List the three levels of frequency control and the timeframe for each level
-Primary (≤ 30s)
-Secondary (15s
-Tertiary (>15min)
Characteristics for primary frequency control?
Primary (≤ 30s)
Represents the autonomous reaction for generators as well for loads (‘inertial response’)
Speed-droop characteristics of generators
Reaction is individual for each turbine
Steady-state frequency deviation
Characteristics for secondary frequency control?
Secondary (15s-15min)
Change or shifting of speeddroop characteristic of generators
To return to nominal/initial frequency of the system under different load circumstances
Centralized secondary control is used to prevent undesired power flows within different areas
To eliminate deviation through Area Control Error (ACE)
Characteristics for tertiary frequency control?
Tertiary (>15min)
Optimizes the overall system operation point (set-points)
Sets the reference value for individual generation units so that sufficient secondary control (‘reservepower’) is available
Reserves are allocated among the available generators taking
geographically wide distribution,
and various economic factors of each generation unit into account.
What would happen to the frequency in case of sudden decrease in load/ loss of generation?
Decrease in Load?
-> Frequency increases
Loss of Generation?
-> Frequency decreases
Which different kinds of wind interfaces are there?
Danish concept
Doubly-fed induction generator
Full converter
What are the advanages of DC-based solutions in offshore windfarms in comparision to AC-based solutions?
Elimination of complex turbine inverter
No transformers -> less probability of failure -> higher reliability
Decentralized power electronics have higher maintenance costs
Less power electronics -> less maintenance costs
Explain the concept of nested loop control of grid connected converters.
Nested contrl loop solutions consists of two cascaded loops
Voltage control (outer and slower loop)
Current control (inner and faster loop)
The inner current loop can be done without considering the outer voltage loop.
For the design of the voltage control loop,the current control loop is represented by its dominant pole
Bandwith of internal loop > Bandwith of external loop
What are the different control modes of converters?
Grid-forming converter
Grid-feeding converter
Grid-supporting converter
How can equivalent circuits with ideal components represent teh different control modes of converters?
ideal voltage source with low-output impedance
ideal current source connected to the grid inparallel with high impedance
Grid supporting (two ways):
ideal current source in parallel with shunt impedance
ideal voltage source in series with link impedance
What is a microgrid?
A section of a power grid connected through point of common coupling (PCC) with properties:
local generation (DERs) and loads
being able to operate independently from the main grid
What are the different operation modes of the Microgrid?
Parallel mode (grid connected)
Coordinated power dispatch to local sources (economic optimization)
Connected to larger power system through a PCC by implementing synchronization action
Islanding mode
Local sources operate typically according to a droop control logic for P and Q
Central controller may implement functionalities similar to secondary control and/or change droop coefficients
Grid-forming converter is necessary
What arethe levels of hierarchical control for a microgrid?
What is the function of primary control in microgrids?
Controls local variables such as frequency and voltage, establishes power sharing
Droop controllers at each DER converter
Cause steady-state grid frequency to deviate from nominal
What is the function of secondary control in microgrids?
Compensation of steady
state errors in microgrid voltage and frequency
Active power sharing amongst different DGs
Reactive power sharing and voltage regulation
What is the function of tertiary control in microgrids?
Optimises microgrid operation: economic dispatch
Controls active and reactive power references for each DER
Also manages eventual congestions
Power flow between microgrid and utility grid in parallel mode
What are the timescales of each level of hierarchical control in a microgrid?
milliseconds to seconds, responsible for immediate adjustments to match supply and demand.
seconds to minutes, focuses on optimizing the operation of the microgrid over short to medium time horizons.
minutes to hours or even days, deals with strategic decision making such as scheduling and economic dispatch.
What are the impacts of communication delays in hierarchical microgrid control-levels?
Minimal impact as primary control is mostly based on local measurements.
Can cause delays in restoring system variables to their nominal values, potentially leading to instability and oscillations.
Delays can affect the optimization processes, leading to suboptimal power exchanges and economic inefficiencies.
Which factors affect the stability of an AC microgrid?
Droop gain
Loading condition
Line impedances
Explain the Synchronverter concept
The idea of synchronverter is to control the inverters to mimic the behavior of Synchronous Generators
How can Synchronous Generator parameters be reoresented with a synchronverter model?
What are two different kinds of droop control employed in a
Explain the principle of Droop Control for DC Grids.
What are the three stages of short circuit faults in DC distribution systems?
During the the short circuit fault in theMVDC grid based on DAB converters
T_0: short circuit occurs
T_1 DC link voltage reaches zero
T_2 DC link voltage starts being recovered
Natural response: Capacitive discharge state (T0 - T1)
Free whelling diode stage (T1 - T2)
Grid feed-in stage (T2 - fault clearance): Forced response of DC distribution systems
Explain the first stage of short circuit faults in DC distribution systems.
