How does a compressor increase the static pressure?
Through diffusion in the relative frame of reference (rotor) and the external (?) frame of refernece (stator).
w1>w2, c2>c3
advantages of brush seals
leakage up to 70% less than labyrinth seals
compensation of moving sealing gaps
insensitive to shock and pollutant
damping effect
simple and fast replacement
What is Turbine Active Clearance Control and in what way is it useful?
With compressor bleed air the position of the turbine casing can be actively adapted.
When thermal expansion occurs, the clearance control helps keep the clearance constant.
Given the following diagram: First state the operating condition, then sketch Ma_is (is?) across x.
Started supersonic flow
what kind of expansions are shown in the picture?
from left to right
adapted expansion
What can the Fanno Line be used for?
mir fällt es schwer die Frage zu beantworten…
After a normal shock, you will always land back on the Fanno line
more entropy production for stronger shocks (stronger deceleration)
What is problematic for supersonic external compressions?
Additional drag is generated at lower flight Mach number
future civil ramjet concepts
Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO)
Two-Stage-To-Orbit (TSTO)
How does bleed air affect fuel consumption and TET?
-> increase fuel consumption and therefore higher TET
How do power extraction and supply affect the compressor map
In the context of aero engine control systems, what are typical measured variables and disturbance variables
measured variables:
rotation speed
Stroke and Angle
Weight flow
disturbance variables:
Air inlet condition
Exhaust ambient condition
Mechanical power extraction
Bleed air
Geometry Alternations
Fouling process
What is the acceleration requirement in the event of OEI
climb rate > 0,3 %
Flight ratings:
Power Reverse
Max Take-Off
Max Continous
Max Climb
Max Cruis
Max Reverse
Flight Idle
Ground Idle
Reverse Idle
Nozzle exit jet flow:
1.) Can the flow in moderate under- and overexpansion reach Ma < 1?
2.) Can the strong under- and overexpansion flow reach Ma < 1?
3.) When do verticle shocks appear in the jet flow?
1.) No, all shocks are oblique -> Ma > 1
2.) Yes, after the vertical compression shocks
3.) Only in the strong case.
Reference Lecture 4, p.31-32
What is the Triple Point (TP)
only for strong solution: point where three shocks meet
Flow goes across two oblique shocks or across the vertical shock.
-> After the shocks there are two flow areas:
inner path is subsonic
outer path is still supersonic
divided by slip line (SL)
what is important for turbo-shaft engine exhaust diffusers
Extracting as much energy as possible through the turbine while keeping high enough exhaust velocity to avoid exhaust gas ingestion
what problem do helicopter engines face in ground operation? ~ 1 m above ground
Temperature increase in the intake due to ingestion of exhaust gas -> inefficient operation
effect more pronounced at lower power setting due to the lower exhaust gas velocity
how large is the HPC operating range compared to the IPC?
half as large
What are general requirements for the civil and military exhaust system?
Civil Subsonic Flight:
Simple convergent core and bypass nozzle, fixed cross-sectional area
Thrust reverser unit(TRU)
Often combined with mixer for noise reduction and thrust increase
Cross-sectional shape: circular or annular
Military Supersonic Flight:
Laval nozzle for supersonic exit flow
Massflow/thrust control by variable throat area
Variable exit area to adapt to ambient conditions
Often combined with thrust vectoring
Integrated thrust reverser unit(TRU)
What fan blade containment methods are there? Explain their design.
Softwall fan casing:
Made from aluminum alloy, over-wound with dry aramid fibers
blade goes through alloy but stopped and contained by the fibers
Hardwall fan casing:
Made from aluminum alloy -> diameter reduction
reflects the blade back into the engine -> may still go through engine causing secondary damage
Innovation: for both designs
ductile carbon-fiber reinforced polymer
Reinforcement consists of a triaxial braid
may achieve up to a 40% weight saving over a metal
The main benefits of using composites in fan system
• Reduces weight down to less than 50% of metal parts
• Lighterblades >> lighter disc and casing
• Process: 3D woven carbon fibre matrix, trimming, forming, moulded resin injection, machining, surface finishing
General Intake requirements
• Supply engine with sufficient massflow
• Convert velocity to static pressure (kinetic to potential energy) at convenient Mach number at the fan face
• Allow low inner and outer total pressure losses
• Supply (sufficiently) uniform inlet flow profile to the fan (pressure, temperature, velocity)
• Provide noise reduction • Prevent ice accretion
• Achieve low weight at high structural stiffness
• Integration with fuselage/wing • Low initial and operating cost
name the two types of inlets and their characteristics:
subsonic flight intake:
rounded edges, relatively short arrangement
Low static pressure rise
Low total pressure loss
Causes distortion to fan and compressor at high incidence or cross-wind (moderate aerodynamic interaction of intake and compression components)
supersonic flight intake:
• sharp edges, long arrangement, potentially variable
• High static pressure rise
• High total pressure loss
• causes distortion to fan and compressor at any flight condition (strong aerodynamic interaction between intake and compression components)
• Can develop intake buzz, i.e. violent fluctuations in pressure and related shock system
Formula for work and flow coefficient
work coefficient: Ψ=Δh_t/(u^2/2)
flow coefficient: φ=c_m/u
Stage tuning: what happens to front and rear stages when throttling and dethrottling the compressor?
