What are reference frames?
Coordinate systems used to describe the postion and motion of an object in space
What is Vernal equinox
Vernal equinox is at 21th of March, which is also the ascending node (between equatorial plane and ecliptic)
Explain the first point of Aries
The direction in which the sun is seen from earth at vernal quinox
Why does the first point of aries move
Earths precession causes the position of the equinoxes to move “westward”. -> point of aries changes
Hows the Heliocentric-ecliptic KOS defined
x points to Aries
z normal to ecliptic
y right hand system
Hows the geocentric equatorial coordinate system defined?
I to Aries
K normal to equatorial plane
J right hand system
Hows the Perifocal-Geocentric Coordinate System defined
P shows to periapsis of orbit around earth
W normal to orbit
Q right hand system
How are Topocentric Coordinate systems defined? RSW and NTW
RS in orbit plane whilre r is radial and W is normal to plane
NT in orbit plane while T is in velocity direction, W is normal to plane
How is the ISS COS defined? LVLH
How is the ISS COS defined? XPOP
Whats a solar and sidereal day?
solar day is 24h rotating 361°
sidereal day is 23h 56m 4s for 360°
Whats a ground track?
Satellites path on Earth surface.
Orbit projection to nadir
How does the inclination and earth rotation effect the ground track
The inclination is shown on the maximum latitude for the groundtrack
Earths rotation makes the GT drift westwards
What are HEOs and why are they used
Highly elliptical orbits
spy satellites
apogee over locations of interest for longer time period
How do Ground track of Molniya and Tundra look like?
What are GEO s and their radius
Geostationary orbits. Orbit period same as rotation period of earth.
Height is 35700km
Radius is 42000km
What are GSOs
Geosynchronos Orbit
Orbit Period is earth rotation period
not necessarly e=i=0
What is Earth Coverage?
coverage is limited by inclination, therefore reachable latitude
Whats the orbital track size?
The width of the ground track what a satellite would see at a certain altitude
Define Access Area and footprint
Access Area: total Area a instrument could potentially see
Footprint Area: FOV, Area a instrument sees at a given moment
Explain the Walker Constellation
Constellation with t satellites flying on p orbits uniformly distributed with inclination i and a relative spacing between neighboring orbits
f: Phase (True Anomaly) between two nearest satellites on two adjacent orbits. I.e. if a satellite in the nth orbit is just at the ascending node (n = 0), then in the neighboring orbit n+1 a satellite has the True Anomaly of
How does the number of satellites behave over the orbital height in a constellation
name non walker constellations
Whats the beta angle?
The angle between the sun vector and the orbit plane
How does the eclipse duration change in regards to the beta angle and altitude
How to determine a satellites position?
Distance determination via time-of-flight method (1m - 20m accuracy)
Radial velocity via Doppler shift (0,1 - mm/s accuracy)
What are the 3 different types of kickburns in an orbit and which one changes energy?
tangential burn: along track burn, changes a and energy
transverse burn: in orbit plane but normal to flight path
normal burn: normal to flight path and normal to orbit plane -> inclination change
If you had to choose at what points in orbit would you iniciate a kickburn?
apogee/perigee for e,a theta=0=180
Nodes for i omega+theta=0=180
Orthogonal to nodes ,RAAN omega+theta = 90 =270
If you want to change apogee or perigee where do you do that?
for apogee at perigee
for perigee at apogee
What is the propulsion demand of any impulse maneuver?
how can you change the flight direction most efficiently?
Delta-v will be lowest when orbital velocity v is smallest at time of kickburn. Therefore kickburns are often done in apoapsis
What is a Lambert Transfer?
A unique 2 impulse transfer that takes a S/C from Point 1 to Point 2 on a destination orbit.
For uniqueness one needs a constraint:
lowest delta v
shortest time
Whats the Lambert Problem?
What is the orbit path that will take me in the shortest time from a given point P1 on an exit orbit to a given point P2 on a target orbit? And: Which kick-burns do I have to set at P1 und P2?
Whats a Hohmann Transfer?
A Lambert transfer between two circular orbits with the lowest delta-v demand
Whats the propulsion demand for the Hohmann Transfer?
How are the different impulses for the Hohmann transfer composed, depending on the radius ratio?
Why is it better to only make small delta v impulses but multiple times if you want to do a hohmann transfer?
To reduce target error. The less the ratio of radii is the smaller the error.
