making your business available to the public-Börsengang
company which belongs to the parent company-Tochtergesellschaft
legal dispute
to cosy up
to get along with someone for a benefit-sich bei jmd. einschleimen
to litigate
to go to court to sue someone-vor Gericht gehen/einen Prozess gegen jmd. führen
parent company
the main company-Muttergesellschaft
money that a company receives by selling their good/services-Umsatz (income/earnings)
stock offer
share offering-Aktienangebot
institutional investor
big investor-institutioneller Investor
full disclosure
full transperancy, to have nothing to hide - full revelation: vollständige Offenlegung
done very badly, to fail (a botched operation) - mishandled: verpfuscht
it’s said to be true but has not been proved - supposedly: angeblich
to sue
to take legal action against a person or an organisation - to litigate: verklagen
mom and pop investors
inexperienced investors - Investoren mit wenig Knowhow
to ramp
to increase the speed, power, or cost of something (ramp sth. up) - etwas beschleunigen
Wall Street Chums
Wall Street friends - Wall Street Kumpels
to coincide (with smth.)
to happen at or near the same time - mit etw. übereinstimmen/zusammenfallen
someone who comptes with other people to try to win something-candidat, competitor: Kandidat, Bewerber, Mitstreiter
gross merchandise revenue
total amount of sales a company makes over a specified period of time-Bruttowarenumsatz
abbreviation for Security and Exchange Commission: organization which provides rules for stock markets in order to protect investors
to get stalled
stop or cause to stop making progress: ins Stocken geraten
to scrutinize
to examine smth very detailed and carefully (check,inspect,examine)
a problem that you have to deal with before you can make a progress - Hürde
to hit a snag
to get into trouble- auf ein Problem stoßen
smth that is extremely large and often extremely powerful- Ungeheuer, Gigant
smth that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence- unit: Einheit, Einrichtung
to appease
to prevent further disagreement by letting the opposing side have something they want-to pacify: besänftigen, befrieden
to be profitable- lukrativ
the share price tanked
the share price collapsed/plunged/decreased…
to be very nervous, anxious- zappelig, unruhig
the chicken and egg situation
it’s impossible to decide which of two things caused the other one (which one is the cause and which the effect)
very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention-remarkable: auffallend, bemerkenswert
in an unpleasantly or sharply clear way- sehr deutlich (klipp und klar)
the act of using, eating, drinking.. something- konsumieren
reallocation of capital
Kapitalumschichtung - reallocation=Umschichtung
augmented reality world
erweiterte Realitätswelt
niche hobbyist
someone who enjoys a specialized hobby (often uncommon) that appeals a dedicated group of people: Amateur
an occasion when a plan or an idea begins to exist-accomplish, fulfill: Verwirklichung
state attorney
a legal officer appointed or elected to represent a state in a court proceeding within a district - Staatsanwalt
to weather the downturn
to deal successfully with (in this case) the downturn: den Abschwung zu überstehen
a job that is available in an organization: freie/offene Stellen
an occasion when a company stops employing someone - Entlassung
something that is quick, light and agile in movement or thought-moveable: beweglich, flink
class action lawsuit
a legal action that is organized by a group of people who all have the same legal problem - Sammelklage
to cut down by x% the workforce
to reduce the number of employees by x%: die Anzahl der Angestellten um ..% reduzieren
coming or likely to happen soon - bevorstehend
never having happened or existed in the past-unique: beispiellos
something consisting of two or more different parts - "Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.": Zusammensetzung
“she could conceivably have already left”-used to say that it is not certain - possibly: möglicherweise
the situation in which there is more than enough of something- generosity: Großzügigkeit
a way of avoiding a direct answer or opinion- to candy coat something, being cautious: sich nciht festlegen wollen
to estimate
to guess - schätzen
a belief or idea - Vorstellung, Ahnung
when parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way - Zusammenhang
the possibility that smth can be made, done or achieved - Durchführbarkeit
to assert
to say something is certainly true - to claim: behaupten
to posit
to suggest something as a basic fact from which a further idea is developed- auf etwas basieren
a situation or a statement that is unclear due to its double meaning - Ambivalenz
to plunge
to push something down - stürzen
to assuage
to make an unpleasant feeling less strong - Kummer besänftigen (to assuage concerns)
two waves of redundancies
if the company lays off in two rows: zwei Kündigungswellen
the fact of something existing or happening often - weite Verbreitung
to yield
an amount of something that is produced or supplied- ergeben, hervorbringen, liefern
the official in a local government who deals with legal matters - Rechtsanwalt: lawyer
to preserve
to keep something in existence-to maintain: etw. bewahren
to conduct
to organize and perform a particular activity - durchführen
to compel
to force someone to do something - to force: zwingen
a small problem or mistake that prevents something from being successful or working as well as it should- problem, difficulty: Fehler, Störung
a public meeting of a large group of people especially supporters of a particular opinion-meeting: Zusammenkunft
the act of obeying a law or rule, especially one that controls a particular industry or type of work- Regeltreue, Konformität, Übereinstimmung
damaged in quality, taste or value - flawed: verdorben, belastet, befleckt
continuing for a long time - anhaltend (the speech was greeted by sustained applause)
create a good buzz
für gute Stimmung sorgen
to pile up
smth. that is positioned on top of another thing - accumulate = sich anhäufen, sich ansammeln
to fall very quickly and suddenly - abgestürzt
