
People management

by Jakob L.

Sources of external recruitment

  • Internet and social networks

    • Source increasingly used, both by recruiters and candidates. For example, Linkedin.

      • Advantages: low cost, speed, ability to offer a large amount of information and possibility of segmentation (if ads are placed on parceled websites)

      • Disadvantages: massive access to information and difficulty in introducing restrictions

  • Recruitment specialized companies and headhunting

    • Generalist recruitment companies —> link between the vacancies of their clients (companies looking for candidates) and the candidates

    • Management level recruitment companies (headhunters) —> they only hire certain roles, usually important positions of a company, hence the target group are managers, executives and directors

  • Temporary employment agencies (TEA’s)

    • “lend” staff to a company that wants to fill a vacancy for a certain period of time. They are the ones who hire the workers and make them available to other companies

  • Educational institutions

    • Universities, technical schools or other academic institutions have candidates with a medium-high qualification who can be good candidates to cover certain profiles —> interships in companies

  • Other associations

    • For example: trade unions or professional associations

  • Referrals

    • Employees recommend potential candidates and in return some companies reward them for providing valid candidates. It is a fasteer way to have candidates, in addition, the candidate usually knows the organization and usually has a profile that adapts well to the profile sought since the employees know the personeel needs of the company.

Methodologies for selection processes

  • Psychotechnical tests

  • Specific knowledge tests

  • Group dynamics: psychological assessment technique used in personnel selection that places cadidates in interaction in order to produce observable behaviours conductive to the assessment of attitudinal traits necessary for the position

  • Professional tests: simulate the real working conditions of a gives position. Not only the resolution of the test is evaluated, but also the time and procedure followed

  • Business games and management simulations: simplified representation of the business reality or the position in which the qualities of the individual are evaluated to make decisions, information management, face complex situations

  • Resolution of cases and assumptions: candidates must solve a case (real or fictitious) or at least try. Both the result and the procedure followed are evaluated

  • Assessment center: test designed to cover highly qualified managerial or professional positions. It evaluates the skills of the candidates that they will have to demonstrate for several days, in several selection tests and ususally in a certain place (a hotel for example). Requires a large investment of time and money

  • Interview: its objective is to clearly detext the most visible aspects of the candidate and their relationship with the requirements of the position. It is essential that the interviewer knows the position perfectly (JD)

    • BIASES: Stereotypes, Halo/echo effect, Primacy/recency effect, Projection of the interviewer in the interviewee, Contrast effect

    • How to avoid mistakes: Analyze very well the position to be filled; standardize, plan and structure the interview; several interviewers are present; take notes and if possible, record


Jakob L.


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