Difference to CTT
Classical Test Theory (CTT) - analyses are the easiest and most widely used form of analyses
Most of tests are constructed based on CTT
Classical Analyses are performed on the test rather than on the item and although item statistics can be generated - Test reliability, test validity
What does IRT do differently in comparison to CTT
IRT/latent trait models aim to look beyond that at the underlying traits which are producing the test performance. They are measured at item level
Basically, a logistic regression of P(1) on the latent trait
IRT refers to a family of latent trait models used to establish psychometric properties of items and scales
Components of IRT (3)
Item response function (IRF) – Mathematical function relating the latent trait to the probability of endorsing an item
Invariance – position on the latent trait can be estimated by any items with known IRFs. Item characteristics are population independent
Item Information Function – an indication of item quality; an item’s ability to differentiate among respondents
Item Response Function
Item Response Function (IRF) - characterizes the relation between a latent variable (i.e., individual differences on a construct) and the probability of endorsing an item.
The IRF models the relationship between examinee trait level, item properties and the probability of endorsing the item.
Examinee trait level is signified by the Greek letter theta (0-)
Dichotomous case
• The problem: Dependent variable is binary, with a yes or a no answer
• Can be coded, 1 for yes and 0 for no
• There are no other valid responses
Item responde function
Solution: Use a Different Functional Form
The properties we need
The model should be bounded by 0 and 1
The model should estimate a value for the dependent variable in terms of the probability of being in one category or the other
Item response function
Different functional form
Solution: Use a Different Functional Form cont.
We want to know the probability, p, that a particular case falls in the 0 or the 1 category
We want to derive a model which gives good estimates of 0 and 1, or put another way, that a particular case is likely to be a 0 or a 1
- Thus, modelling the probability of correctly answering a dichotomously scored item means predicting the probability of getting it right conditional on the latent trait theta (q)
Item response function => logistic curve
item difficulty
Item difficulty
An item’s location is defined as the amount of the latent trait needed to have a .5 probability of endorsing/solving the item
The higher the “delta” parameter the higher on the trait level a respondent needs to be in order to endorse/solve the item
item discrimination
Item discrimination
Indicates the steepness of the IRF at the item’s location
An items discrimination indicates how strongly related the item is
to the latent trait like loadings in a factor analysis
Items with high discriminations are better at differentiating
respondents around the location point; small changes in the
latent trait lead to large changes in probability
Vice versa for items with low discriminations
Last changed7 months ago