Which 7 factors limit VA
young- dev of fovea + neural connections= better VA
old- pupil miosis, reduced ret lum= reduced VA
Retinal eccentricity- density of cones and gang cells reduces with increasing RE- VA=6/30 at edge of macula
Neural limits- spots of light must fall on seperate photoreceptors seperated by 1 unstimulated photoreceptor
Pupil size- optimum = 2-3mm
small pupil= reduce ret lum= bad BUT reduce abber= good
large pupil= increase ret lum= good BUT increase abber=bad
Luminance- room = 30% of test chart luminance. Va plateus at high lum
Contour Interaction- crowding effect of optotypes
if number of letters on each line varies= crowding varies
crowding occur due to adjacent letters/ lines around each letter
Describe the 4 types of VA & what are their limits.
Detection / discrimination- presence of an object against a plain background.
Localisation- spatial location of one target to next
Resolution- seperation of elements
Recognition- seperation of elements + identifying wha pattern/shape is.
** Resolution and Recognition are dependent on photoreceptor spacing + rx Bigger Rx= bigger blur circle = more overlap at retina
Minimum Angle of Resolution (MAR) vs Angular Subtense (AS)
smallest angle between 2 points that can be resolved by the eye
1arc minute - in healthy eye
size of the object given as an angle
depends on distance and linear size of object
Spatial frequency
measured in cycles per degree (cpd)
6/6= 1’= 30cpd
higher SF= sharp edges of letter= smaller detail= harder to resolve
bigger Rx affects high SF before low= edges disappear before filling
Characteristics of an ideal test chart design
high contrast optotypes
well illuminated
optotypes recognisable by px
opto= equal legibility- some letters easily recognisable than others
opto= consistent spacing btwn lines
consistent number of opto on each line
cann be scored exactly
measures range of VA: no ceiling limit ( lack of large letters)
no truncation( lack of small letters)
Limitations of Snellen Chart
no easy way to score VA
unequal number of letters on each line
irregular spacing btwn each letter = greater contour interaction
irregular spacing between each line of letters
has optotypes which are of unequal legibility
Bailey Lovie Chart (1974)
British letters on a 5x4 grid
AKA present day LogMAR chart
scored logMAR
each letter changes by 0.02logMAR
each line is 1.26x smaller than above
lines smaller than 6/6= -ve logMAR
*to change from Snellen to LogMAR, divide lower number by 6 then log ans. eg. 6/24= log4= 0.60 logMAR
ETDRS chart ( Early Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart)
5x5 Sloan letters
Uses LogMAR scoring
Comes in various formats :
diff distances
diff letters
low contrast
charts can be used at different distances:
1/2 dist= add 0.03logMAR
2x dist= subtract 0.03logMAR
lower logMAR score = better VA
LogMAR scoring
if whole line read= record logMAR score
if line partly read= take score for line and add 0.02 for every letter missed
for below example, work 1 line at a time:
for 0.2 line, add 0.02 for any letters missed, 2x0.02=0.04 = 0.24
for 0.1line, subtract 0.02 for any letters seen, 1x0.02=0.02
final score : 0.24- 0.02= +0.22
Contrast sensitivity vs contrast threshold
CT= minimum difference in contrast that is detected
CS= 1/CT, expressed as a log
0.5% contrast= 2.301 logCS
99% contrast= 0.004logCS
0 is the biggest change in contrast i.e black on white
higher CS= easier to see
CS chart design
older charts= vistech CST, tested at 3m. had to identify orientation of grating but eye is less sensitive to oblique gratings
Bailey Lovie + ETDRS availble in low contrast
Pelli Robsonn chart
each triplet chnges contrast by 0.15logCS
used at 1m
letters are large so Rx doesnt matter
each letter is o.o5logCS
Mars letter chart similar to Pelli Robson but hand held at 50cm
Why do we need to assess CS
CS reduced inocular disease:
corneal dystrophies
CL wear
optic neuritis
indicates daily tasks that VI px stuggle with
measuring px contrast reserve
What is the contrast sensitivity function
graph of CS against SF
peaks at 3-5cpd= 6/60 to 636
at high SF we need high CS to see
cataract affects high and low SF
when to test for CS
if px has any ocular dieases mentioned
older rivers
px with VI (visual impairments) to slect LVAs (low vision aids)
px who complain vision isnt clear with normal VA
what do you say in a referral letter for px with cataract
although this px is able to reach 6/9 VA on CS testing they show significant CS loss which will affect their daily living activities.
Last changed4 months ago