occupational vs vocational standards
occupational: relating to person's health and safety
what are the groups for different types of vehicles?
Which are the 3 areas of drivers vision requirements?
Grp 1= cars and motorcycles
Grp 2 lorries and buses
VA standard
VF standard
Notifiable conditions
what is the VA standard test for Grp 1 drivers?
must be able to read numberplate from 20m outdoors AND VA>=6/12
each refers to binocular so driver can have only 1 eye
if VA of 6/12: number plate test wil determine
if VA <6/12 : license not issued
what is the VF standard for Grp 1 drivers?
binocular VF at least 120” AND
at least 50” R and L AND
no significat defect within 20” of fixation
have to perform Binocular Esterman test
what are some notifiable conditions that driver must infom DVLA of?
diabetic retinopathy ( with laser therapy)- affects VF
glaucoma- affects VF
nyctalopia ( night blindness)- affects VF
retinitis pigmentosa
VA standard for Grp 2 drivers?
Monocular standards so driver cant have 1 eye
better eye = 6/7.5 corrected + worse eye = 6/60 corrected AND
Rx not greater than +8D because VF is reduced ( all powers in CL allowed)
** if Rx +8.25, try reduce BVD
VF standard for Grp 2 drivers?
binocular VF at least 160” horizontally AND
70” R and L
no defects within central 30”
Conditions affecting VA for driving
Standard size numberplate with correction from 20m outdoors
px with reduced CS from glaucoma, cataract, ARMD or any other ocular media opacity.
each test is sepearte i.e seeing 6/12 doesnt mean numberplate will be visible.
WHat to do if px doesnt meet driving standards
Clearly tell them they are unfit to drive.
if the patient consents to this tell the patient that they have a legal duty to inform the DVLA about their condition and that you may be obliged to tell the DVLA if the patient continues to drive when they are unfit to do so
put your advice in writing to the patient
record your advice and keep a copy of any correspondence to the patient on the patient record.
Last changed5 months ago