Capacitive discharge stage (stage 1)
The curve of the discharge current depends on the type of the storage and the passive system parameters (R,L,C)
The capacitive discharge is the natural response of the dc system and uncontrollable for the converters
Explain the second stage of short circuit faults in DC distribution systems.
Free wheeling diode stage (stage 2)
This stage exists ONLY when the system parameters in the circuit are in underdamped condition, which means that there is zero crossing in the DC link voltage during decreasing
When the DC link voltage reaches zero, the residual current in the DC line flushes in the free wheeling diodes, which starts the free wheeling diode stage
Surge current flowing through the free wheeling diode in this stage can lead to thermal damage on the power electronics devices
Absence of free wheeling diode (stage 2)
The free wheeling diode stage could also be absent if the system parameters in the circuit are in overdamped condition, which means that there is NO zero crossing in DC link voltage during the fault
In this case the DC link voltage does not reach zero during the fault and the fault enters grid feeding stage (stage 3) directly from capacitive discharge stage (stage 1)
Explain the third stage of short circuit faults in DC distribution systems.
Grid feeding stage (stage 3)
The grid feed-in stage starts when the DC link voltage starts being recovered by the increased feed-in of grid side current
The recovered DC link voltage level in the steady state is depending on the capacity of the grid and also the controlling target of the converters
What is meant by aggregation?
The process of linking small groups of industrial, commercial, or residential customers into a larger power unit to make them visible from the electric system point of view.
Aggregation is a commercial function of pooling
decentralised generation and/or consumption to provide services to actors within the system.
What areDistributed-Energy-Resources (DER)?
Small scale power generation and storage technologies located close to the customer side.
Why is aggregation necessary?
DER units have to provide the flexibility and controllability to support the system operation
DER units are too small and too numerous to be addressed individually
Aggregation can involve distributed resources and/or distributed generation, since load or generation profiles of individual consumers and/or small generators appear as a single unit to the electric system
DER aggregation enables aggregators to operate DER and to provide services to the power system, e.g. system balancing
DER aggregation helps implementing smart grids concepts by reaping some of its benefits to integrate DER units more efficiently
Explain the Demand Side Management concept.
Demand Side Management (DSM) is the planning, implementation, and monitoring of those utility activities designed to influence customer use of electricity in ways that will produce desired changes in the utility’s load shape, i.e., changes in the time pattern and magnitude of a utility’s load
Explain the Demand Response Concept.
Changes in electric usage by end use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time
Incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when the system is jeopardized
Includes all intentional modifications to consumption patterns of electricity of end use customers, intended to alter the timing or level of instantaneous demand or the total electricity consumption
Bottom up approach: begin at the consumer level and work their way up through the system
What Load Management methods are there?
Peak clipping/shaving
Load shifting
Valley filling
Strategic conservation
Strategic Load growth
Flexible Load shape
What are CIM, EMS and API?
Common Information Model (CIM): Common model for describing the components in power systems for use in a common Energy Management System (EMS) Application Programming Interface (API)
Purpose: Standardization and Interoperability
Explain the position of classes in the CIM class diagram
A transformer is represented by a single PowerTransformer container class
Windings are represented by the objects TransformerWinding within the PowerTransformer container
Analogue for the TapChanger and TransformerWinding
The winding is physically connected to the network and conducts electricity → inherits from ConductingEquipment
Transformers don’t conduct electricity
→ PowerTransformer inherits from Equipment
TapChanger inherits from PowerSystemResource, as it is not a separate piece of equipment, but a part of TransformerWinding
What is the relationship between PowerTransformer and TransformerWinding (CIM)?
What is the relationship between TransformerWinding and TapChanger?
Aggregation relationship - a PowerTransformer is made up of 1 or more TransformerWindings
Aggregation relationship - a TransformerWinding is made up of 0 or more TapChangers
How is the connection of the transformer to the network represented in CIM?
How many elements are necessary for the representation? Sketch the CIM diagram.
Connection directly through the windings
Transformer can be represented with 4 CIM objects:
Two TransformerWindings
One TapChanger
One PowerTransformer
What is an ideal DC constant power load? Explain analytically what the negative increment resistance is.
?? AK 2021
??? AK21
What are grid codes?
List tw features that distinguish converter-interfaced generators (CIGs) from synchronous generators.
What is linear state estimation? How do equations look like? Name the components.
?? AK SS17
WHat are advantages of dq vs. aß transformation?
Draw a current vector in dq and aß coordinates.
Last changed7 months ago