What is a VUCA World?
VUCA stands for Volatitlity, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambguity
Volatility -> Rapid and unpredictable changes, like technological innovations
Uncertainity - > Difficult to predict outcomes due to unknown factors (like globalization)
Complexity -> Many interconnected variables to understand systems clearly, like economic systems
Ambiguity -> Lack of clarity about meaning of interpretations
Success in this context requires flexibility, adaptability and understanding complexity.
Learning vs not Knowing? Explain the differences
Learning is a self-guided process that builds on exising knowledge.
By learning we can either boost the lonterm or shortterm memory.
Declarative memory vs Procedural Knowledge
Memory can be divided in short and long term. It enters in long term if more attention is given ot the information, like repitiion or asscociation with an emotion.
They can be also either:
Declarative -> being able to recall factual information like names, events, dates
Procedural memory -> Skills and routines, like cycling, or sports
Known unknown and unknown unknown
Known unknowns -> Things you now about but dont know
Unknown unknown -> Thngs you dont known and are unaware that you dont know
Explain the 4C Model of collaborative learning by Sauter
4 parts are needed to learning in the digital age.
Collective learning - Working thinking together, sharing ideas to achieve innovation and productivity -> Example the peer review in academic setting. or Open source projects.
Collaborative learning -> Learning happening thourgh cooperation among learners and teachers etc. Example: project based learning scenarios - where students work in teams to solve problems.
Continous learning -> Happening everywhere and not ties to a place. It is a lifelong process that goes beyond formal education. Example like learning on the job
Connected learning -> unbounded by physical locations. Access information through internet and working collabratevly by using modern tools.
What is Consolidation?
Consolidation is the manifestation of the memory through exercises and repetition, which eventually leads the information to end up in long-ter-memory.
Which statement on the requirements of a VUCA world, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, is correct?
In the VUCA world, all situations are fundamentally complex and no action is possible following proven rules and patterns.
Even in a VUCA world, not everything is “complex”; instead, there are more or less complicated, complex or chaotic situations in which different principles of action and decision are appropriate.
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are not new phenomena; therefore, strictly speaking, there are no real new challenges today compared to the past.
According to the Stacey Matrix, every situation can be assigned to an appropriate principle of action; therefore, in the VUCA world, reliable forecasts and decisions can ultimately always be made.
What is a particularly promising approach to exam preparation?
Ultimately, the best exam preparation is always to learn the whole material by heart as systematically as possible, e.g., with the help of a flash card system.
It is effective and efficient to first look closely at the examination requirements, get an overview of the subject matter, and draw up a learning plan based on this assessment.
Effective and efficient exam preparation always begins with learning the subject matter as comprehensively and thoroughly as possible, followed by an gaining an overview of the exam requirements.
For both homework and seminar work, it is important to work through the entire learning material thoroughly and memorize as much as possible because the learning material always forms the basis of further work.
What has to be considered when designing learning processes?
It is important to identify which type of learner you are (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) and to consider this while learning.
It is advantageous not to make any personal reference to the subject matter; otherwise, the mind will be affected by emotions.
Sustained engagement as well as a positive emotional connection with the material is essential to learning.
Although reflection is important when assessing learning material, it ultimately obstructs the reinforcement and embedding of what has been most recently learned, as this new knowledge is being questioned through critical reflection and cannot be easily consolidated.
Explain Memory content creation and storage in the brain
transfer of information from short to long term memory.
What is reflection and explain single-loop, double and triple loop learning!
Which statement about not-knowing is correct?
Ultimately, any form of ignorance leads to a loss of power to act; therefore, it is not possible to act competently without complete knowledge.
Errors are not a problem in the learning process in that they can be easily resolved by new information.
The mistaken belief that one knows or has the ability to know something (error) presents a double obstruction: First, it filters out what is relevant inhibiting the recognition of new, important information; secondly, it ensures that further errors arise because new information is “reconstructed” in such a way that it could be connected to the error.
Taboos should always be respected unquestioningly as effective means of reducing complexity.
Last changed3 months ago