the responsibility or duty to do something- responsibility: Verantwortung, Last, Bürde
to reiterate
to say something again once or several times - to repeat: etw wiederholen
not large in size or amount or not expensive - bescheiden, mäßig, dezent
only recently formed or started but likely to grow larger quickly - neu aufkommend
if two or more things coalesce, they come or grow together to form one thing or system - sich verbinden, zusammenführen, verschmelzen
the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future - Folge, Auswirkung
anywhere at anytime - allgegenwärtig
enemy - Feind
to fail to do something such as pay a debt that you legally have to do: Nichterfüllung, Versäumnis, Vertragswidrigkeit
to loom
to appear as a large often frightening or unclear shape or object - appear: (drohend) auftauchen, erscheinen
to emerge
to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something - auftauchen
interest rate
the interest percent that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money - Zinssatz
a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and down - Schwankungen, Fluktuation
supply chain
the system of people and things that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to the person who buys it - Lieferkette
to exacerbate
to make something that is already bad even worse - etw. verschlimmern, verschärfen
a state of balance - balance: Gleichgewicht
real estate market
something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing - Rückschlag
a need for goods/services customers want to buy/use: Nachfrage
provision of goods/services - Angebot
not effective - unpraktisch, untauglich
something that encourages a person to do smth - Fördergelder, Anreize
to facilitate
to make something possible or easier - etwas erleichtern
to enact
to put something into action especially to make something law - etwas erlassen, verordnen
to amplify
to increase the size or effect of something - verstärken, erweitern, vergrößern
the act of saying or proving that a person, statement, opinion etc. is wrong or false ( to refute) - Widerlegung, Entkräftung
to allocate
to give something as a share of a total amount - etwas zuteilen, zuweisen, zuordnen
an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization especially in order to buy a house or the amount of money itself - Hypothek
an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service - Gebühr
having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated way - kompliziert
a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public - Einzelhändler
the profit made on a product or service - Marge, Gewinnspanne
someone who is selling something- seller = Verkäufer
dual class share
a company offering at least two classes of stock: Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
to encounter
to experience something especially smth. unpleasant: begegnen, auf etw./jmd. stoßen
to enhance
to improve the quality, amount or strength of something: etwas verbessern/stärken/fördern
the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power of achieved by each working separately- Synergie, Verbund
cash flow
the amount of money moving into and out of a business- Geldfluss
to minimize the risks by including different types of things - Diversifikation, Risikostreuung
corporate culture
the beliefs and ideas that a company has and the way in which they affect how it does business and how its employees behave - Unternehmenskultur
something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts - Vermögensgegenstand
the act of strongly encouraging or trying to persuade someone to do something - Appell, Ermahnung
a word or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power - Mantra
a situation in which you do something badly or make a big mistake - Mist bauen, Schlamassel
Something that you hope to achieve -ambition: Ambition, Streben
a long search for something that is difficult to find or an attempt to achieve something difficult - Suche, Streben
to disseminate
to spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas etc to a lot of people-etwas verbreiten
to inflict something on somebody
to force someone to experience something very unpleasant- auferlegen, aufdrängen
giving u more information and understanding of something - aufschlussreich
wanting to annoy, upset or hurt another person especially in a small way because you fell angry towards them - gehässig
showing feelings of hating women or a belief that men are better than a woman - frauenfeindlich
not skilled or effective- ungeschickt
something or someone that provides a way of passing something such as information or payments from one person to another - Vemittler, Verbindung
the state of being successful or thriving- Wohlstand
to rein it in
to control something and stop it increasing - etwas zügeln
used to describe a task that can never be completed- Sisyphusarbeit
ad hoc
made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned before it happens -spontaneous: ad hoc, spontan
a level or situation that you intend to achieve (a target can also be a person) - Ziel
to accelerate
to happen or make something happen sooner or faster - beschleunigen
to perk up
to become or cause someone to become happier,more energetic, more active - munter werden, aufheitern
to aggravate
to make a bad situation worse -to exacerbate: etwas verschlechtern/verschlimmern
a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future - Erwartung
to surge
to increase suddenly and strongly - (stark) ansteigen
a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad - Rezession, Wirtschaftsrückgang
likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly especially by getting worse - unbeständig, instabil
to peter out
to gradually stop or disappear- abklingen, zu Ende gehen
the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty - Zweckmäßigkeit
the possible results of an action - Auswirkung, Konsequenz - implication
a charge or list of changes either for services or goods entering a country - Zoll(tarif)
an amount of money that is paid to an employee, esp. for each hour worked- salary: Lohn
basic, without details or extras: schlicht, ohne Schnickschnack
(“It's a no-frills store supplying only basic goods at affordable prices.”)
