Communication is an art of exchanging ideas , facts information etc. from one person to the other or entity to others. It is a process of passing information from one person to the another person with the help of a medium is termed as communication.
Transportation is an movement of animals, goods and people from one location to another location or it can be defined as carrying of goods animals and people from one place to another place.
An Intrapreneur is an person who as an authority and support from his company to implement his new innovative and creative ideas.
An entrepreneur is an person who starts business and who is willing to take risk loss in order to make money. A person who is an innovator who introduces new innovative combinations of means of production.
Agro tourism
Agro tourism is an idea of bringing the urban residents to local areas by empowering local communities both socially and economically.
Motion study
The study of the movement of animals employee as well as a machine while completing a particular task is known as motion study.
Time study
It is an technique of observing and recording the time required by an employee to complete the given task is known as time study
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