throttling: loading (work coefficient) increases for all stages, higher increase in rear stages
dethrottling: loading decreases for all stages, higher decrease in rear stages
Reason: mass flow is reduced, therefore the specific work and pressure ratios increase
Stage tuning: what happens to front and rear stages when reducing and increasing the speed?
reduction: front stages are loaded, rear stages are unloaded
increase: front stages are unloaded, rear stages are loaded
Reason: check ich nicht
Euler turbomachinery equation
Engine requirements to a Fan:
Specific thrust, thrust-to-weight ratio
Specific fuel consumption
How do you achieve high propulsive effieciency?
BPR and fan diameter increasing
Bypass PR reducing
Core size reducing
Jet velocity reducing
1% fan efficiency -> 0.7 – 0.8% SFC !!
Fan impact on engine architecture
How can you increase the diameter of a fan, while not changing the rotational speed of the LPS (low-pressure shaft)?
What other positive side effect does it have?
Noise reduction
how is the tip speed chosen?
-> requirements rather than pure scaling
Performance cycle
Structural strength
how does the flight velocity influence the bypass map?
Name the elements of a fan system:
What is the diffusion factor?
Coefficient for the maximum possible deflection
What are the main requirements of the engine inlet?
low internal and external flow losses
uniform flow, pressure and temperature distribution for the fan
noise reduction
What causes disturbances of the inlet flow?
extreme flight maneuvers
What is done to reduce engine noise?
korr: gewinnt aerodynmaic immer und der zweite punkt is cap?
passive Helmholtz-resonance liner of the casing
compromise between acoustically optimised (inlet longer at the bottom) and aerodynamically optimised (longer on top) inlet shape
What operational risks connected to the inlet are there?
icing: debris can enter the engine and cause surging, flame-out and damage
foreign object damage
What shock concepts for supersonic inlets are there?
for M<=1.5: vertical shock concepts
for M>1.5: multi-shock concepts: one or more oblique and one vertical shock
How can shock losses in supersonic inlets be minimized?
Increase the number of shocks as much as possible
all shocks should have a similar pressure ratio
What differences between supersonic and subsonic inlets are there?
rounded edges, short
low static pressure rise and total pressure loss
sharp edges, long, potentially variable geometry
high static pressure increase and total pressure loss
What causes fan noise?
supersonic flow at blade tips (Buzz saw noise BSN)
Interaction of rotor wake with front edge of stator (Rotor stator interaction RSI)
What problem do disturbances of the inlet flow cause?
They shift the operating line towards the surge limit
How should the inlet lip be designed for slow flight and cruise flight? what compromise is usually made?
-slow flight: thick profile with large nose radius allows the stagnation point to move and reduces risk of flow separation -> reduced internal losses
-fast flight: large radius increases local overspeed due to deflecion -> external losses from shocks
retract lower inlet edge
thicker profile on underside
slim profile on upper lip
What is the physical meaining of the choke limit?
Mass flow through the blade cascade can’t increase further because Ma=1 is reached in the smallest cross-section
What are the main tasks of the engine inlet?
supplying the engine with air mass flow at all operating conditions
lossless conversion of kinetic energy to static pressure
(Ma at fan: 0.4 to 0.6)
What is the de Haller number?