the condition of being at a very low level and not increasing: stagnierend
an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions: Umfrage
making something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad ( to mitigate a punishment): etwas lindern/mildern
lasting a long time (She says she stopped seeing him, but I still have lingering doubts.)-prolonged: verbleibend
a warning to consider something before taking any more action: Vorbehalt
reasonable and acceptable (He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense.): legitim
a lawyer who speaks for or defends someone in a court of law: Rechtsanwalt, Verteidiger
covering a large area; having a great range (The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspapers): ausgedehnt, umfangreich
the quality of being easily hurt or attacked (You want a doctor who understands the patient's vulnerability.): Verwundbarkeit, Verletzlichkeit
causing or likely to cause an argument (She has some very contentious views on education.)-controversial: kontrovers, umstritten
felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way-intense: tiefgreifend, tiefgehend
a person who supports an idea, plan, or cause: Befürworter
attributing human qualities to non-human things — such as objects, animals: menschliche Eigenschaften auf Tiere/Objetke etc. übertragen
sentenced to a particular punishment, especially death: (zum Tode) verurteilt
a responsibility to do something because it is legally or morally right to do it:Pflicht
an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false (It is a common fallacy that women are worse drivers than men.): Irrtum, Trugschluss
too slight or small in amount to be important:unbedeutend, unwesentlich
money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought: Steuer
an amount of money that is returned to you, especially by the government, for example when you have paid too much tax: Rückzahlung, Rückvergütung
alive or having life: lebend
a way of speaking that is intentionally not clear and is confusing to other people, especially to hide the truth, or something said in this way-ambiguity: Doppeldeutigkeit
to permit
to allow something: etwas gestatten/erlauben
involving two or more different countries or cultures (Cross-cultural understanding is essential in a global economy.): interulturell
the fact that someone or something can easily be influenced, harmed, or infected: Anfälligkeit, Empfänglichkeit
the chance that something will happen-probabilit: Wahrscheinlichkeit
movement from one part of something to another: Wanderung, Migration
the process of solving an argument between people by helping them to agree to an acceptable solution: Schlichtung
someone who starts their own business: Unternehmer
a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these-bill: Rechnung
the process of paying to have part of a company's work done by another company: Ausgliederung, Fremdbeschaffung
the process of employing new people to work for a company or organization-to employ: Rekruitierung, Personalaufbau
a large amount of information stored in a computer system: Datenbank
to have the main offices of an organization in a particular place: Hauptsitz
the ability to influence situations or people : Einfluss, Hebel(kraft)
a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period: Durchbruch
a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business: Anteil
the amount of money that a company's owner has put into it or owns: Eigenkapital
stock exchange
a place where shares are bought and sold, or the organization of people whose job is to do this buying and selling: Börse
the ability of a business or system to grow larger: Skalierbarkeit
prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair: Voreingenommenheit, Vorurteil
the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties-toughness: Durchhaltevermögen, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit
able to be trusted completely-reliable: vertrauenswürdig
the fact of being available in the form of money: Zahlungsfähigkeit
a new idea or method: Innovation, Neuerung, Reform
unique selling proposition: a feature of a product that makes it different from other similar products: Alleinstellungsmerkmal
to pitch
to try to persuade someone to do something by giving a presentation: jmd. von etwas überzeugen, jmd. etw. vorstellen
the act of measuring the quality of something by comparing it with something else of an accepted standard: Benchmarking
a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens (shopping facility, sport facility…): Einrichtung, Anlage
a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name: Franchise
a statement of what is likely to happen in the future (weather forecast): Vorhersage
Joint Venture
a business or business activity that two or more people or companies work on together: Gemeinschaftsunternehmen
the amount of money that a person or organization owes: Schulden, Verbindlichkeiten
an occasion when two or more companies or organizations join together to make one larger company: Fusion, Verschmelzung
a time or day by which something must be done: Frist
a person who owns shares in a company and therefore gets part of the company's profits: Aktionär, Anteilseigner
an employee, investor, customer, etc. who is involved in or buys from a business and has an interest in its success: Teilhaber, Anspruchsberechtigter
an amount of time that is available for an appointment, delivery, etc: Zeitfenster
to supervise
to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely: überwachen, beaufsichtigen
to inquire
to ask for information: nachfragen, anfragen
venture capital
money that is invested in a new company, especially one that involves risk: Risiko-/Wagniskapital
all the people who work for a particular company: Belegschaft, Personal
a collection of different investments that are owned by a particular person or organization: Wertpapierbestand
Last changed2 months ago