Describe characteristics of an α-helix.
usually right-handed
stabilized by h-bonds between NH---O=C (with 4 aa distance)
polarity (- at C- end, + at N-terminus)
can be used to coordinate, ions, etc. phosphate
all-α proteins usually have four-helix bundles (very stable due to hydrophobic side-chain interactions) or the globin fold (eight helices)
by the composition and distribution of polar and unpolar residues, you can deduce the position of a helix in the protein (inside: hydrophobic, outside: hydrophilic)
Describe the characteristics of a β-strand/sheet.
sheets are made of strands
parallel and antiparallel sheets possible
stabilized by H-bonds between NH---H=C between different strands
sheet formation requires loops/turns between strands, normally 3-6 aa long
typical folds:
β-propellor (e.g. in signal transduction)
Which interaction play a role in the formation of secondary structures?
most stable structure elements form first
involved forces
hydrophobic effect (hydrophobic parts assemble fast because they cannot interact with the surrounding water)
salt bridges
electrostatic interactions
disulfide bonds
What characterizes all-α, all-β, α/β, α+β and cross-linked proteins?
- all- α
o four-helix bundles (very stable due to hydrophobic side-chain interactions)
o globin fold (eight helices)
- all-β
o β-barrel
o β-propellor (e.g. in signal transduction)
o β-helix
- α/β
o β-α-β motif
o (βα)8 barrel / TIM barrel (triosephosphatisomerase): “Bottom” is closed with big hydrophobic residues, “top” is open
- α+β
o α- and β-structures/clusters are separated from one another
- cross-linked
o disulfide linkages between secondary structures
o coordination of ions as a linkage (e.g. zink finger)
What is a protein domain?
A protein domain is a part of a protein that folds independently of the rest.
- typical size: 200 aa
- usually hydrophobic core
- multidomain enzymes: different domains have different functions
- sometimes, two domains of a protein do not follow after one another in the aa sequence, but one domain “interrupts” the other
What are Structural Genomics/Proteomics?
- goal: find out structure of every protein encoded in a certain genome
- combination of experimental and modeling approaches
- methods:
o high-throughput cloning of open reading frames
o express encoded proteins
o purification, crystallization
o modeling based on sequence
What is the “dark” part of the proteome?
intrinsically disordered protein (parts)
What processes are intrinsically disordered proteins involved in?
- transcription
- transcription regulation
- cell cycle
- mRNA splicing
- apoptosis
- protein transport
Why is it useful that parts of a protein are disordered?
- adaptability to different binding partners
- high specificity, but low affinity (fast association/dissociation)
- advantage or disadvantage: unfolded proteins often aggregate because their hydrophobic parts might be exposed
Explain two binding models for disordered regions/proteins.
- folding upon binding: The region is disordered and only folds when the substrate is met
- conformational selection: The final conformation of the disordered protein is present some of the time, and when the substrate binds is “fixed”
- combination of both models possible
How do you find out if a protein is disordered?
- size exclusion chromatography:
o unfolded proteins travel slower than folded proteins of the same size because they have a higher radius
- circular dichroism
o random coils do not show typical patterns of secondary structure
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