Coefficient for the maximum feasible diffusion
rotor: w2/w1>0.7
stator: c3/c2>0.7
velocity triangles for the fan
Blade total pressure loss distribution
What is flutter
self-excited high amplitude vibration
can lead to blade loss
changes pressure field -> shocks are pushed inside the blade passage and outwards
Flutter guidelines:
4-6% flutter margin (to cover threats)
no flutter after FOD / bird strike
3-5% residual stall margin
Methods of predicting consequences of fan blade-off and bird-strike
Fan Blade-Off Simulation
Fan Blade-Off Containment Model
Bird strike
Fan Bird Impact Simulation
What effect does pre-swirl have on the work done in the rotor?
Pre-swirl reduces the difference in circumferential speeds and therefore it reduces the work done
Name the common types of thrust loss due to icing, their cause, consequence and countermeasure
What effects occur through condensation?
1. Temperature increase in the intake caused by condensation heat released:
→ Degradation of the thermodynamic cycle and temperature distortion
2. Temperature drop in the compressor caused by binding evaporation heat:
→ Improvement of the thermodynamic cycle (isothermal compression)
-> only small changes in thermodynamic efficiency. if pos or neg depends on other parameters aswell
1.) draw the approximate operational envelope of an intake alpha/Ma.
2.) What are the influences or conditions for a non-optimal intake?
3.) What other angle can influence the intake operating conditions?
Take-off, rotation and climb
Cross-Wind at take-off
High Yaw angle
Draw the three subsonic inlet regimes at Ma= 0 ; 0,2-0,6 ; 0,8
Where can compression occur in supersonic engine inlets?
internal compression (complicated shock systems and regulation, low external resistance)
external compression (easier shock configuration and control, higher external air resistance)
mixed compression (efficiient option at Ma>3.5)
What is the mass flow coefficient µ
Ratio between mass flow absorbed by engine and the maximum possible mass flow of the inlet channel
How are nozzles for supersonic flight designed?
laval nozzle for supersonic exit flow
massflow / thrust control by variable throat area
variable exit area to adapt to ambient conditions
often with thrust vectoring
integrated thrust reverser unit
cross section shape: optimised for low IR radiation, rectangular + flaps, axisymetrix + variable segments, axisymetric + moving central cone or axisymetric + injector system
In practice, how much does mixing increase thrust/SFC?
2-3% with moderate bypass ratios, max thrust gain at BPR=2
What other advantage besides thrust increase does mixing offer?
Significant reduction of noise
On which component does the net thrust most strongly depend of?
What nozzles are there?
Fixed conical nozzles
simple, no moving parts, converging exhaust
-> For subsonic aircraft
Variable nozzles: mostly con-di type
mostly used in combination with afterburner
-> Area increase of 50-150%
-> High jet exit velocity for Ma ~ 2,5
How must the shape of a laval nozzle change during operation of the afterburner?
A_min must decrease, or A_9 must increase to maintain efficiency
What coefficients describe the efficiency of a nozzle?
discharge coefficient: due to friction and inertial forces, the effective cross section is reduced
thrust coefficient: leakage, friction and non-axial flow reduce effective thrust
What types of thrust reversers are there? What flow path do they affect?
bucket doors -> hot stream
cascades -> cold stream
clam shells -> hot stream
When is the mass flow coefficient µ equal to one, when is it critical and what does super- und subcritical mean in this context?
µ=1: oblique shock on inlet lip -> no overflow
critical: vertical shock in smallest cross-section
sub-critical: vertical shock is in front of narrowest cross-section, µ<µ_crit
super critical: vertical shock behind narrowest cross-section, µ=µ_crit and overflow, should be avoided vbecause engine performance drops
What is diffuser hum?
Oscillating movement of the vertical shock in the supersonic inlet from supercritical to subcritical position
-> can damage the engine, especially the compressor
What are general requirements for the nozzle and bypass system?
achieve desired conversion of static pressure to velocity for thrust
satisfy customer life cycle demand (cooling required)
minimise length and complexity of ducting and variable geometry mechanism
How are nozzles for subsonic flight designed?
simple convergent core and bypass nozzle, fixed crossectional areas
often with mixers: noise reduction, thrust increase
thrust reverser unit
shape: annular or circular
How do compressor parameters behave during throttling?
work coefficient ψ increases
c and mass flow: decrease
blade AoA: increases
load: increases
surge/stall risk: increases (backpressure increaes)
pressure ratio: increases
How is a compressor map generated?
at constant rpms, the compressor is throttled (decreae of mass flow) and de-throttled (increase of mass flow) while measuring the performance
What is the basic design problem of the fan?
