition of target gene expression
non canonical pathways:
Ca2+ dependent:
Non Canonical WNTs (e.g. Wnt5a) bind Fz Receptors & Coreceptors (Ror 1/2) -> Activation of Phophoslipase C (PLC) -> converts PIP2 to IP3 & DAG -> Calcium release activates Ca2+ dependent signaling pathways (e.g PKC, CamKII - calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II)
Planar cell polarity (PCP): Non-canonical Wnt ligands bind Fz & Coreceptors (Vangl, Celsr) -> activates Dishevelled -> activates Rho/Rac GTPases -> Activation Rho kinase (ROCK) & JNK kinase -> Cytoskeletal Reorganization & Planar cell Polarity establishment
Prickle negative regulator of Dsh
2. How does ß-Catenin regulate transcription in the nucleus?
Exam mentioned
No Wnt: Co-repressor Groucho bound to TCF TF - Histone deacetylases are recruited -> Removal of Acetyl groups -> Chromatin Closed configuration -> Transcription inhibition
Wnt: ß-catenin accumulates and translocates into the nucleus
-> here it binds to TCF releasing it from Corepressor groucho and the coupled HDAC -> instead histone acetylation occurs by a CBP acyltransferase and when open chromatin structure RNA polymerase can bind and start transcription assisted by a complex with ß-catenin as mediator
3. How is Wnt signaling activated precisely in the future dorsal side in the amphibian embryo?
Fertilization: Sperm entry at animal pole triggers cytoplasm reorganization = Cortical rotation crucial for dorsal-ventral axis establishment
Dorsalizing factors: at vegetal side of egg upon sterm entry -> upon cortical rotation transported with direction of rotation to the future dorsal pole.
Fast transport on microtubules: GSK-3 Binding protein (GBP) & Dishevelled
Slow transport with cortical rotation of Wnt11
Stabilization ß-Catenin Signaling:
Inhibition ß-Catenin Destruction complex
Wnt signals activate pathway
accumulation and nuclear translocation of ß-catenin
on dorsal side
-> formation of Spemann-MANGOLD Organizer
4. Give examples of positive and negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling
WNT ligands bind Frizzled receptor -> Initial pathway activation step, activation of Dishevelled inhibits ß-Catenin destruction complex leading to ß-catenin accumulation & Wnt target gene activation
Inhibitors of destruction complex components are also positive regulators for WNT signaling
WNT ligand inhibitors like FRZB / Dally / Kny
anti WNTs that stabilize ß-catenin destruction complex (AXIN) or GSK-3ß which is the kinase phosphorylating ß-catenin for ubiquitination / degradation
Dickkopf protein that internalize the WNT receptors LRP
5. How does Wnt signaling regulate stem cell maintenance? Give examples
E.g Intestinal Crypt
WNTs are produced by niche cells and act as niche factor -> maintains stem cell status & lead to formation of progenitor cells
Wnt signal induce asymmetric cell division-> lineage decisions ->
Cells exposed to Wnt distribute signaling components to Wnt exposed side -> Orients mitotic spindle & centrosomes during division - daughter cell close to Wnt source maintains nuclear ß-Catenin & stem cell gene expression (niche cell) , distal cell loses expression (progenitor cell)
6. Why are Wnts ideally suited to provide information in a stem cell niche?
Diffusion regulated easily & specifically
-> Clear Lineage Decision:
β-catenin is present in only one daughter cell, it provides a decisive signal that can determine the fate of that cell, ensuring that only one of the daughter cells continues as a stem cell while the other differentiates
-> local acting signal:
produced by cells in close proximity to the stem cells, allowing precise spatial control of signaling within the niche
-> slow distribution
7. Explain how canonical WNT signaling can be visualized. Can you imagine other means than those described in the lecture?
-> ß-catenin staining with a antibody (immunochemistry)
-> transcriptional reporter (GFP on target genes) for example GFP tagging Axin (big central mediator in the ß-catenin destruction complpex)
-> dishevelled kinase activity reporter (phospho antibody)
-> mRNA analysis
-> proximity ligation assay: visualize protein-protein interactions for example ß-catenin binding to the destruction complex (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET))
8. What is a polarized cell?
-> cell that can distinguish between two sides
-> spatial asymmetry of cellular components
-> in the case of WNT signaling ß-catenin is transported along the mitotic spindle to only one side of the dividing cell —> polarization / cell fate
9. What is the basic principle of PCP signaling and how can PCP polarize cells?
PCP = Planar Cell polarity
-> Wnt signaling induces Polarized distribution of protein complexes
WNT receptor cluster at different poles of the cell:
distal = Frizzled - Dishevelled
proximal = Strabismus/Vangl - Prickle (Pk)
Inhibition of each other on their side -> polarize the cell by interacting with the cytoskeleton (which is polarized by having a growth direction / physical law) -> directed transport of Frizzled to one side and Strbismus to the other -> activated downstream targets activate Rho/Rac GTPases -> Activation Rho kinase (ROCK) & JNK kinase -> Cytoskeletal Reorganization & Planar cell Polarity establishment
Cilia Orientaton
Hair Cells Inner Ear
10. What is your opinion: Do separate Wnt signaling pathways exist or one Wnt signaling network?
3 different pathways in literature with distinct outcomes
most accurate to view Wnt signaling as a highly interconnected network rather than strictly separate pathways. Separation for Better understanding
Shared components (e.g Fz, Dsh) + crosstalk
same activators just context dependent (Cell type, developmental stage…)
11. Explain how PCP signaling contributes to proper neural tube closure?
-> PCP important for the upfolding of the neural folds to the neural tube & closure of the neural tube control actomyosin contraction -> mediolateral contraction
-> alteration in cytoskeletal components -> contraction of actomyosin to form a closed tube (Fz -> Dsh -> contraction signal to actomyosin)
-> if not proper signaling function severe developemental defects with flat head, open spine, douple brain …
12. Why are mutations leading to truncated APC protein resulting in colon cancer?
-> APC important part of ß-Catenin destruction complex backbone
-> Impaired APC -> No ß-catenin & Axin binding
-> colorectal cancer: ß-Catenin binding region & degradation is deleted
Result: Loss of ß-Catenin degradation ability, reduced ß-Catenin binding, Increased Wnt sensitivity
-> permanent proliferation signal out of the stem cell niche -> cancer
13. How does Wnt signaling contribute to neurodegenerative diseases?
Increased Wnt antagonists like DKK involved in can promote neurodegenerative diseases
Disregulation of components of the ß-Catenin destruction complex can lead to various degenerative disorders (E.G GSK3)
Wnts are key synaptic organizers impaired Wnt signaling affects synaptic development
14. How does Wnt signaling regulate synaptogenesis?
Wnt signaling regulates synaptogenesis through both canonical and non-canonical pathways. Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling influences gene expression and synaptic assembly, while non-canonical pathways like PCP and Wnt/Ca²⁺ pathways modulate dendritic development, synaptic strength, and plasticity
Wnt signals guide incoming axons & induce axon growth by modulating the cytoskeleton
recruitment of presynaptic proteins -> synaptic bouton formation
Wnt signals directly to the postsynaptic dendrite stimulate spine morphogenesis, postsynaptic protein recruitment and synaptic strength
At mature synapses, Wnt signaling regulates synaptic function and maintenance.
15. If so much goes wrong with too much or too little WNT signaling - how can it go right most of the time?
-> high regulatory presicion to keep WNT signaling in homeostatic range
negative feedback
complex regulation network -> positive and negative regulators (+ WNT ligand, receptor, Dsh / - Dally, FRZB, GSK-3ß, Axin, receptor inhibitors …)
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