What could be a classic workflow in biomedicine research with C- elegans?
find the gene of interest that is associated with the human disease
Identify the C. elegans homologue
Manipulate the gene in C- elegans
CRISPR / CAS9 + Non homologues end joining or insertions with homology direct repair
Identify the phenotype
use the results for pharma research, search fr modifier genes or reaseach the mode of action
Translate the findings into human (or mouse) context
Example used = Muscular Dystrophy -> mutant in C. elegans analyszed and the knockdown of one gene (sup-1) rescued the degrading muscles -> simple assay with C. elegans
Balance of IGF + TOR pathways regulate response to stress, nutrition + infection
serum-and-glucocorticoid-inducible Kinase
SGK-1 + SKN-1 have distinct roles in nervous system (food sensing) and intestine (stress signaling) -> 2 phase detoxification
ENDU-2 is expressed in somatic tissues (incl . the uterus)
-> may encode a secreted protein
-> stress & pathogens activate secretion of ENDU-2 from the soma to the germline
-> germline effects of ENDU-2 depend on secretion
ENDU-2 can both positively and negatively affect mRNA abundance -> class 1 (germline genes) upregulated and class 2 (somatic genes) down
endu-2 null mutants loose germline/stem cell immortality
Good to know:
the bacteria fed to the worm can have a influence on the experiment!
The best study interfaces are the intestine and the epidermis (maybe neurons?)
Last changed8 months ago