Fan on LPC shaft -> LPC is efficient at high speeds
engine is more efficient at high BPR- > large fan area
=> large fan radius and high speed -> supersonic flow at tips
What fan geometry is suitable for transsonic flow?
deceleration through shocks instead of deflection ->small profile curve
over-acceleration should be moderate to reduce shock strength -> low relative profile thickness ~2%
highly staggered blades to avoid premature blocking
What inflow mach numbers are relevant for the fan?
crit. mach number: Ma_1,rel,crit: Ma=1 can occur locally
blockage mach number: Ma_1,rel,sperr: vertical shock in blade cascade reaches the pressure side of the next blade, reduced mass flow cant increase
At what flow condition is the efficiency of the transsonic fan the highest?
unique incidence condition
What does a diverter do in a supersonic inlet?
prevents ingeestion of boundary layer
helps position and stabilize shocks
How does a ramjet work?
It used the forward speed of the aircraft to compress the air without a compressor
What is a turbo ramjet?
Combination of ramjet and turbo jet engine:
MA<2.5: operates like a normal jet engine
Ma>2.5: operates like a ramjet
What is the advantage of a supersonic combustion ramjet (SCRamjet)?
Allows higher flight mach numbers where decelerating the flow subsonic speeds in the combustion chamber would exceed practical temperature limits due to dissociation effects
What different injection concepts for supersonic combustion are there?
wall injection
step injection
cavitiy injection
swept ramp injection
“hyper mixer“ ram injector
central injector
What nozzles do ramjets and SCRamjets use?
Ramjet: convergent-divergent nozzle (flow from subsonic to supersonic)
SCRamjet: pure divergent nozzle->single expansion ramp nozzle (SERN)
What are advantages and disadvantages of SERN?
open jet boundary -> self-adapting to ambient pressure
weight saving
large scale integration
gross thrust angle not fixed to 0°
->dangerous in off-design conditions
Dual mode Ram/SCRamjets
korr was ist das, wie funktiooniert der spas
What are some important design aspects of SCRamjets?
high total enthalpy and pressure
intake geometry must allow wide range of mach numbers
“unstart“ of engine must be avoided
materials must withstand high temperatures
injector system should allow self-ignition
minimize total pressure loss
thrust vector deviation (SERN) must be compensated
What are the four balance states for the simulation/calculation of an engine and its components?
fluid state out of component is fluid state into next component
mass flow balance
energy/ power balance
mechanical coupling: rotational speeds are the same on the same shaft
What are the taks of an aero engine control system?
automatic start procedure
steady state power control
acceleration and deceleration (power modification)
monitoring and control of operating limits
prevention of compressor flow instability (surge monitoring)
termination of surge and return to stable operation
prevention of flame out
thrust reversal
What variables to control the engines operation are there?
fuel flow
bleed air
variable stator vane angle
nozzle area
afterburner fuel flow
thrust reverser setting
What variables are used to obtain the current performance rating of the engine?
since thrust cant be measured directly:
always available
- N1C vs thrust is nonlinear and changes with degradation->need to be adjusted
EPR (engine pressure ratio=, IEPR (integrated (?) engine pressure ratio)
direct correlation between nozzle pressure and thrust
- additional reliable and precise pressure measurement is required
- for EPR only the bypass flow is considered
What are the tasks of the secondary air system?
sealing the bearing chamber against air leakage
provide cabin and de-icing pressure
cool the combustion chamber
active gap control and housing cooling of LPT
sealing against hot gas injection, bearing load control and cooling of the blades and disk of HPT
sealing and cooling of LPT
ventilation of cavities to prevent oil accumulation
What are requirements for the SAS?
minimum air usage for maximum effect
use of “cheap“ air
minimization of leakage flow
reduction of temperature gradient (+10K -> turbine disk service life is halved)
security against failure
What do the honeycombs do in labyrinth seals?
They are sacrifical material and allow the gap to be tighter because brushing up wont damage the turbine components
What does the stationary working line show?
Behaviour of the engine components in stationary operation, without acceleration or deceleration
What do Kühl’s straight lines show?
Interaction between compressor and combustion chamber -> thermal throttling
Where can the SAS extract air from?
extraction at housing
direction of air through external pipes
effects on compressor aerodynamics must be taken into account
danger: pipe breakdown
extraction at hub
usage of vortex reducer to impose a solid vortex to avoid pressure drop due to reduction of the radius
extraction at the outlet of the HPC
only possible extraction point for cooling the combustion chamber and first turbine stage (only here the pressure is high enough “thanks“ to the pressure loss over the combustion chamber)
What causes the high temperatures in the HPT?
hot gas stream from combustion chamber
heat is conducted through the blade into the disk
friction between sealing air and disk
intake of hot gas from the gas path
Why is bearing load control necessary?