But this takes more time
Also mid course corrections can be done but uses more delta v
Whats the most energetically favorable 2-implulse transfers in the 2-body system?
Hohmann transfer
Name 2 different 3-Impulse transfers
Bi-parabolic transfer:
Accelerate to escape velocity, then return the satellite from "infinity" to the desired orbit
Bi-elliptic transfer:
Accelerate to near escape velocity, then return the satellite to the desired orbit.
How does the Bi-parabolic transfer compare to the hohmann transfer in terms of delta v
What is a Supersynchronous GTO and why is it used
Supersynchronous geostationary transfer orbit:
bi-elliptic transfer from LEO to GEO with inclination change
used because launch side latitude must be corrected for GEOs. Cheaper when further away from earth
Circulazation burn for GEO
Why are continous small thruster transfers used even tho they need more delta v compared to other transfer methods
Fuel efficiency high specific impulse
Solar power utilization
More payload possible (less space needed for fuel)
What are the Hill equations and what are they used for?
The Hill equations describe the relative motion of two nearby orbiting objects in space
How would the trajectory of a ball thrown backwards of orbit velocity look like
Info to a throw in x-Direction
How would the trajectory of a ball thrown downwards look like?
Info to a throw in z-Direction
Name the Rendezvous Phases and show them drawn in a diagram
Final approach
How does the launch site influence the inclination?
beta = Latitude
phi = Launch azimuth (Angle between north and launch trajectory)
How do the number of launch windows compare to the inclination and latitute?
Explain what happens during phasing
S/C orbit radius smaller than target -> increased speed lets the S/C “catch up” to target.
Each orbit the S/C closes in on the target by an angle delta theta
Explain what happens during homing
Hohmann transfer from S1 20km to S2 3,5km behind ISS. Phase decreases further in angle
Explain what happens during Closing
Radial Boost Transfer Maneuver, alike throw in z axis -> generates elliptic trajectory.
Moves the S/C from S2 3,5km to S3 250m behind the ISS and is now in the Approach Ellipsiod just outside the keep out sphere
Explain what happens during final approach
Forced Motion Straight Line Approach from S3 to S4 (20m). Entering the Approach cone inside KOS.
With a translation force x but also in z direction to prevent rising of the orbit
Explainj what happens during proximity operations & Docking
Now linear equations of motions are used
Concerning satellite attitude motion, what is kinematics and whaat is dynamics?
Kinematics = Motion of a rigid body WITHOUT external force -> Nutation
Dynamics = Motion of a rigid body WITH external force -> Nutation + Precession
In regards to rotational stability, which two cases can be distinguished?
When are rotations dynamically stable?
The main axis with the largest (oblate) and smallest (prolate) moment of inertia is dynamically stable in the short term. The mean moment of inertia is not stable
In the long term (dissipation, nutation decreases) only the oblate rotation is stable -> "flat spin rotation“
What is nutation?
Circular motion of the rotation axis around the angular momentum vector
Problem: Spin-stabilized satellites nutate. How do we solve?
Nutation damper via ball in tube, energy dissipates due to friction
What is Precession?
The circular motion of the angular momentum vector, because of an external force (gravitation) which induces a Torque
Why does the earth have nutation and precession?
Sun and Moon gravitation act on mass buldge on equator.
What are other perturbations a S/C has to experience while in LEO
Atmospheric Drag and Torque
External Torques due to Eddy currents
Gravity gradient torque
What is Gravity Gradient torque?
The parts of an extended body that are closer to the Earth experience a slightly larger gravitational force and a slightly smaller centrifugal force, and the parts on the outside experience exactly the opposite.
What is Aerodynamic Torque
COP and COM are often offsetted, therefore inducing a moment around the COM
What is Gravity Gradient Stabilization?
Stable pitch oscillation around “y” axis if
because of Torque.
If the oscillation is damped the S/C orbits around the Earth with constant orientation to the center of the Earth.
Name the 6 keplerian elements
a: Semimajor axis
e: Eccentricity
i: Inclination
Ω: Right Ascension of the Ascending Node (RAAN)
small omega: Argument of Perigee
theta: true anomaly
Explain how the Two-Line-Elements TLE are put together
What are approximations for a Volume to represent real Earth as good as possible concerning perturbations
Geoid: Gravitational anomalies -> potato shape
2nd approxmiation earth is a sphere + oblate rotational ellipsoid + potato
Explain the regression of nodes
The oblatness induces a torque on the satellite which leads to a rotation of the orbital plane.
