Contextual Abstraction Level
Focused on understanding the environment in which an enterprise operates and the context in which architecture work is planned and executed
Conceptual Abstraction Level
—> Understand the Problem
—> what is necessery
—> abstraction level can reffed an Service oder beahvior
Logical Abstraction Level
—> identifying the kinds of business, data, application, and technology components neede—> — —> Identigy how it can be orginazied and sturctured
Physical Abstraction Level
—> Manages the allocation and Implemantioen
—> Determing with what physiscs can be realzeid
Enterprise Continuum
view of the repository for all the architecture assets and provides methods for
classifying assets
—> Comparise two conceps: Architeture COn and Sol con
—> FOr Understanding, schowas BB and their relation to exh other
Archtiecture Repository
The Architecture Metamodel
Describres the Organizationally trailerd application of an architecute framework
Architecture Method - a method for architecture development
Content Metamodel - a metamodel for architecture content
—> Structure archit Information —> To porcessed to meet stakeolders needs
—> Good starting Points
—> detemine what the CAP needs
The Architecture Capability
prametes, structures and processes thas support the goernance of the arch Repo
—> ability to develop, use, and sustain enterprise architecture to govern change
Pirpose of EA Capability
support Stategy —> taget architecuter, Radmap of Change, Identify the Changes,finde synergies
Support Portfolio —> support cross-funtional, multporojekt change
The Architecture Landscape
—> Architecural reporstioatn of the assets
The Standards Library
—> THe standards for the Organisation
Referecne Library
provides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of reference material
The Governance Repository
provides a record of governance activity across the enterprise.
The Architecture Requirements Repository
provides a view of all authorized architecture requirements
The Solutions Landscape
presents an architectural representation of the Solution Building Blocks
Content Framework
—> Framework for the BBB and Aurtefacts
—> Spezigfic organziation needs
—> Detaild model
—> Outputs ADM
—> Checklist
—> Reduce risk of gaps
EA Metamodel
—> Structure archit INformation —> To porcessed to meet stakeolders needs
Last changed6 months ago