-HPC has a higher compression ratio than HPT
->HPC pulls more strongly on the shaft than the HPT
->bearing load balancing required
Why is pre-swirl needed to cool the HPT disk?
because otherwise the relative total temperature of the cooling air would be too high. Preswirl reduces the difference in circumferential velocity of the air and the disk and therefore reduces the relative total temperature
How is the turbine casing cooled?
heat shields protect external systems from heat radiation
cooling air prevents hot gas from entering cavities
stationary seals are used against leakage flows between stationary components
What types of labyrinth seals are there?
stepped (with honeycombs)
crocodile (with honeycombs)
How do labyrinth seals work?
acceleration of flow via sealing fin
diffusion due to flow seperation and isobaric trubulence behind fin
->targeted static pressure reduction through turbulence behind fin
->slow pressure reduction -> mass flow remains low
What certification requirements are there for the deceleration and acceleration of an engine?
acceleration from low idle to MTO in less than 8 seconds
deceleration from MTO to 10% thrust in less than 3.5 seconds
What happens to the HPC when the thrust required increases?
without fuel control: adjustment of HP speed is not fast enough compared to the thermal pressurization (due to the inertia of the high pressure components) -> HPC migrates alon a constant N line towards the surge limit
with fuel control: controlled injection of fuel allows the HP shaft to adapt and prevent the surge margin from decreasing too much
What happens to the HPC when the thrust required decreases?
load decreases due to the reduced back pressure at still high speeds
HPC delivers too much mass flow to the combustion chamber, FAR reduces to a point where a flameout is possible
What happens to the MPC (Booster) during acceleration?
HPC is significantly more agile than MPC and drains the MPC
-> MPC is unloaded
What happens to the MPC (Booster) during deceleration?
HPC is significantly more agile than MPC
rapid decrease in HP shaft speed compared to LP shaft
-> back pressure of MPC increases, MPC is throttled and moves towards surge
This is particulary risky at low speeds because the MPC working line is flatter than that of the HPC
Solution: bleeding air behind MPC (Booster blow-off valves) to relieve the MPC
What components are critical during transient acceleration and deceleration?
acceleration: HPC
deceleration: MPC and combustion chamber
What civil aviation organizations are there?
ICAO: International civil aviation organization
JAA: joint aviation authorities (europe)
EASA: European aviation safety agency (EU)
LBA: Luftfahrtbundesamt
What hazardous engine effects are classified in CS-E?
non-containment of high-energy debris
concentration of toxic products in the cabin bleed air sufficient to incapacitate crew or passengers
significant thrust in the opposite direction to that commanded by pilot
uncontrolled fire
failure of the engine mount system leading to inadvertent engine seperation
release of the propeller by the engine, if applicable
complete inability to shut the engine down
Name some test specified in CS-E
low temperature starting test
ingestion of rain and hail
bird strike and ingestion
compressor and turbine blade failure
What alternative hydrocarbons (or other fuels) could be used in the future?
sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
hydrogen (gas turbine or fuel cell)
What are some future propulsion concepts?
boundary layer ingesting engines (reduces drag)
WET (water enhanced turbofan)
electric propulsion
Why are engine simulations necessary?
Because engines must work in a wide range of conditions
What links between components are there in engine simulation?
fluid state at exit equals fluid state at entry
energy/power balance
mechanical equality (same rot. speed on same shaft)
What flight states are used to describe engine power?
Max. takeoff (MTO)
highest power and thrust
low flight speed <0.2 Ma
high ambient pressure and density
Max. Climb (MCL)
highest aerodynamical load on components
Ma ~0.75
cruise altitude
Max. Cruise (MCR)
beginn of cruise with max. cruise thrust (no weight reduction yet)
Ma~ 0.75
state with highest thermal efficiency
Ground Idle: 25-50 % max RPM
low altitude
Flight Idle: higher rpm due to lower density
lowest states in which safe operation is possible
How much total pressure loss would the intake of the concorde generate (Ma ≈ 2,2), if it would use a pitot inlet?
Ca. 37%
Last changed5 months ago