define presbyopia, near add, multifocal lenses, AoA
presbyopia- gradual loss of pxs ability to accomodate
near add- additional sph power needed in addition to distance refraction for near tasks
multifocal lenses- lens with 2 or more powers to correct vision at diff distances
AoA- max accom that is produced by individual
What is accomodation and what happens in the anatomy and physiology of presbyopia?
Accomodation- increase in power of the eye to allow foccusing at near distances
Normal ppl: IIIrd cranial nerve innervate cil mcs action= zonule fibres relax= lens become thicker
Presbyopics: changes in visco elasticity of lens capsule + hardening of lens nucleus. Zonules fatigue and cil msc atrophy
How is the near triad affecte by presbyopia?
Near triad: accom, miosis, convergence. All innervated by IIIrd nerve
cil msc= accom
medial recti= convergence
iris sphincter= miosis
In presbyopics stil show convergence and miosis but not accom
describe the optical impact of presbyopia in myopes and hyperopes
Myopics: far point = nearest point a myopic can see unaccomodated and uncorrected. FP = inverse of myopia ( 3D= 0.33m)
uncorrected myopia cancels out accomodative need so presbyopic myopics can remove correction for near tasks
Hyperopes: FP is behind eye so viewing near target pushes FP further away.
Available accom is reduced. Hyperopes wear “distance” correction for near tasks.
Reported symptoms of presbyopia. Impact of presbyopia
print looks too small or blurry
having to hold near tasks further away
tiredness, headaches
having to take distance specs off for near tasks esp myopics
struggles to see low contrast tasks
struggles to focus at distance after near tasks
inconvience of removing/putting specs on
looking/feeling old
cost of eyecare
Which factors affect onset of presbyopic symptoms
residual accom
myopes cope better than hyperopes
task demands: - small tasks size, clower WD, sustained tasks, contrast
height- shorter pl = shorter arms=hold things closer
pupil size- bigger = increased ret illuminance but reduced depth of focus
gender- females dev presbyopia earlier than males
what is accom reserve
percentage of AoA unused beacuse we wont be comfortable working at threshold for prolonged periods
can use 2/3, 1/3 in reserve
eg if task at 33cm…
Different correction for presbyopes
single vision near specs
bifocal specs
trifocal specs
PPLs ( verifocals)
degessive powered lenses
monovision CLs - one eye for distance, one eye for near
multifocal CLs- optics different to PPLS
monovision refractive surgery- make eye myopic
multifocaal IOLs
presbyopia vs hyperopia
How to assess near visual function
near VA- logMAR layout, letters or symbols. add0.30 if distance halved
asses unaidied + specs to estimate Rx
assesed after distance refraction for near add.
if using reading chart, ask if text can be seen, dont make px read out loud ( uncomfortable)
reading acuity = smallest target size that can be resolved-
requires cognitive ability + understanding of language BUT not good test bz word shape is recognised
MNRead Chart
reading speed- gets worse when VA worsens. measured in words per minute
CPS (critical print size ) is the smallest size print that can be read fluently
Measuring AoA
use RAF rule
a subjective assessment of the near point
use N reading block
read off D and ask when N5 becomes blurry
must have full distance Rx when testing
AoA results
for pre-pres, compare to age norms. low values indicates uncorrected hyperopia
use Hofstetter rule, but tends to over-estimate
How to determine the near add? 3 ways
use age based assumptions at set WD. (dont prescribe, just use as starting point)
use available accom vs required WD. get px to sit at desk and hold chart at normal distance.
Estimate 0.50 for first time presbyopes or previous add as starting point.
listen to px: if print looks smaller/hold things further away, their add needs to go up
if px hold things too close, their add needs to go down
How to test for near add
How to check end point for near add
0.25 binocular flippers
Give least plus so if plus makes NV same don't give it
Duochrome should be balanced
Near Mallett unit- aim to leave px on green
When is intermediate adds needed?
How is it calculated?
When near add is 1.50D or higher
incipient presbyope vs early presbyopes vs later presbyopes
Explain change in NV is normal and will stabilise
Discuss options for next time
Advise on lighting
Don't talk about age
May need lower add
No need for intermediate
Likely to have an add
No need to measure AoA
Add unlikely to change after 55
Last changed3 months ago