How is the enthalphy defined in open systems?
How is the formula for cv derived?
How is the formula for cp derived?
How do you calculate the amount of energy for heating a slap of aluminium in an open and closed system?
What follows from the avogadro law for enthalphy?
Derivate the Term
Which relationship between temperature and pressure results from an adiabatic process?
Demonstrate that entropy is not conserved
How can the generated work of a heat engine be described?
What are basic property relations? (The combination of the first and second thermodynamic law)
Derive the definition of the Gibbs free energy.
How can the obtainable work be determined from G
Demonstrate that all the mass terms are related.
How can the entropy S be calculated in ideal gases?
How is Entropy calculated for solids?
Derivate how cp can be displayed with S
Derivate the variation in enthalphy with variation in pressure.
How does the internal energy variate with volume?
What is the variation of cp over pressure with a constant T?
Derivate the isentropic pressure temperature relationship.
Derivate the isentropic compression for solids.
Thermoelastic effect: Derivate delta T for a elastic deformation.
What are the conditions for an equilibrium?
What are the conditions for an equilibrium after Ragone?
derive the equilibrium condition µ2=µ1
What are the phase equilibria?
Derive the Clausius Clapeyron equation.
What is the vapour/condensed phase equilibrium reaction
Last changed5 months ago