RAAN_dot < 0 for i < 90°
RAAN_dot > 0 for i > 90°
Explain the Progression of Lines of Apsides
Argument of Perigee rotates because of perturbations.
omega_dot > 0 for i < 63,42°
omega_dot < 0 for i > 63,42°
What are SSOs?
Sun-Synchronous Orbits:
RAAN rotates exactly 360° per year, but RAAN needs to be >0 so i > 90° needed
What are frozen orbits?
Type I:
Type II:
What are C_D values for typical S/C
2,2 +- 0,2
What keplerian elements is changed when drag occurs
semi-major-axix and eccentricity
How does orbital resonance occur?
Different parts of earth surface induce different gravitational pull periodically
What are commensurate orbits
Orbits of bodies which have periods of a simple integer ratio
3/2 1/2 etc
what are RGTs
repeat ground track satellites retrace their ground track pattern after a number of k revolutoins and l days
-> resonance with earths rotation
Why does East-West drift occur
Triaxiality: satellites ground track oszillates east- and westwards due to the “potato” shaped earth and therefore gravity perturbations, where the satellite is accelerated and decellerated due to gravity “spots” on earth
solar pressure -> eccentric
What is North-South drift
North-South movement of satellite due to the influence of the sun and moon, which induce a out of orbit-plane force
how is the North-South drift corrected?
With a symmetric RAAN adjustment or inclination adjustment (but more expensive)
Whats the restricted 3-Body Problem
m << other two masses
What are Libration points
Point where gravitational forces of 2 large bodys on a smaller body balances out with the centrifugal force.
Points are stable or semi-stable
Stability of Libration Points. Show restoring and destabilizing force
3 types of periodic orbits around collinear points
Subset of Lagrange points on 1 line
horizontal Lyapunov orbit
vertical Lyapunov orbit
Halo orbit
2 types of quasi-periodic orbits around collinear points
Lissajous orbit
Quasi-halo orbit
what are heteroclinic and homoclinic orbits?
Heteroclinic: joining to different equilibrium points in phase space
Homoclinic: joining a saddle point to itself
Are equilateral points stable?
Yes, with increasing distance from the points a S/C gains speed. The velocity plus the rotation of the system leads to a coriolis force which transports the S/C back to a path around the Lagrange points
What is a SOI
Sphere of Influence, a sphere where the gravity of a planet exceeds the one from the sun
Where does v_infinity has to point if you want to reach an outer/inner planet
outer planet: in direction of v_planet
inner planet: opposite to v_planet
v_planet of departure planet not target
Energy equation
When does a planetary configuration return between two planets?
What is the condition of the v_infinity in the planetocentric system concerning a flyby
Flyby Types: from inside/outside and before/behind
Composition of the athmosphere
Phases of an optimal ascent
What are the ascent losses and how do they work?
steering loss: Losses due to the vectoring of engine to stay on path. Diverting thrust away from optimum
drag losses: self explanatory
gravitational losses: rocket has to start vertically to gain height. Ideally it would be better to start tangential to earth surface to build up centrifugal force
2 Delta-v optimization methods for ascend
Perform course changes at smallest velocities possible, that is in the early ascent phase (e.g. roll of the Shuttle into orbit inclination)
Minimize gravitational losses (Turn horizontally as early as possible). This increases drag and steering losses. So a turn too early it not optimal.
Whats a gravity turn?
Use gravitational pull g*sin(gamma) for reducing flight path angle gamme, and turn into the final more or less horizontal orbit.
Has to be iniciated via pitch maneuver 3-5°
Whats a constant pitch-rate maneuver
Due to drag, a flight trajecory is optimal when it is initially steeper and later more horizontal than an exclusive gravity turn. This is achieved by a so-called constant pitch-rate maneuver (gamma_dot=const)
total delta-v required for LEO accounting for losses
9 km/s
What is skip reentry
Reentry with such a large lift that lift plus centrifugal force outweigh gravity and carry the S/C back out into space.
Explain equilibrium glide
With the lift, the S/C is adjusted exactly so that it cancels the gravitational force together with the centrifugal force.
Whats the Titus-Bode-Law
a = 0.4 + 0.3x2^n
Mercury: n = –infinity
Venus: n = 0
Earth: n = 1
Mars: n = 2
Planetoids: n = 3
Jupiter: n = 4
Frequency equation
Centrifugal force equation
Last changed5 months ago